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Its A Sad Sad Day....

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I am SO upset and low today. Can't believe I walked out early but I couldn't watch and suffer anymore.

I just can't believe how low our club has sunk so quickly. What happened to the days we competed effectively with clubs like Wigan, Plymouth, Luton, QPR, Cardiff, Stoke etc etc. Look where they all are now.

What happened to the days when players would sweat blood for our club and would wear the shirt with so much pride?

I can take losing - it's part of giving up so much time and money to support a club. But I can't accept players looking like they don't care.

I grew up in the East End watching Glyn Riley, Steve Neville, Rob Newman, Andy Llewellyn, etc giving everything they had.

I absolutely loved those days and I also loved the times when Bob Taylor and Robbie Turner terrorised defences all over the land.

Those teams gave us some fantastic times through sheer bl00dy effort and no little skill - but waht have ew got now? A team with no confidence and with body language that suggests they couldn't give a toss.

Its a sad day and I just want this wretched season to end.

Right - I'm off for some therapeutic lagers............


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Well said, you speak for so many other fans. Shame I can't join you for a few lagers (distance, alcoholism, etc.) but will raise a cup of tea in disgust.

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Guest bristolbred

I can't wait to read or hear Gary's after match comments!!!

Got to be good for a laugh!!

Wonder how many more "hand-grenades!" he's going to lob in the dressing room??

And how many teams who were bottom of the division at Christmas, go on to avoid the drop??


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Guest bristolbred

Well I'm off out for a few beers in a bit too. I wont be drowning my sorrows though. Why let a crap football team get you down

They wern't that crap, as we could of lost 1-5!!!

But the Chesterfield player scuffed his shot!!


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Guest Parksey

We need to point the finger at the man who has overseen this debacle over the last 2 years . He is ourt of his depth and hopeless. We need someone to buy the club and this may happen if we go down- as there will be a fire sale of assets to pay off debts .

Lansdown do yourself and the club justice .

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