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Savaging Savage Et Al

Red Dave

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Is it just me?

When I go down to watch a game down the gate I have come to accept that I am not going to witness a team of Galctico's mesmerising the opposition with their silky skills. What does make me :@ is the people who seem to want to spend the entire game criticising the players.

For example, and the reason for the title of this thread. I sit near the back of Block E of the Atyeo Stand. There's a goon sits across the isle from me who cusses and swears for the entire time that Bas Savage is on the pitch. He's really going to cop an earful from me soon cos it gets my Goat.

I may put my head in my hand sometimes when we miss the odd open goal or the keeper leets one in through his legs but I NEVER give our players stick. I am there to SUPPORT THEM! I am a strong believer that if a player is below par or makes a mistake he has probably NOT done it on purpose.

WHOEVER IS ON THE PITCH IS THERE BECAUSE THEY ARE SELECTED TO PLAY BY GARY JOHNSON. If this fan wants to have a go at anyone he should be talking to Johnson. Bas (or any of the other victims )doesn't put their own name on the teamsheet, they play because they are selected & that is what is expected of them.

Is it possible that people think there is going to be a positive reaction to slagginga player off or will it maybe just dent the confidence a little?

Any thoughts?

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Is it possible that people think there is going to be a positive reaction to slagginga player off or will it maybe just dent the confidence a little?

Any thoughts?

Has it always been this way? Do people do it more now because any negativity towards away fans is followed by a lecture and letters etc... so they focus their negativity on to their own team?

I can't really see the amount of negativity some fans aiming towards the team helping myself.

Apparently you need 10 positive things said to you to balance out one negative thing, I don't know how true that is, someone else might be able to say, but something for some City fans to think about never the less........

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I may put my head in my hand sometimes when we miss the odd open goal or the keeper leets one in through his legs but I NEVER give our players stick. I am there to SUPPORT THEM!

Is it possible that people think there is going to be a positive reaction to slagging a player off or will it maybe just dent the confidence a little?

Any thoughts?

The first paragraph is a perfectly natural frustrational reaction, players do it themselves.

I don't think certain people have the capability of THINKING at all unfortunately.

I think people should remember the job of the fan is to not harbour fantasies that they are in fact GJ and that they have a clue what they are on about concerning the tactical side of the game (not fair to aim the tactical accusation at all) and should concentrate more on their OWN jobs of supporting the professionals who are trying their best at their jobs. When a team clearly isn't trying (not just having a bad day) that is a different matter.

I don't have any boo-boys sat near me, nor any fans who seem to believe that they are professional pundits, they all seem to realise the main function of a supporter is to support thankfully.(weirdly it's us the cops film and the Club sends letters too :rolleyes: )

It's easy to say this behind the old PC screen but maybe people should start challenging these supposed supporters that we speak of at the time of their idiocy? Needless to say a load of rude abuse is all you'd get for your efforts but hey.


....as time ticks by, still I try, no rest for grassups in my mind - on my own here we go....

('Brain Stew' - Green Day')


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Is it just me?

When I go down to watch a game down the gate I have come to accept that I am not going to witness a team of Galctico's mesmerising the opposition with their silky skills. What does make me :@ is the people who seem to want to spend the entire game criticising the players.

For example, and the reason for the title of this thread. I sit near the back of Block E of the Atyeo Stand. There's a goon sits across the isle from me who cusses and swears for the entire time that Bas Savage is on the pitch. He's really going to cop an earful from me soon cos it gets my Goat.

I may put my head in my hand sometimes when we miss the odd open goal or the keeper leets one in through his legs but I NEVER give our players stick. I am there to SUPPORT THEM! I am a strong believer that if a player is below par or makes a mistake he has probably NOT done it on purpose.

WHOEVER IS ON THE PITCH IS THERE BECAUSE THEY ARE SELECTED TO PLAY BY GARY JOHNSON. If this fan wants to have a go at anyone he should be talking to Johnson. Bas (or any of the other victims )doesn't put their own name on the teamsheet, they play because they are selected & that is what is expected of them.

Is it possible that people think there is going to be a positive reaction to slagginga player off or will it maybe just dent the confidence a little?

Any thoughts?

Look DAVE, ive followed City here there and everywhere for 30 odd years. Yes, i take your point about critising players and BAS in perticular.

But thats football mate, thats what happens, I'm one of BAS,s biggest critics because if GJ thinks he,s the answer to our fooball club, well time to move on me thinks.

Its part of watching football I'm afraid........ :crying:

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Even when the team has been doing well in the past, a section of the fans always seem to want to complain about something.

