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Spoke To Mr Chairman.


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Saw Lansdown the other day and asked him about this season, he wrote off this season as an utter failure, but was fully supportive of the way GJ has handled the Bar Brawl and Stewart incidents. He also said that there will be money to spend in the summer, and didn't rule out a mass clear out. Best news of all he said Bas (Lilly) Savage has no chance of getting a new contract :dance:

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I'm saddened that you think Bas not getting a contract is a cause for celebration. As far as I can see, the bloke has given his all when given the chance, and has been part of a hugely improved team performance in the latter part of the season. No, he probably hasn't got the all round ability to justify a longer term contract and I suspect he will go, but I feel desperately sorry for the bloke as he is clearly a real trier and a good team member. If he does go I hope he gets a contract elsewhere because he deserves it. Compared to some of the wasters we've seen at Ashton Gate, he's been a breath of fresh air in terms of attitude and commitment and the way he has been laughed at and criticised by City 'fans' is scandalous. You won't see me knocking any player who gives 100% for the team.

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I'm saddened that you think Bas not getting a contract is a cause for celebration. As far as I can see, the bloke has given his all when given the chance, and has been part of a hugely improved team performance in the latter part of the season. No, he probably hasn't got the all round ability to justify a longer term contract and I suspect he will go, but I feel desperately sorry for the bloke as he is clearly a real trier and a good team member. If he does go I hope he gets a contract elsewhere because he deserves it. Compared to some of the wasters we've seen at Ashton Gate, he's been a breath of fresh air in terms of attitude and commitment and the way he has been laughed at and criticised by City 'fans' is scandalous. You won't see me knocking any player who gives 100% for the team.

here, here. if some of the players wev'e had playing for us in the last few years, with ten times the ability of bas, had shown a quarter of the application and commitment that he has then we would be in the championship now.

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I'm saddened that you think Bas not getting a contract is a cause for celebration. As far as I can see, the bloke has given his all when given the chance, and has been part of a hugely improved team performance in the latter part of the season. No, he probably hasn't got the all round ability to justify a longer term contract and I suspect he will go, but I feel desperately sorry for the bloke as he is clearly a real trier and a good team member. If he does go I hope he gets a contract elsewhere because he deserves it. Compared to some of the wasters we've seen at Ashton Gate, he's been a breath of fresh air in terms of attitude and commitment and the way he has been laughed at and criticised by City 'fans' is scandalous. You won't see me knocking any player who gives 100% for the team.

Absolutely spot on. Hopefully we've seen the last of the champagne charlies.

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I'm saddened that you think Bas not getting a contract is a cause for celebration. As far as I can see, the bloke has given his all when given the chance, and has been part of a hugely improved team performance in the latter part of the season. No, he probably hasn't got the all round ability to justify a longer term contract and I suspect he will go, but I feel desperately sorry for the bloke as he is clearly a real trier and a good team member. If he does go I hope he gets a contract elsewhere because he deserves it. Compared to some of the wasters we've seen at Ashton Gate, he's been a breath of fresh air in terms of attitude and commitment and the way he has been laughed at and criticised by City 'fans' is scandalous. You won't see me knocking any player who gives 100% for the team.

Yeah, I feel sorry for him, because he doesn't pick himself, and I respect that he does his best.

But I have to say I am getting sick and tired of hearing such glowing praise that is solely about his workrate and attitude. There are 10,000 people sat in stands every weekend who'd give just as much for the team as Savage, but it takes much much more than just that to be a decent footballer and Savage simply doesn't have it. Hard work alone does not make him deserving of a contract while there are numerous fundamental flaws in his game.

Would you forgive and forget such poor performance from someone in a totally different occupation? When your roof gets blown off in the next breeze because the bloke you got in to do it was crap is that OK because he tried hard? Is it OK if you die on an operating table as long as the surgeon puts in a performance full of commitment? Get real.

He's not good enough, he's not going to be good enough, and all this rubbish about "taking the pressure off Brooker" and "holding up" is just that. Rubbish. If we want to go forward we need players of a vastly higher standard than Savage.

Good luck to him and I wish him well, but I doubt very much he will get another professional contract.

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I'm saddened that you think Bas not getting a contract is a cause for celebration. As far as I can see, the bloke has given his all when given the chance, and has been part of a hugely improved team performance in the latter part of the season. No, he probably hasn't got the all round ability to justify a longer term contract and I suspect he will go, but I feel desperately sorry for the bloke as he is clearly a real trier and a good team member. If he does go I hope he gets a contract elsewhere because he deserves it. Compared to some of the wasters we've seen at Ashton Gate, he's been a breath of fresh air in terms of attitude and commitment and the way he has been laughed at and criticised by City 'fans' is scandalous. You won't see me knocking any player who gives 100% for the team.

cje, there's a couple of points we agree on: I too feel desparately sorry for Bas, and believe he's been treated disgracefully by some fans.

However I cannot agree with the rest of your post. 100% commitment should be a pre-requisite for any professional player, but on its own is nowhere near enough, surely you would agree with that? For his first few games for us I was of the view that, despite his ungainliness there must be something more to his game that we hadn't seen yet and that he should be given every chance to show what he could do.

