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Goals Scored

Guest Orj

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Only 3 teams in the division with a worse goals scored record this season; Chesterfield, Tranmere and Notts County. Says it all really.

What has it come to when you are relying on Joe Burnell to score your goals?

Insipid, uninspired...

The manager is lucky to have a game against Bradford PA to maybe chalk up a win and save his skin a little longer.

Will be interesting to see what the attendance is against Barnsley in a few weeks time, especially after we have failed to score or look like scoring at Brighton.

Someone wake me up when the manager has been sacked.

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Funny in a non funny way how we scored so many in the first game and now were reduced to struggling to score.

As much as people said Scott Murray wasnt keeping Bristol City in the top team list I'm starting to think maybe he was a true savior of last season because this season were #### infront of goal.

I think it's about time the manager looks to strengthen the entire team rather than hoping one or two players will carry the rest!

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