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Is the any reason why posters who make pro-violence/hooliganism comments can not be removed from the site? I just don't see why anyone should be allowed to try and paint it in a positive light.

You don't change people's opinions by taking their voice away. A debate is unlikely to change their mind either but at least it has a chance. The hoolies also get to read what other fans think of their actions. Clearly a line should be drawn if there's a thread organising a 'meet' ...!

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You don't change people's opinions by taking their voice away. A debate is unlikely to change their mind either but at least it has a chance. The hoolies also get to read what other fans think of their actions. Clearly a line should be drawn if there's a thread organising a 'meet' ...!

A MEET Miles, bloody hell sounds like you know what your talking about :handbags:


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Can we just think about this.

I think we need to be careful that we don't finish up with a Forum that excludes all but the very PC.

Don't get me wrong, I don't condone slander, liable or the posting of unsuitable subjects, but all these things are a matter of opinion and we won't rid the game of hooliganism and the like by sweeping it under the carpet and pretending it doesn't exist.

Hooliganism is, thankfully, a rarity at AG these days, particularly inside the ground and I can't remember the last serious outbreak of disorder outside the ground.........in fact, I can't rememebr the last outbreak of any violence outside the ground in recent times and, speaking as someone who survived the 70's & 80's,it has hugely diminished.

There is also virtually zero racism that I experience these days and I attend all home games and the vast majority of away games.

Whilst no one should be complacent about this, neither should we beat ourselves up as football fans because much has been achieved.

On a day when an 11 year old child has been raped in a Supermarket Toilet, I think it's fair to say that Football has made massive strides in getting it's house in order.It's time that governments and governing bodies stopped using football as a whipping boy and the epitomy of all evil and made strides to eradicate some of societys evils that manifest themselves in all walks of life, football included.

I don't think we'll hear anyone talking about banning Sainsburys from opening because of this horrific incident.It didn't happen because Sainsburys was there, it happened because a ******** was on the loose.

Hooliganism is a symptom of our society and I've always said that if it was stopped at football it would simply move elsewhere and it has.To town centres, boxing matches etc.

Whilst I don't see this Forum or any other allowing anything but banter amongst fans......certainly not "pre-arranged offs".......Open sensible debate must be allowed to find concrete solutions that make the games unseemly past just that.

A thing of the past!!

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  • Admin
Is the any reason why posters who make pro-violence/hooliganism comments can not be removed from the site? I just don't see why anyone should be allowed to try and paint it in a positive light.

Any promotion or encouragement of hooliganism should and will be removed, discussion of it is a very different matter as several forum members have already expressed. If you feel a particular post is overstepping the mark from discussion to promotion, please report, via the report button and it will be evaluated by a member of admin or one of the moderators.

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Ive got no issue with debating the subject. I just take issue with comments that either promote or defend hooliganism.

I feel the same but banning them would make the debate kind of pointless and boring.

I'd rather show them for the idiots they are as richwwtk suggests, and I think Milo draws the line in a sensible place.


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Any promotion or encouragement of hooliganism should and will be removed, discussion of it is a very different matter as several forum members have already expressed. If you feel a particular post is overstepping the mark from discussion to promotion, please report, via the report button and it will be evaluated by a member of admin or one of the moderators.

Cheers. Thats all I wanted to know and I am happy that it is somthing the moderators are aware of.

Like I said, I have no problem with hooliganism being discussed as long as it is not being promoted.

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Can we just think about this.

I think we need to be careful that we don't finish up with a Forum that excludes all but the very PC.

Don't get me wrong, I don't condone slander, liable or the posting of unsuitable subjects, but all these things are a matter of opinion and we won't rid the game of hooliganism and the like by sweeping it under the carpet and pretending it doesn't exist.

Good post, I think the bit that I've quoted above should apply to all subjects. The only way we will learn about other people's ideas, opinions and beliefs is if everyone is allowed to speak.

How is anyone going to learn anything if everything that might cause offence is swept under the carpet?

When people say something that one might not agree with, instead of simply telling them to shut up, explain to them why you have a different belief or opinion to them. That's the way we can learn from each other, not by telling each other to shut up.

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A MEET Miles, bloody hell sounds like you know what your talking about :handbags:


Legging it down the Old Kent Road away from bottle-brandishing Millwall citizens is about as close as I've got ... :shutup:

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who has made the pro-violence/hooliganism comments :dunno:

tell you something i'd rather get read about the potential of trouble on it's way

than sat in a pub only to get covered in glass just like those in swindon last saturday

when those pub windows went through ;)

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Can we just think about this.

I think we need to be careful that we don't finish up with a Forum that excludes all but the very PC.

Don't get me wrong, I don't condone slander, liable or the posting of unsuitable subjects, but all these things are a matter of opinion and we won't rid the game of hooliganism and the like by sweeping it under the carpet and pretending it doesn't exist.

Hooliganism is, thankfully, a rarity at AG these days, particularly inside the ground and I can't remember the last serious outbreak of disorder outside the ground.........in fact, I can't rememebr the last outbreak of any violence outside the ground in recent times and, speaking as someone who survived the 70's & 80's,it has hugely diminished.

There is also virtually zero racism that I experience these days and I attend all home games and the vast majority of away games.

Whilst no one should be complacent about this, neither should we beat ourselves up as football fans because much has been achieved.

On a day when an 11 year old child has been raped in a Supermarket Toilet, I think it's fair to say that Football has made massive strides in getting it's house in order.It's time that governments and governing bodies stopped using football as a whipping boy and the epitomy of all evil and made strides to eradicate some of societys evils that manifest themselves in all walks of life, football included.

I don't think we'll hear anyone talking about banning Sainsburys from opening because of this horrific incident.It didn't happen because Sainsburys was there, it happened because a ******** was on the loose.

Hooliganism is a symptom of our society and I've always said that if it was stopped at football it would simply move elsewhere and it has.To town centres, boxing matches etc.

Whilst I don't see this Forum or any other allowing anything but banter amongst fans......certainly not "pre-arranged offs".......Open sensible debate must be allowed to find concrete solutions that make the games unseemly past just that.

A thing of the past!!

If I had the time right now, I'd say precisely the same.

Bris Boy, football and social commentator - already looking good for the 2006 awards!

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