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Atmosphere Improver

Percy Parrot

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Well in recent weeks we have had great noise at Ashton Gate. The one thing we can still improve on is the visual side of things though.

Well, I was wondering how many of you are aware that the club shop sells flags on sticks for about £6/7 that ARE allowed in the ground.

They are on a plasticy handle, so safe.

They are in the club shop- stood in a bucket by the counter. There is also one on the wall behind the staff.

They are a St. Georges cross (with a big fat red cross), with our badge on it and BCFC in the corners. They look great in my opinion.

I think Ashton Gate would look SUPERB if a lot of people brought one of them. It would really look like all them flags we had at Millenium Stadium/Wembley.

Does anyone know they exist, know they ARE allowed into the ground, have one or plan to buy one?

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I like flags when you see them on big televised games, hung up on every possible hoarding or fence there is and would like to see this down A.G.

I hate them when some gimp like meat head fuelled with a sniff of shandy insists on waving it in front of my face for 120 minutes (thats 15 minutes before the game and continuing through half-time normally with a litlle dance move to impress their labotomised (sp?) mates).

So, that's a definite maybe for me :unsure:

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

I aint taking life so seriously.

I love a laugh, a sing and a shout at football.

I like a good atmosphere

I don't like flags, I can just see some muppet waving it infront of me for 90 mins, or some little kid I don't have the heart to tell to stop.

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I aint taking life so seriously.

I love a laugh, a sing and a shout at football.

I like a good atmosphere

I don't like flags, I can just see some muppet waving it infront of me for 90 mins, or some little kid I don't have the heart to tell to stop.

yeah but at games I think people generally recognise that they should put it down when game kicks off. It's more a pre-match, as teams come out thing.

If a kid waves it around in front of you and you don't have the heart to tell him to stop...just kick him! :unsure:

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Guest wishbone

what a great idea. Get that flag out - get ALL the flags out.

Let's go for it & help the squad all we can.

Balloons, flags, whatever!

We can all squash our inhibitions for a while & show some support for our team.

Tell the dad, rather than the in-yer-face-flag-waving -kid then you won't feel so bad.


See you at Peterborough.

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Great shout again Percy.

What happened to the lads that were supposed to run up & down behind the goal with their flags?

I must admit, while in principle the flag thing is great, I remember too well that in the LDV final, I had a kid sat behind me who played with his flag all game & I lost count how many times I got it in the back of my head.

But saying that only certain areas of the ground will get the majority of flags waving.

What about the red/white cards on seats for the big games coming up?

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Some great ideas - flags, red & white etc

How do we organise this so it happens at the next home game, or key games to come.

I would love to see the whole crowd getting more engaged in visually and verbally supporting the team/manager and showing them how much we appreciate them :D:):D

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Wasn't it against the gas when everyone had red and white cards to hold up, now that was a good sight. The problem with that is the cost and the little kids (and not so little) who make paper aeroplanes and throw them on the pitch and into teh back of your head. Would still be good to have them for one of teh big games coming up.

What do people think the chances are of the two big games games being made red and white nights?

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

As much as I laugh at people from the continent I've thought it always looks impressive when a group of them jumps up and down waving their scarfs round and round.

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