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Anyone Coming To Watch Robbo Tonight?


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Christian Roberts will line up for andy leggs team tonight in his benefit match for testicular cancer. Also bellamy, savage, earnie and others. Do you people still like Robbo? He was class for you 4 seasons ago when we were both good division 2 (league one) teams.

Now you've started something.

Yes, i still like Robbo. Unforgettable goals.

Good luck to all involved tonight.

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I thought Roberts was sheer class on his day. Pace, skill and could cross/shoot with either foot, although he could have been more consistent

Used to get a rather poor reception from some sections of the crowd though. Much like Savage now. :doh:

I hope the match raises a load of cash though, that is a cause that can affect us all.

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I thought Roberts was sheer class on his day. Pace, skill and could cross/shoot with either foot, although he could have been more consistent


Regarding Roberts, I was never a fan and apart from a couple of goals he was consistantly unconsistant!!!!!!!

I guess that his battle with the bottle contributed a lot to his inability to string two consistent performances together.

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I didn't particularly like Roberts. He's the only City player I've ever been frustrated enough to shout at. He was just so lazy. Once a game he'd chase a lost cause 50 yards to make it look like he was trying, then the rest of the game he'd just wander around, thinking he'd done his bit for the day. I'd be very surprised if he ever went on to play at championship level.

However, he is quite a good player at this level, and I'll never ever forget his goal against Hartlepool.

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He was just so lazy

Which Roberts are you referring to? Christian Roberts had his faults, and when he had an off day, he certainly did it in style. He never gave less than 100%, and was always willing to chase lost causes. What most critics forget is that he had pace and comnmitment, if he had more talent, he would have been too good at this level.

Good luck for tonight, and lets hope it is the start of a comeback for Christian.

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Which Roberts are you referring to? Christian Roberts had his faults, and when he had an off day, he certainly did it in style. He never gave less than 100%, and was always willing to chase lost causes. What most critics forget is that he had pace and comnmitment, if he had more talent, he would have been too good at this level.

Good luck for tonight, and lets hope it is the start of a comeback for Christian.

I knew someone would reply saying this, because whenver I used to post about this when Roberts used to play for us there seemed to be a 5050 split between people that thought he tried hard and people that didn't. Anyway, sorry, but I hardly ever saw him put in the effort he should have been putting in. Not much more I can add. Amazing how 2 people can see the game so differently. One of the things that makes football so interesting I suppose.

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I Liked Robbo, thought he was entertaining to watch in that he was very unpredictable. Nice to see some character in this mundane punting (how I wish I could replace that first letter) league.

Anyway, hope it goes well tonight. Andy Legg wasn't popular here, but, in my view was respected.

Wouldn't wish this on anybody and good to see the effort being made.

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I like Robbo. Some games he had a off day like many do but 90% of the time he was a very passionate player and chased every ball even if it was a lost cause. And no one on that field v Cardiff playoff semi at Ashton Gate tried harder than him that night to the final.

I like Bas Savandi'm not slating him now as I like the guy but I would rather see Robbo in the side now than Sav. I feel his pace alongside brooks would be good and he knows where the net is and always raises his game for the big games.

I will forever be in his debt for that goal V Hartlepool that nearly made our dream come true.

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I will forever be in his debt for that goal V Hartlepool that nearly made our dream come true.

With the amount it cost to take myself and my son to Cardiff, plus beer and Pokey Pola, all for a dull game where we had one shot on target, I am certainly in debt!!! :laugh::laugh:

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