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Sir Colby-Tit

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Many English descended Republicans are alive and well to this day in the USA Republic enjoying a standard of living we can only dream of.

So when are you heading Stateside?

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OK, Germany was a collection of Germanic states at that time and were not united as 'Germany' until the time of Bismarck in the 1880's. As for the Jacobites succeeding as imposter monarchs of England, of course I would have opposed them as I'm English and Republican. Many English descended Republicans are alive and well to this day in the USA Republic enjoying a standard of living we can only dream of. :whistle:

In answer to revkev, the sun still shines undimmed from the dear departed Oliver Cromwell even almost 350 years after his death. Cromwell represents a beacon of hope for all Englishman that are currently coerced and subjugated by the royalist tyranny of today's England. :w00t:

The fact that the Us is a much larger country abundant with natural resources would have nothing to do with that "higher" standard of living then ?, depsite the fact that they have a much larger percentage of people below the poverty line than we do, they have a much higer crime rate than we do, a higher murder rate than we do, umm not entirely sure i'd say they have en mass a higher standard of living than we do in this country. Considering that most goods are relatively more expensive than they are in this country, they only appear cheaper because of the exchange rate. On certain things, most notably property prices they are generally cheaper because of thesmall fact that they have somewhat more space then we do, but in good built up areas prices are comparible to ours if not far more expensive. The great Us republic which was forged against the will of half the country, and to the detriment of half the country (suppose it fits in with the ###### everyone else to make as much money as possible ethos that is prevelent over there) I'd sooner die than live in the US, and the day this country gets anywhere near as bad i'm gone.

As for those great English rebublican descendents, you sure they are not puritanical religious nutters ? who we wanted rid of ? so this country could actually develop rather than them trying to force us back to the dark ages ?

Prey tell me what great difference to my life it would make living in a republic ?

As for Cromwell, what an awesome man he was, happy to persecute the catholics, while crying that protestants were being persecuted, hmmm i smell hypocracy here, also apparently disliked the absolutist rule of to monarchy, yet disregarded this when he used his troops to force parliament to sign the death warrant of charles I. Lets be honest his war and time in power achieved nothing, the monarchy was restored his body was exhumed, hung drawn and quartered. the man was a religious fascist and no better tha those that went before him. There were far better absolutist rulers than cromwell, Fredrick the Great of prussia, was an enlightened absolutist and was a better man than cromwell ever could have hoped to be.

The Glorious Revolution of 1688 and it's effects achieved far more than cromwell ever did, and the financial revolution of the early 18th century went even further in limiting the powers of the monarchy, cromwell was but an intermission.

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The fact that the Us is a much larger country abundant with natural resources would have nothing to do with that "higher" standard of living then ?, depsite the fact that they have a much larger percentage of people below the poverty line than we do, they have a much higer crime rate than we do, a higher murder rate than we do, umm not entirely sure i'd say they have en mass a higher standard of living than we do in this country. Considering that most goods are relatively more expensive than they are in this country, they only appear cheaper because of the exchange rate. On certain things, most notably property prices they are generally cheaper because of thesmall fact that they have somewhat more space then we do, but in good built up areas prices are comparible to ours if not far more expensive. The great Us republic which was forged against the will of half the country, and to the detriment of half the country (suppose it fits in with the ###### everyone else to make as much money as possible ethos that is prevelent over there) I'd sooner die than live in the US, and the day this country gets anywhere near as bad i'm gone.

As for those great English rebublican descendents, you sure they are not puritanical religious nutters ? who we wanted rid of ? so this country could actually develop rather than them trying to force us back to the dark ages ?

Prey tell me what great difference to my life it would make living in a republic ?