Either an individual player, usually homegrown like Llewellyn or Carey, have been the subject of boo boys, or the focus has been on what a player can't do. If the can tackle they can't pass and vice versa, if they can do both then they lack pace. If they are good on the ground they can't head a ball and so on, and so on. If someone plays for a long period, the shout is for someone who hasn't played for a while, even if they were the subject of the catcalls when they were.

I don't know why it should be this way, but it is often the case that this forum seems busiest after a defeat or run of defeats. They are always queueing up to point out all the faults of the individuals, team, team selection etc. There seem to be less people interested in posting thoughts on why we are successful, and the threads become discussions about the past and or the peripheral elements of supporting the club like the East End, music, price of a cup of tea, pies, tannoy system..etc etc ............

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Guest Harry Dolman

I would make 2 observations - 1stly this trait is in no way unique to City. Put it this way, despite their overall performances this season, on occasions, both Swansea & Huddersfield have been boo'd off the pitch by their own fans. Rational thinking, patience & ability to conisder the bigger picture are not core skills of many football fans !

2ndly a lot of the Bas abuse is frankly scandalous. Yes his goal scoring record is dreadful, but snide comments like "he's at least 2 leagues above his level" & "never a professional" are way off the mark. In many respects he is a very good footballer, but he does lack a killer instinct & a nose for goal.

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Look DAVE, ive followed City here there and everywhere for 30 odd years. Yes, i take your point about critising players and BAS in perticular.

But thats football mate, thats what happens, I'm one of BAS,s biggest critics because if GJ thinks he,s the answer to our fooball club, well time to move on me thinks.

Its part of watching football I'm afraid........ :crying:

But why is it though Arny! It shouldnt happen! Trust should be shown in people that matter. I like BAS, but i know he wont b prolific although as said with other strikers, the service has not been amazing.

But the critises should not just be "what happens". It only happens because people want it too.

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For example, and the reason for the title of this thread. I sit near the back of Block E of the Atyeo Stand. There's a goon sits across the isle from me who cusses and swears for the entire time that Bas Savage is on the pitch. He's really going to cop an earful from me soon cos it gets my Goat.

Any thoughts?

I sit in E block as well and I think I have heard the guy you are talking about on many occasions.

He blames Savage for everything, even when Savage has had no involvement in a particular passage of play. If ignorance is bliss that guy must delirious.

Unfortunately for him Savage falls foul of two of the basic rules of the ignorant. They never like to give credit where its due and you are guilty until proven guilty.

Whilst I agree that Savage does not offer much in the way of a goal threat I believe that his general play is actually far better than people give him credit for.

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2ndly a lot of the Bas abuse is frankly scandalous. Yes his goal scoring record is dreadful, but snide comments like "he's at least 2 leagues above his level" & "never a professional" are way off the mark. In many respects he is a very good footballer, but he does lack a killer instinct & a nose for goal.

I think this is rather polite compared with the general comment I hear about Bas every week:

"Savage, get off, you're ####### ####!!!" is far closer to the mark. Always at a quiet moment in the match as well, when Bas is most likely to hear.

I also sit in E block, towards the back, and hear a lot of negative comments about Bas. Ok, he's not a goalscorer and I would like to see a better, more effective player in his position. But for some people to spend the enitre game just criticising him, then cheering when he gets substituted is pretty shocking.

But sadly, this is the negative way a lot of people behave not just at football but in the rest of their lives as well and we probably aren't going to change that...

But yeah, frustrating.

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Overall, I think that AG is a far easier place to play that in recent years.

Years ago, players have had some blinding stick from our own crowd.......I'm not saying that's the right thing to do, it's a fact though.

On Savage, I think, on balance, that he's had tremendous support from the crowd, particularly in light of the said lack of silky skills from the king of the stepover :D

As I've said, Ad Nauseum,Savage does the ugly, often unnoticed things well-Closing Down, Defending from the front,Holding The Ball Up,Flick Ons etc.

His first touch is often no worse than Brookers and he rarely gives the ball away, works his socks off and links up well.

What he lacks, in a word, is goals.His shooting is rare and generally poor.As a forward, that's a major issue.

Name a player in this League that's his size and who DOES have silky skills or real pace (McCleod £1m+ Bracket) :dunno: In fact, there aren't many players with those attributes in this League, full stop :angry:

I've said there are better players of that type around and, in fairness to GJ, he appears to have found one in McCammon.

People talk about Clive Platt and he caused us major problems in the 2-2 draw earlier this season, but he's notched.....wait for it, 3 Goals (2 Against Us) in 23 appearances, so can hardly be classed as prolific :blink:

If we can sign Reddy/Hayter/Both and keep Brooker & McCammon, then we won't need Bas.I can't see Stewart staying before someone asks.

Until then, I'll be behind him.

On the basis of the slagging, the guy's paid his wedge and is entitled to his view, even if sharing that with others becomes a nause.

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