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Guantanamo Speaker At My University This Morning

The Batman

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My terrorism lecturer has a tendency of finding some really interesting people to give lectures and ask questions at my uni (it's really the only decent thing wolves uni does), this morning, we had a "survivor" from Guantanamo Bay.

His book


As expected, he was very anti-american and very anti-blair, but he seemed really calm and sane considering he'd spent over a year in Cuba. He wasn't one of the Tipton trio, but he did study law at Wolves uni a few years ago.

But interestingly, going along with the road to guantanamo bay documentary that channel 4 showed last week, he said that Guantanamo was a walk in the park compared to the treatment that he got in Afghan prisons and jail camps. Of course, he was still interigated harshly by the Americans but he said that the Afgahns were much worse.

My mate asked a question regarding why he was at an Al-Queda training camp in Paikstan a few years ago, but he claims that he didn't participate in the training although he admitted being there. :Confused13:

He seemed a genuinly nice bloke, no different from anybody else, he didn't seem aggressive, he wernt the muscular of blokes, he just seemed to me like any other muslim which i've met, yet apparently he was suspected as being a major terrorist to the United States.

I have ordered the book because i didn't have the money to buy it and for him to sign it earlier on, but my mate bought it, and he says it's a good analytical book on the treatment of in-mates of Guantanamo Bay.

ps, i don't want this to turn into another islamaphobia debate because i'm bored of it, but if the Afghan alliance believe that he was a danger, i don't see what more the American's could have done considering he'd admitted being at a Al-Queda training camp as well. It is a tricky one.

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Guest Cary Grant supported City

How do you know Muslim's like Moazzam Begg are lying??.

Their lips move!!.

If he's that passionate about his religion, then send him to live in Pakistan or Afghanistan!!.


My mate asked a question regarding why he was at an Al-Queda training camp in Paikstan a few years ago, but he claims that he didn't participate in the training although he admitted being there.

Yeh! Right!.

"I was there, BUT i didn't take part!!."

I wouldn't trust the bloke as far as i could throw him.


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