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3 Players Who Came Off Yesterday


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Miller, Goodfellow and Wilkshire: definately deserved to come off, and we looked more threatening when they did. Is this possibly a sign that they have not totally gelled with the team yet? I thaught we looked more 'together' when they came off..

They are all good young players but I think it was grit and determination which won us that game yesterday, and maybe having the 'old guard' (players who've been at the club a number of years) on the pitch gave us that extra bit of determinataion (they might know eachothers' game better).

I'm probably looking too much into this, what do you think?

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Yeh, sometimes you need to grind out a result and that's what we did yesterday. Some of the more established city players have the experience to do that. Also sometimes just bringing on a couple of new players in 2nd half re-energises the team.

Miller - works his socks off from the start, so is an obvious candidate for substitution after 60-75 mins

Lita - been showing his class from the bench and now earning 20-30 mins regularly

Goodfellow - seems to be struggling a bit, remember he hasn't played regular first team football before, takes time to settle in and get used to week in week out games

Wilkshire - been away for a month, taking time to fit back in, and I think he plays better alongside Doc than Tinman

Good for us that we have such choice in the squad and that we have the ability to bring on subs like Lita, Doc, M.Brown, Roberts, Burnell, Fortune, etc :D

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Guest exiledred

totally agree, i think the difference between this season and previous few is that we now have a very strong squad- stregnth in depth is whats needed to win the league- our bench is very strong


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