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Premier Seating Is Vital

Guest WillsbridgeRed

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

£2.4 Million pounds.

NO football club could turn this down, especially us. I hope those that made such a fuss for selfish reasons realise that the football club is for the benefit for everyone in Bristol, not those that have sat in the same seat for a few years.

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Guest bristolbred

Premier Seating!!.

Top Idea, especially for all us OLDER supporter's who have developed Hemorrhoids over the years of sitting on cold wooden seats!!.

About time we had plush heated seating!!.

And hope we get OAP concessions!!.


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Guest North Street

I did enjoy Colin S's remark that he did not think it had been bad pr.After all he had consulted six thousand business's but forgot about the fans."Our City our club boys"!

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I did enjoy Colin S's remark that he did not think it had been bad pr.After all he had consulted six thousand business's but forgot about the fans."Our City our club boys"!

I'm pretty sure a huge majority would have said it was a good idea having now heard the monetary value of this idea. Good one city, i didn't realise they already had businesses lined up for the seats. Good move.

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£2.4 Million pounds.

NO football club could turn this down, especially us. I hope those that made such a fuss for selfish reasons realise that the football club is for the benefit for everyone in Bristol, not those that have sat in the same seat for a few years.

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Right, Sextone has finally given a few figures, although they do appear a bit pie in the sky. The point regarding moving seats was NOT just a case of a bunch of whingers moaning for the sake of it. I have mentioned before, it is not so much the moving, as the total lack of respect that the Club has shown.

My thought have been posted on the Ask Steve page, and I hope you will agree, I have been critical but constructive. To omit such basic courtesies was an appalling oversight, and yet Sextone still insists his PR is wonderful. Quite a few people were not happy with the way it has been handled, rather than the fact of losing their seat, and if just 30 people do not renew, which may be a conservative estimate, that is a loss of seating revenue of around £10K per year, plus other associated sales. Small values maybe, but still a source of revenue. The way I have felt is that the Club is so busy chasing this new money that it has completely lost sight of the true fans who have supported the Club for many years.

I am now expecting Mr S to reply suggesting that with the extra revenue the Club does not need bothing to apologise to poor plebs like me! After all, his PR is so perfect (Well, in his head at least).


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Guest north red

£2.4 Million pounds.

NO football club could turn this down, especially us. I hope those that made such a fuss for selfish reasons realise that the football club is for the benefit for everyone in Bristol, not those that have sat in the same seat for a few years.

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Guest north red

Willsbridge you should respect the views of supporters who have been sat where they have for so long.Without them this club would be nothing.

Willsbridge you should respect the views of supporters who have been sat where they have for so long.Without them this club would be nothing.

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Willsbridge Red - I find your last posting very offensive.

Try reading my post on 'Ask SL' rather than just making wild accusations at us older fans. You will note that I make little objection about moving, more about the way it has been handled. The Club never saw fit to give us those figures initially and explain things properly, perhaps if it had, and they had shown a bit more respect, there would have been less of a backlash.

You clearly enjoy watching City, well if people like myself and Marko back in 82 had not dug deep, YOU would have no Club to support. So it is thanks to us selfish old Duffers that you have a Club to watch and can spout such pathetic and ill-informed drivel on this forum.

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£2.4 Million pounds.

NO football club could turn this down, especially us. I hope those that made such a fuss for selfish reasons realise that the football club is for the benefit for everyone in Bristol, not those that have sat in the same seat for a few years.

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Guest sprout1883

Dunno, you'd have to ask someone at your club.

Despite our terrible current form I still think won't be going down there with you.


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I will believe it when it is in the BCFC bank account.

Typical Sextone, another pie in the sky figure, just like the first figure for the new (sorry) delayed stand was, 'oh sorry we forgot to budget for a 2nd tier, never mind'.


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I think the point most of us were making regarding the changes was the lack of decent options on offer to replace our existing seats!

Anyway, I have since spoken to Colin and received more detail and am reasonably happy with the options available now I understand them better and they have been explained better. Also, the second letter sent from the club helped to explain the process better. I will also be going to a meeting today to discuss in more detail before I make my choice. So yes, a lot happier now I have the info I need and now I understand better the reasoning and just how beneficial the new premier seating could prove to be for the club.

So I will stop being one of those "selfish whingers"!!!! or is that "concerned fan"?????

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Guest pentlandsl

I wonder who would get this extra money - Bristol City Ltd or Ashton Gate Stadium Ltd?

What difference would it make I hear you ask. If it is the former then the money will be used to improve the team but if it is the latter then it could be used to service the secured debts of the club, including directors loans. Whilst the ground improvements are being touted as the recipients of this money, they do not add up to 2.4 million.

Just a thought.

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I wonder who would get this extra money - Bristol City Ltd or Ashton Gate Stadium Ltd?

What difference would it make I hear you ask. If it is the former then the money will be used to improve the team but if it is the latter then it could be used to service the secured debts of the club, including directors loans. Whilst the ground improvements are being touted as the recipients of this money, they do not add up to 2.4 million.

Just a thought.

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But whether you, I or anybody else likes it or not, the secured debts of the club have got to be reduced at some stage. What makes me laugh in this thread generally though is that a couple of the "holier than thou" types who are criticising people for moaning are the biggest whingers when it comes to issues that affect them. Such as letters from Mr Draisey, East End being open, poor Shirt design, crap badge....the list goes on. Yet as soon as people moan about an issue that does not affect them they say it is not a big deal and accuse others of being selfish.

I personally am not bothered. Instead of getting a season ticket in the Williams I will go in the Ateyo next year but it is a simple fact that the club could have handled the situation and informed people in a far more professional manner. The easiest way to bring people bad news is to do it early and explain it properly. You don't then end up with "selfish whingers!!!".

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Am I right in thinking the club sent out two letters to people affected and offered meetings to discuss it, and the main complaint was that the letters were less apologetic than they could have been?

Because the reaction seems to be out of proportion if that's the total of the complaint, or have I missed something?

I don't think the separation of the stadium and the team affects the fact that the income from this will mainly go on stemming the massive loss the whole business makes every year.

By the way, the only thing I've complained about was the letters about swearing at a football match because I thought they utterly moronic, and I don't sit in that block.


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Get your facts right please, another tier = millios more for a few extra seats. They made a sensible cost/benefit decision there.

As for the seating thing, well.... If people are complaining that they didn't get a personalised letter containing the word sorry then I guess that's fair enough. Hardly a big deal though.


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