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If You Were On The Outside Looking In


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would you give us a chance of staying up?

I wouldn't. I think it's easy to get wrapped up in supporting a football team, and see things through rose tinted glasses. But is this the right way to look at things.

I agree it's better to be confident about staying up, afterall it takes the same amout of effort to be confident as it does to be negative. However, if you look at Swindon and put your logical head on, do you think they will survive? Again, I don't.

So, step back from City, just pretend you support Rochdale, and ask yourself if you'll be going to Ashton Gate next season for a league match. I think most footie fans are looking at us and wondering whats happened and quite possibly thinking we're doomed.

The reasons for our position are evident and there for all to see. It pains me to say it. But I think we will be traveling to Rochdale next season on our way to Division Two mid table misery!!!!

Anyway, what do you guys and gals think? Will we stay up or are we doomed to basement footie next season? ( remember, you support Rochdale for the purposes of this question)

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I cant honestly see us staying up. Everything points towards relegation. I think we will be too far adrift by the time we can bring in new players in january as i don't think we will get very many points at all between now and then. Personally I'm not too optimistic about the magical turn around in Jan that some people are hoping for.Even if we bring in some new players, how many will it be, who will they be and what quality? will they have time to gel? and who in their right mind would want to come to City at the moment? The clubs in a mess and is a joke at the moment. Hate to think it, but i have almost given up on us being able to turn it around.I'm sure some will say that this is ridiclulous considering how long is left in the season, but to me i think things will just get worse and worse. I don't see any light at the end of this tunnell what so ever.

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It's about what we can do before January and what GJ can bring in then.

If it's the same quality of the loan signings then God help us.

When I hear that Branstons one of the players, frankly, I cringe :crying:

I've already posted some details regarding our next ten games and that period looks like make or break.

Clearly, if we go on playing like we are, we're doomed and, after watching Johnson and listening to him on World, I have severe doubts that he'll keep us up.

Hope I'm wrong :(

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It doesnt look good does it? Not only are we playing badly, we are shipping loads of goals, the personnel we are bringing in, are in my opinion, weakening the side (Baz Savage - what's that about?) and now the luck is against us in terms of injuries. We need a turn of luck soon and just scrape a win somehow & whilst people are pinning their hopes on Jan, we could already be cut adrift by then. Working on the basis that whoever is down there at Christmas goes down, then we are in trouble.

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We are not doomed yet, and at least we have some hope of having a vastly improved team in the New Year.

It may well be too late then, and i'm certainly not optimistic, but at least we do seem to have a 'plan'.

The only good thing is 7 other teams - Swindon, Rotherham, Gillingham, Blackpool, MK Dons, Tranmere and now Yeovil are also having an awful season.

The confidence will be draining from these teams as well and only 4 of us can go down.

With this scenario of 8 clubs in trouble it may be that less points than usual will be needed to stay up this season.

I hope this means that in the second half of the season City can at least make a decent fight of it, but if it comes to needing 50+ points to stay up then it looks like we've had it.

If things pan out like many of us dread between now and the New Year, City may well have to show near- promotion form for the last 20 games to stay up.

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As an outsider looking in, I would be amazed if you didn't stay up.

For one thing there must be at least four teams who are worse than you are currently.

Secondly your manager must be on borrowed time - eight defeats in row. Come on, GJ must be thinking of jumping ship before he is sacked, which he will be. Bring in anyone as manager before Christmas and your players will pull together and you will be safe.

I just wish I could be as confident about our chances o f staying up... :blink:

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Its always worth looking at the bookies to see what their thoughts on the subject are. Bet 365 are the only ones displaying odds at the moment and have quoted City as 13/8 to be relegated. Put into context they view us as having a 38% chance of relegation. and 62% chance of us surviving.

Don't forget its 4 clubs down from this league. Favourites are Swindon at 1/4 - a whopping 80% chance of them playing League 2 football next season.

Others in with a shout are MK Dons at 8/11 or 58% chance of relegation.

Blackpool at 11/8 or 42%

Gillingham at 6/4 at 40%

Yeovil are 11/4 or 27%

These price also include the bookies overrounds so the true prices would suggest that the teams have a slightly better % chance of staying up.

Given our current predicament some may feel that the 62% chance of us playing League 1 football next season to be a bit generous!!

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If I was a Rochdale fan I would be thinking of who will we be playing next year when we finally get into League 1.

There 4th in the table and going quite well by all accounts.

As for my looking at City from the outside. A lot of fans see us as a big club who should be promoted by now.

We do have more financial muscle than most in the division and so most would probaly think as we do that we should click sometime this season and move clear of the relegation zone.

The really interesting thing is how City respond when we do finally win a game and whether we kick on from that. If we go back to losing games back to back again then I really fear for our future this season.

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I've chatted to varied mates and acquaintences that support other teams and all I get is disbelief. People are always asking 'what's going on??!'.

We still have a reputation with other supporters as a club due success. It's hard to explain that actually we're rubbish! Personally, i like to see 'big' clubs get relegated so if I were an outsider I'd probably find it funny. As an insider it's anything but funny.

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City will stay up, if for no other reason than there are plenty of other teams that are worse than the current side and that the opposition don't have the resources or support to stay up. The position now is very much a mental thing and can be shaken off. The key thing is that this isn't the premiership and a few wins are achieveable and will very much change the look of the table.

The deciding factor will be the quality of the incoming players in Jan, but they don't have the luxury of being able to settle into the team for long before results will be necessary. For my money, City will stay up. I don't have much but I would match any bet to say they will be safe. :doh:

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To be honest, I'm so, so, so, so bored about hearing of 1982 and the debicle that preceeded it!

If more had been done prior to the early 1980's then the club wouldn't have been in the mess that it was in. Infact, you could almost level the same at the current situation!

What happened in 1982 has absolutely NO bearing on the outcome of this dire season. The league table doesn't fib! we're second bottom and that is exactly where we deserve to be. As far as being too big to go down, I ask you all to look at Forest, Sheffield Wednesday and Manchester City. They thought they were too big/good to tubble through the football league. No team is safe. Especially one thats playing badly!

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To be honest, I'm so, so, so, so bored about hearing of 1982 and the debicle that preceeded it!

If more had been done prior to the early 1980's then the club wouldn't have been in the mess that it was in. Infact, you could almost level the same at the current situation!

What happened in 1982 has absolutely NO bearing on the outcome of this dire season. The league table doesn't fib! we're second bottom and that is exactly where we deserve to be. As far as being too big to go down, I ask you all to look at Forest, Sheffield Wednesday and Manchester City. They thought they were too big/good to tubble through the football league. No team is safe. Especially one thats playing badly!

But it is a way of putting things in perspective as it was a fairly important event in the history of the club (as people seem to think our current plight is).

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In all due respect, 1982 was more than a fairly important moment. It was pivotal to having the club we support today. The only similarities are the totally inept board of directors the club had then and now.

Like I said. I'm bored to tears regards 1982. The fact that we were bottom of the entire football league then and survived has NO relevance now!

Because the Camaroon beat Argentina in the world cup of 1990 does that mean they'd beat them again next time they play?

I ask you!!

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In all due respect, 1982 was more than a fairly important moment. It was pivotal to having the club we support today. The only similarities are the totally inept board of directors the club had then and now.

Like I said. I'm bored to tears regards 1982. The fact that we were bottom of the entire football league then and survived has NO relevance now!

Because the Camaroon beat Argentina in the world cup of 1990 does that mean they'd beat them again next time they play?

I ask you!!

Yeh I was being ironic with the fairly thing. Perspective is why people refer to 82 all the time.

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