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I'm So Excited


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Swansea only brought 1500 fans and forest could and probaly will bring 3000 and the atomosphere at swansea was quality, i reckon will beat them 2-1 mccammon and brooks BRING ON SATURDAY

altogether now COME ON YOU REDS


Yeah, 2-1 sounds good to me! Should be a good atmosphere, like you say.

I wish everyone got behind the team though, like they do for the big matches but also when we play smaller teams too. It's the same BCFC and the same amount of points up for grabs.

If we lose, but we all sing our hearts out, then there's nothing more that we could of done. It's the people who moan when the team lose, but haven't done their best to give City the biggest chance of winning that they can who get on my nerves a bit. They have a go at the players for not trying, but don't try themselves!

Come on you Reds, lets make a racket for the lads on Saturday and do BCFC proud! Managers and players always say how it help's.

Come on you reds!

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And where will you be :@

Oh dear, here come the "Arm chair Fan" insults! :crying: Off to Cornwall to see the rellys! I'm a busy little bee I'm afraid, got lots of stuff going on at home :( , but doesnt mean I don't Love and Life for BCFC! :city: Just cant always be there. I'm sure you'll sing 'um a song for me Tucks xxxx

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