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Help Needed In Weston Super Mare


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After 3 months of searching I have finally found a house in Weston Super Mare to move to. It needs a bit of work so basically this post is to find out if there are any plumbers, electricians and plasterers in the area who can quote me for some work.

I need some central heating completed, a new bathroom fitted, some coving and plastering done plus other things but initially the main jobs will be the bathroom and central heating. An old lady owned the house and has had woodchip put up in every room including the ceilings so that is a nice job for me to take on (anyone with a steamer is welcome and cider will be provided). :pray::whistle:

I will be moving in hopefully beginning of June so if you are in the trade and can provide a quote please pm me and we can arrange something nearer the date.



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I'm not in the trade but I know someone who may be able to help you with fitting this, when the folks get home from their outing I'll find out his name and PM it to you :)

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