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Prediction League Update

Maesknoll Red

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It seems defeat is now featuring in posters minds, as a lot of you predicted the home win for Swindon, with a large percentage putting Fallon as a scorer.

Last week's most effective crystal balls were owned by; Wurzel of Oz, Nogbad the bad & Swindlered - all taking 16 points, right on their tails was Dogbert with 15 points.

Top Twenty

Private Cider (cider army) 91

Chez 87

london red 85

bartolona 81

Nogbad the bad 81

bobby 78

Dogbert 75

Robbored 73

fRED 70

Boxing Kangaroo 65

RedEmz 65

Maltshoveller 64

Wurzel of Oz 62

city nut 60

Red Tauntonian 58

Kings Norton Red 58

romanson 58

pilnin' ciderhead 56

applejunkie 55

Stylus 55

Full table can be found on the PL website -


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