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For Christs Sake People

Guest thesaviour

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Guest The Codfather 0312

I've been trying to get this through to people but they seem to just prefer the doom and gloom. The term fighting a losing battle comes to mind. As far as I see it we are going through a bad storm, We need to ride that storm and then come out fighting at the end, Not just roll over and die like 90% of the people on here seem to be doing.

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I've been trying to get this through to people but they seem to just prefer the doom and gloom. The term fighting a losing battle comes to mind. As far as I see it we are going through a bad storm, We need to ride that storm and then come out fighting at the end, Not just roll over and die like 90% of the people on here seem to be doing.

But you don't go down every week do you, end up paying for a ticket only to be let down by players not putting in the effort, week after week. What the hell do you expect cod?

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Guest Harry Dolman

Anyone at the Chesterfield will have witnessed one of the best atmospheres at the Gate for a long time - there is passion for you.

I do not think we will be promoted, I actually think we will get relegated. I will be happy with survival, delighted with mid table.

That makes me a realist, not a glory hunter. Just because you are of the opinion that the team won't do very well it a) doesn't make you any less of a fan & b) doesn't stop you getting behind the team when they play.

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But you don't go down every week do you, end up paying for a ticket only to be let down by players not putting in the effort, week after week. What the hell do you expect cod?


Has anyone else noticed that when someone mentions that Coddy doesn't actually GO to games he disappears?

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Yes, we have a defence like a sive and the strikers get no service, it really is a WIN WIN WIN situation as we prepare to storm the Division. I just hold the paper upside down so I can dream of us catching Swindon. The idea of watching non-start entertainment every Saturday really gives me sooo much pleasure. And hearing GJ's balanced comments where he backs his players to the hilt are great. And, he never mentions Yeovil or Latvia at any time. Eight successive 'Deferred Successes' just fill me with optimism for the future. Things have never been better.

Must go, Men in White Coats are here...... :w00t:

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I've been trying to get this through to people but they seem to just prefer the doom and gloom. The term fighting a losing battle comes to mind. As far as I see it we are going through a bad storm, We need to ride that storm and then come out fighting at the end, Not just roll over and die like 90% of the people on here seem to be doing.

So what you are saying is that it is OK for 90% of Johnsons assortment of poorly organised, poorly motivated players and poor loan signings to roll over and die whereas the fans have to sit there warmly applauding everything that is going on before them. I would say that the people who are following this joke of a football club every week are fighting. Most of them are going to the matches fighting the urge to stay at home and not be poorly entertained, cold and miserable at 4:50p.m. every week. Whereas some people are not fighting anything. They just sit at home in the warm, are £20+ richer and offer expert comment behind a computer screen.

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Guest essex exile

wheres the optimism. wheres the passion.

Certainly not on the pitch at the gate come saturday afternoon! :grr::grr:

just trying to persuade my boss not to let me leave early next tuesday :rofl2br::rofl2br:

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