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Just Back From Blackpool


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Just back from Blackpool, and can't believe we didn't beat them yesterday, they were there for the taking, brooker should have had another one, but seemed to stop on the ball for somereason, but all in all i suppose a point is better than none, here's to 3 points next week instead.

How i didn't wake up with a headache is a miracle! Did wake up with a bruise on my elbow though, if you are the git that throw there ice on the floor that made me go ass over tit in brannagens then I'm not happy with you, made me look a right tit!

Seen parts of blackpool in the earlier hours of this moring that i didn't even know excisted! Must learn my left and right! Either that or i should get sat-nav on my phone!

Fair plays to the 696 Fans that travelled up and i hope your weekend was as entertaining as mine, but saying that it isn't over yet, hopefully won't be as drunk tonight as last night later though :unsure:

Keep the faith, UP THE CITY :city::city:

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