Reluctantly I have to admit I was wrong. Bas has been very lucky to be given such an extended opportunity to prove himself (almost seemed a case of stubborn bloody-mindedness on GJ's part) but I'm afraid he's a long way short of having the ability to play at this level. Surely GJ will now concede that?

Can't fault his workrate though, so Bas: thanks and good luck.

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I'm saddened that you think Bas not getting a contract is a cause for celebration. As far as I can see, the bloke has given his all when given the chance, and has been part of a hugely improved team performance in the latter part of the season. No, he probably hasn't got the all round ability to justify a longer term contract and I suspect he will go, but I feel desperately sorry for the bloke as he is clearly a real trier and a good team member. If he does go I hope he gets a contract elsewhere because he deserves it. Compared to some of the wasters we've seen at Ashton Gate, he's been a breath of fresh air in terms of attitude and commitment and the way he has been laughed at and criticised by City 'fans' is scandalous. You won't see me knocking any player who gives 100% for the team.

I would also like to see Bazzer get a contract elsewhere, may I suggest the top of Muller Rd. Even better he could take a certain sad ,spoilt brat, cross dropper, mummy"s boy with him.

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Bas and Stewert were the only players mentioned, he certainly didn't rule out a stewert return, but did say with the players looking to be bought in the summer (no names although i asked) Bas would not be required next season. Sorry it is a cause for celebration, I don't doubt his effort however any fan asked to play for city they would put in 100% this doesn't mean they are good enough to play for us

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Yeah, I feel sorry for him, because he doesn't pick himself, and I respect that he does his best.

But I have to say I am getting sick and tired of hearing such glowing praise that is solely about his workrate and attitude. There are 10,000 people sat in stands every weekend who'd give just as much for the team as Savage, but it takes much much more than just that to be a decent footballer and Savage simply doesn't have it. Hard work alone does not make him deserving of a contract while there are numerous fundamental flaws in his game.

Would you forgive and forget such poor performance from someone in a totally different occupation? When your roof gets blown off in the next breeze because the bloke you got in to do it was crap is that OK because he tried hard? Is it OK if you die on an operating table as long as the surgeon puts in a performance full of commitment? Get real.

He's not good enough, he's not going to be good enough, and all this rubbish about "taking the pressure off Brooker" and "holding up" is just that. Rubbish. If we want to go forward we need players of a vastly higher standard than Savage.

Good luck to him and I wish him well, but I doubt very much he will get another professional contract.

Spot on nibor,

that is exactly how i feel.....

As a club we are trying to move forward... and a non scoring striker will not help us....

again i commend his effort but i don't pay my money every week for good so called 'Comedy Value'

and frankly i find 15000 fans laughing at someone embarrassing, for both the player and the club....

If it was any other player who tripped over the white line in a clear goal scoring situation .... you woud have been on his case not laughing and finding it hilarious....

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although we can all agree that Bas does give a 100% each week, and can agree that he quite honestly isn't a very good player.

would anyone else agree that prior to Saturday's "falling over" he has actually improved as a player since he has been at the club?

now i'm not saying at all that we should sign him up for another year or 2 or anything like that, but a few of us where talking before the game and saying although he isn't very good, with the progress he has made since he joined? perhaps it's worth bringing him back pre-season give him a few month deal to see if and how GJ can improve him any further?

of course then he went and fell over the ball, so we back tracked quickly!

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although we can all agree that Bas does give a 100% each week, and can agree that he quite honestly isn't a very good player.

would anyone else agree that prior to Saturday's "falling over" he has actually improved as a player since he has been at the club?

now i'm not saying at all that we should sign him up for another year or 2 or anything like that, but a few of us where talking before the game and saying although he isn't very good, with the progress he has made since he joined? perhaps it's worth bringing him back pre-season give him a few month deal to see if and how GJ can improve him any further?

of course then he went and fell over the ball, so we back tracked quickly!

I think he was better when he first joined actually, he seemed to be playing off Brooker at Port Vale and did a damn good job of holding the ball up, but did in a meaningful fashion, skirting up and down the wings instead of the useless centre-circle dance and tame shots from 12 yards.

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Do you think you should be sharing with everyone alleged conversations that you may have had with the chairman of this football club? If this conversation took place I would have valued his honesty and not blown his trust by sharing it with us lot.

Just a thought

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For your effort, and commitment Baz, 10/10.

However as a striker, son, 2/10............specially after THAT errrrr :laugh: "finish" :laugh::laugh::laugh: Saturday. As well we were winning mate.

Good luck at Swinetown or Cheltenzzzzzzzzzzzzz :w00t:

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I think he was better when he first joined actually, he seemed to be playing off Brooker at Port Vale and did a damn good job of holding the ball up, but did in a meaningful fashion, skirting up and down the wings instead of the useless centre-circle dance and tame shots from 12 yards.

yeh i also think he's got progressively worse since he's joined

still he's given us a laugh over these few months

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