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The Feel Good Factor


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Now, I should explain that I'm not actaully from Bristol. I have realatives on my Mum's side that come from the blue half of the city, but they left Bristol years and years and years ago.

The main reason I follow/support the City is my step dad. He took me to my first City match against Bolton when I was 8 at Wembley and I haven't really looked back since. That is until this season.

I'm twenty eight now and have lost count of the many, many trips I've taken to watch City play both home and away. I live in Hertfordshire, so every game is an away game for me.

I years gone past I felt very strongly about the club. I even felt strongly about the City of Bristol depite the fact I'm actually from Glasgow! I loved the wurzels drank cider and ate ginsters pasties!! I'm ashamed to say it but I've even been caught up in a few skirmishes to protect the good name of our club.

Where is all this going I hear you saying. Well, why don't I feel like this anymore? I've only seen the City play 7/8 times in the last two seasons. I don't have the same pangs of pain when I see the scores come through on Sky Sports News. I find I'm following Rangers more ( seen the Gers play 4 times this season ). I don't even play as City on CM anymore. Something inside me has died! What? I don't know. Maybe it's age creeping up on me. Maybe I really can't be bothered anymore. Or maybe it's something else.

In twenty odd years of following City I've never felt to distant from the players, manager, directors or even the wonderfully helpful ladies in the ticket office. I can trace this feeling back to our playoff defeat against Brighton. We had a good bunch of lads playing for us. We had a decent manager. Things had really gelled together. I felt like part of one big family. WE WE'RE ONE BIG FAMILY!!

But, like so many divorces things have become very messy. Why did Danny Wilson leave? Why was Tinnion given his dream job? Because it was the cheap option! Why do we have to pay almost as much to watch City play rubbish teams like Swindon as I've paid to watch Rangers play Inter? Because it makes the the board more money! Why do we have to put up with a whole multitude of rubbish from the club? Because they don't care anymore!

I'm can't be the only one who feels like this! Look at the gates we're getting. Look at the gates we're taking away.

Who would have thought that defeat to Brighton on that lovely sunny sunday afternoon in Cardiff was going to mould our club into a laughing stock......and ultimately kill my interest in the club I love!!

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Guest Cherrypie

Now, I should explain that I'm not actaully from Bristol. I have realatives on my Mum's side that come from the blue half of the city, but they left Bristol years and years and years ago.

The main reason I follow/support the City is my step dad. He took me to my first City match against Bolton when I was 8 at Wembley and I haven't really looked back since. That is until this season.

I'm twenty eight now and have lost count of the many, many trips I've taken to watch City play both home and away. I live in Hertfordshire, so every game is an away game for me.

I years gone past I felt very strongly about the club. I even felt strongly about the City of Bristol depite the fact I'm actually from Glasgow! I loved the wurzels drank cider and ate ginsters pasties!! I'm ashamed to say it but I've even been caught up in a few skirmishes to protect the good name of our club.

Where is all this going I hear you saying. Well, why don't I feel like this anymore? I've only seen the City play 7/8 times in the last two seasons. I don't have the same pangs of pain when I see the scores come through on Sky Sports News. I find I'm following Rangers more ( seen the Gers play 4 times this season ). I don't even play as City on CM anymore. Something inside me has died! What? I don't know. Maybe it's age creeping up on me. Maybe I really can't be bothered anymore. Or maybe it's something else.

I bet you feel a little bit guilty though don't you?. You can't deny your one true love. I am in a similar position. First saw City in 1966, aged 5!! Live near Reading and work shift, nights, weekends etc now but still go to about 5 home games and a few away. Every time I go and they lose I say "right, that's it, i've had enough. I've spent enough money watching this shower" etc but I still get drawn back and have that little tight knot in my stomach when I walk in the ground and sit near to where my grandfather sat for all those years. Your feelings are normal. next time you have a spare saturday say to yourself "maybe just one more time". You are not alone

In twenty odd years of following City I've never felt to distant from the players, manager, directors or even the wonderfully helpful ladies in the ticket office. I can trace this feeling back to our playoff defeat against Brighton. We had a good bunch of lads playing for us. We had a decent manager. Things had really gelled together. I felt like part of one big family. WE WE'RE ONE BIG FAMILY!!

But, like so many divorces things have become very messy. Why did Danny Wilson leave? Why was Tinnion given his dream job? Because it was the cheap option! Why do we have to pay almost as much to watch City play rubbish teams like Swindon as I've paid to watch Rangers play Inter? Because it makes the the board more money! Why do we have to put up with a whole multitude of rubbish from the club? Because they don't care anymore!

I'm can't be the only one who feels like this! Look at the gates we're getting. Look at the gates we're taking away.

Who would have thought that defeat to Brighton on that lovely sunny sunday afternoon in Cardiff was going to mould our club into a laughing stock......and ultimately kill my interest in the club I love!!

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