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Next Point/next Win?


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Would be interested to know when you all think we will get our next point/win. Personally, I can see us losing our next three games at least.

My prediction for next win...Rotherham (H) - 28th December.

I just can't see us escaping relegation, I'm afraid. There's been too much disruption. There's no continuity. And we have had too many injuries. We haven't got a strong enough midfield.

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Guest pirate100

When was the last time you girls won?

Good to see Lenny is having that 'new manager' impact down at the Rugger Ground, it's all down hill from here!

good to see gary is having that 'new manager' impact down at the sh!t's ground, downhill for you and us both. :englandsmile4wf:

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Guest The Codfather 0312
Would be interested to know when you all think we will get our next point/win. Personally, I can see us losing our next three games at least.

My prediction for next win...Rotherham (H) - 28th December.

I just can't see us escaping relegation, I'm afraid. There's been too much disruption. There's no continuity. And we have had too many injuries. We haven't got a strong enough midfield.

Yes with negitivity like that from all the fans then yes we will go down. We need to all pull together at this hard time and act as one.

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Guest pirate100

When was the last time you girls won?

Good to see Lenny is having that 'new manager' impact down at the Rugger Ground, it's all down hill from here!

our last win, by the way was a good one against some welsho's. wrexham. that was a good laugh, something your lot havnt had for a looooooooooooooooooooooooong time indeed.

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Guest The Codfather 0312

hey i'm a big boy now. leave it out! :englandsmile4wf:

Pirate100 Profile.

Supported City since 1987

So that would make you around 17ish, Fresh out of school and probs in childish place collage or 6th form.

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Guest pirate100

So that would make you around 17ish, Fresh out of school and probs in childish place collage or 6th form.

no, it says 1987, but that could mean i'm 90 for all you know. its says ive supported city since 87. i only support them in going down by the way. :englandsmile4wf:

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Guest The Codfather 0312

no, it says 1987, but that could mean i'm 90 for all you know. its says ive supported city since 87. i only support them in going down by the way. :englandsmile4wf:

Your name is matt isn't it.

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Would be interested to know when you all think we will get our next point/win. Personally, I can see us losing our next three games at least.

My prediction for next win...Rotherham (H) - 28th December.

I just can't see us escaping relegation, I'm afraid. There's been too much disruption. There's no continuity. And we have had too many injuries. We haven't got a strong enough midfield.

back to the question in hand....

the reality of it is that hopefully the next win is next game.... optimistic?


but there are 84 points to play for over 28 games..... over the last 4 seasons the teams that have gone down have got 50 or less points .....

that means we probably need at least 34 points which is winning 11 of the 28 games...

( and thats bare minimum and doesn't guarentee safety ) so to be honest i don't think we can as GJ says wait till january.... other wise we are going to need at least 11 of 21 games ...... thats a tall order..... and no room for error....

######*T i was optimistic untill i typed this!

Now ive just depressed myself!

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11 wins out of 21 games is a tall order indeed, and that's very likely to be our target as it's hard to see any wins before the New Year.

We've got to hope for a big freeze between now and January meaning all games cancelled.

Looking outside and hearing the forecast it's not beyond the realms of possibility either. :pray:

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Yes with negitivity like that from all the fans then yes we will go down. We need to all pull together at this hard time and act as one.

It's not 'negativity'. It is just an honest, realistic assessment.

Oh sorry...you're right...we are going to win all our games for the rest of the season, we will have 20,000 crowds for every game because everyone has 'pulled together', the season after we will the Championship, and the season after the premiership blah blah. There, my new postive approach has solved all our problems at a stroke.

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Yes with negitivity like that from all the fans then yes we will go down. We need to all pull together at this hard time and act as one.

Perhaps you could pass that on to the manager and the players, because they certainly aren't pulling in the same direction as the supporters.

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Yes with negitivity like that from all the fans then yes we will go down. We need to all pull together at this hard time and act as one.

your trying to get steve lansdown out on you other thread.... how is that all pulling together..... or acting as one?

i think we've had enough distractions for one season... and that would have the most catastophic effect of tham all... one we certainly don't need if we are to save this season!

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I wouldn't be at all surprised if we beat Doncaster. I'd even say we could pick up points against Bradford and port vale. The must win games are gillingham and rotheram.

Football changes FAST! Have faith.

I'll stick my neck out and predict 12 pts from the next 6 games.

I certainly hope so.....

we are certainly due some luck..... ( which will be nice in the form of 3 points )

it doesnt matter how we get them... pretty or ugly football...

we just gotta learn how to grind out results for survival....

and gotta learn fast...

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