As for Cromwell, what an awesome man he was, happy to persecute the catholics, while crying that protestants were being persecuted, hmmm i smell hypocracy here, also apparently disliked the absolutist rule of to monarchy, yet disregarded this when he used his troops to force parliament to sign the death warrant of charles I. Lets be honest his war and time in power achieved nothing, the monarchy was restored his body was exhumed, hung drawn and quartered. the man was a religious fascist and no better tha those that went before him. There were far better absolutist rulers than cromwell, Fredrick the Great of prussia, was an enlightened absolutist and was a better man than cromwell ever could have hoped to be.

The Glorious Revolution of 1688 and it's effects achieved far more than cromwell ever did, and the financial revolution of the early 18th century went even further in limiting the powers of the monarchy, cromwell was but an intermission.

Advantage Spud, new balls Goblin.......

Spud, you make an interesting point about getting rid of the extremist nutters, sending them to remote parts of the world. The Dutch did that with their extremists, which is why South Africa was such a wonderful tolerant place for so many years (not unlike the deep south of the USA).

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Advantage Spud, new balls Goblin.......

Spud, you make an interesting point about getting rid of the extremist nutters, sending them to remote parts of the world. The Dutch did that with their extremists, which is why South Africa was such a wonderful tolerant place for so many years (not unlike the deep south of the USA).

There you have it, Oliver Cromwell's body was exhumed, hung, drawn and quartered. The royalist low lifes could never defeat a living Cromwell so they took to digging up his long dead body for their vindictive ceremonial occultist ritual. When this country finally becomes a Republic once more there may be a few rubbish carts awaiting the exhumation of the dead royalists currently buried at Westminster. English law works on the principal of precedent you know. :w00t:

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There you have it, Oliver Cromwell's body was exhumed, hung, drawn and quartered. The royalist low lifes could never defeat a living Cromwell so they took to digging up his long dead body for their vindictive ceremonial occultist ritual. When this country finally becomes a Republic once more there may be a few rubbish carts awaiting the exhumation of the dead royalists currently buried at Westminster. English law works on the principal of precedent you know. :w00t:

Problem is, when you get rid of the monarchy we still have the problem of a shambles of a democracy, an unfair distibution of wealth, racial tensions, and Bristol City stuck in League One.

We've got a struggle on our hands people.

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Vote Goblin for President? :crying:

That's right, a vote for an elected head of state has to be better for democracy than no vote at all as is the current situation in this country. Why is Queen Elizabeth II head of state when no one voted for her? Anyway revkev, I'm voting for you as President of any future UK Republic so that you can take the flak when things go wrong. :w00t:

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As a C of E clergyman I'm not allowed to stand for elected office, but thanks for the vote of confidence anyway. Parish ministry has more than enough flak already.

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That's right, a vote for an elected head of state has to be better for democracy than no vote at all as is the current situation in this country. Why is Queen Elizabeth II head of state when no one voted for her? Anyway revkev, I'm voting for you as President of any future UK Republic so that you can take the flak when things go wrong. :w00t:

Is there currently an organised movement campaigning for a Republic?

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Is there currently an organised movement campaigning for a Republic?

The website www.centreforcitizenship.org might shed some light, and if you go to your search engine there are some timesonline articles about how a future "Queen Camilla" could cause a split for the Commonwealth.

Am surprised that Goblin hasn't replied to this post before now!

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The website www.centreforcitizenship.org might shed some light, and if you go to your search engine there are some timesonline articles about how a future "Queen Camilla" could cause a split for the Commonwealth.

Am surprised that Goblin hasn't replied to this post before now!

Me too!

My theory is actually in strong contrast to his. I think we should make the most of having a monarchy, but I also believe in social equality over blood-line selection.

So my idea is this: anyone interested is given (they don't have to pay) a lottery ticket and each December a draw is made. The lucky winner then get's one calender year on the throne to rule over our fair land. Their fameily get the palace for that time. Brilliant.

The fact is, although I don't agree with our current monarchy getting everything on a plate, I would like to be king of England to see what it's like.

Anyone with me on this one? What permutations am I ignoring here?

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