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Hypothetical I Know, But...


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Say you could choose betwen City going up this year (or any year really, I guess) or England winning the World Cup? What would you choose? See a better quality/level of football week in, week out, or the one-off glory that would be lifting the World Cup in Germany in the summer.

Personally, City is an everyday thing, so I would choose Club before Country. That's obviously not to say I'd be chuffed to my moon-boots to see us win the WC, but just thought I'd see what the consensus was.

Oh, and nofx, you owe me drinks various for the IT Helpdesk support over the weekend!!!


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Club before country, particularly when a succession of England managers have, in their blinkered ignorance, refused to pick City players through some sort of vendetta.

However, if England could win the World Cup this summer and City go up next year (it's too early for us this season), I'd be pretty happy.

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Club before country, particularly when a succession of England managers have, in their blinkered ignorance, refused to pick City players through some sort of vendetta.

Today England unveiled the new shirt in Manchester. Thrilled to be going to see some true heros I ran to the Printworks still wearing my PJ's. Scrabbling through the crowds I looked and I looked and I looked. It was all in vain Bas Savage was nowhere to be seen.

What does he have against BCFC?

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Guest DrFaustus

Say you could choose betwen City going up this year (or any year really, I guess) or England winning the World Cup? What would you choose?

England winning the World Cup. :)

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Today England unveiled the new shirt in Manchester. Thrilled to be going to see some true heros I ran to the Printworks still wearing my PJ's. Scrabbling through the crowds I looked and I looked and I looked. It was all in vain Bas Savage was nowhere to be seen.

Ignornant bastage that Erikkson.

What does he have against BCFC?

Brooker and Rooney up fron, not there's a front-line you don't mess with!

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I say this with a heavy heart, but I would go for the world cup.

My reasoning being, that i have seen city get promoted a couple of times, but i have never seen england win the world cup ( except on tv ).

The whole country going crazy and a possible national holiday. You just wouldnt get that with city. :pray:

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You'd rather see us fail than your own team go up or England win the world cup? You sad sad man.

I'd rather Rovers went up than an England world Cup win.

It's bad this 'obsession' but desperate times and all. I can't say I get carried away or excited to see city scoring, because we're crap and normally loose in the end. Even on a run of a few games its inevitable that we person who i don't agree with it up, so why get excited in the first place?

Instead of trying to stay optimistic about this team I would rather aim all my passion at the gas. It's just another perspective and it's easier to contemplate.

I'm not sure though whether I dislike the gas more than I like city.

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It's bad this 'obsession' but desperate times and all. I can't say I get carried away or excited to see city scoring, because we're crap and normally loose in the end. Even on a run of a few games its inevitable that we person who i don't agree with it up, so why get excited in the first place?

Instead of trying to stay optimistic about this team I would rather aim all my passion at the gas. It's just another perspective and it's easier to contemplate.

I'm not sure though whether I dislike the gas more than I like city.

I get what you're saying, but that guy, given the choice, would rather Rovers struggle than for City to end all the years of hurt and get promoted. I smile when city lose, but given the choice, I'd rather have my own team do well over anything else.

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I get what you're saying, but that guy, given the choice, would rather Rovers struggle than for City to end all the years of hurt and get promoted. I smile when city lose, but given the choice, I'd rather have my own team do well over anything else.

I have a name mofo.

When city win I don't get any comments from anyone about it.

When the gas win I hear lots and lots about it.

When the gas loose I make a few comments about it.

It's my own situation that has resulted in that perspective, and it's easier at the moment to see the gas loose than city winning. In fact even now that we are win I get nothing but grief for us being in that position in the first place.

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I have a name mofo.

When city win I don't get any comments from anyone about it.

When the gas win I hear lots and lots about it.

When the gas loose I make a few comments about it.

It's my own situation that has resulted in that perspective, and it's easier at the moment to see the gas loose than city winning. In fact even now that we are win I get nothing but grief for us being in that position in the first place.

Sorry if I offended you,mofo, didn't mean to. But, surely, if you chose for City to go up, you wouldnt have any of those people giving you grief for being in a bad poisition - you'd be top of the league!

I just find it sad that you'd rather see another team struggle than the team you spend your money on pay you back with success.

I'm enjoying the fact that City are having a bad time lately, as i personally keep hearing how funny it is that Rovers are in L2. But I'd prefer Rovers go up than city go down.

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Sorry if I offended you,mofo, didn't mean to. But, surely, if you chose for City to go up, you wouldnt have any of those people giving you grief for being in a bad poisition - you'd be top of the league!

I just find it sad that you'd rather see another team struggle than the team you spend your money on pay you back with success.

I'm enjoying the fact that City are having a bad time lately, as i personally keep hearing how funny it is that Rovers are in L2. But I'd prefer Rovers go up than city go down.

Heh, no offense taken, just being a primadonna ;p.

Just because I would prefer city to go up doesn't mean it's going to happen. At least like this the gasheads don't see my dissapointment when we do loose/don't get promoted.

No expectation leads to no dissapointment.

It's easier to say the gas are crap than to say city are mediocre and in one of the worst stints of their history. It's just a way of diverting attention.

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It's bad this 'obsession' but desperate times and all. I can't say I get carried away or excited to see city scoring, because we're crap and normally loose in the end. Even on a run of a few games its inevitable that we person who i don't agree with it up, so why get excited in the first place?

Instead of trying to stay optimistic about this team I would rather aim all my passion at the gas. It's just another perspective and it's easier to contemplate.

I'm not sure though whether I dislike the gas more than I like city.

You sad sad *******. Bloody hell, how can you not get excited seeing City scoring? And you're so apathetic towards the City that you'd rather see the Gas struggle than support us? I find it unbelievable that any true City fan can have this attitude, but its no wonder some of our fans give us this name of being fickle and bitter when comments like this are made. I couldn't give a damn about the Rovers, they could win League 2 by 40 points as long as we were successful and got promoted ourselves. All that matters is that the City do well and that we beat the enemy in the derbies! Downright pessimism doesn't help anyone, and City will only go on to be successful if we, as supporters, believe that we can do it. We've lost 3 in 15, the team is playing as a unit and all of a sudden we seem to have a team that is fighting and competing at last. Can't you at least show some enthusiasm and fire in your belly? Come on, this is our team and we should be proud to be Bristol City rather than revelling in others' misfortunes!! :city:

By the way, City for promotion over England winning the World Cup, though both would be awesome!! :englandsmile4wf:

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Guest MaloneFM

England my England!

Johnny wop, Bongo Bongo land etc etc...see other thread.

Plenty of Dutch Elms in Holland ain't there? Not many English ones there is there?

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I get what you're saying, but that guy, given the choice, would rather Rovers struggle than for City to end all the years of hurt and get promoted. I smile when city lose, but given the choice, I'd rather have my own team do well over anything else.

Well..... since you posted this......

I get what you are saying...... but you are obviously mad, right?

Given the choice....... I know nothing I can say will ever make the gas better than the mighty glamour boys that are Bristol City FC....... even if we end up non-league BCFC will still be, and always will be, better than the gas.

You laugh when City lose....... nothing compared to the utter Joy of the gas getting relegated and the ever funny gas lose again of recent seasons....... oh and the magic December when you tried and failed to take on the mighty BCFC............

Given the choice I treat your team with contempt...... but respect you as an individual

Well you are on the BCFC forum after all.


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In forty years time what will you remember the most, England winning the world cup or city being promoted up to the next division ? I remember both and theres no contest.

England winning the world cup would be the greatest for me.

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