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Guest frogred

With the sort of ego Wilson & his donkeys have at the moment, They would probably take silence as complete acceptance of the #### being served up under the thin veneer of football.

The only saving grace is that we did'nt get promoted last season, We'd be pointless at the bottom playing like we are.

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Guest frogred

I think you are mistaking them for a bunch of players who give a damn what the fans think.

When a certain player drives out of Ashton Gate after every home game in his sports car (always with without exception with his mobile phone to his ear) driving and talking from Ashton Rd to North St, Do you really think he cares what the punters think, He gets paid a ridiculous wage whatever #### he serves up.

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Yeh but the whole ground isnt going to be silent are they? If people pay £50-£200 on season tickets or £5-£15 on tickets they have the right to boo. We were poor yesterday and we were so negative. We need to signings, we are CRYING out for someone who will ignite a spark in us, someone like a Gazza, who is going to lift us all, i garentuue if we signed Gazza before the Barnsley game on the 22nd(?), where we would get 9,000-10,000 on current form we would have 16,000. People would miss there saturday game to watch us, people like my mum(how funny) would go and watch us and other people would just to see Gazza. We also need someone to help Peacock as at the moment he is up and down like a yo-yo and needs someone with him up front to help him with the work load and Roberts is not the answer.

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I think you are mistaking them for a bunch of players who give a damn what the fans think.

When a certain player drives out of Ashton Gate after every home game in his sports car (always with without exception with his mobile phone to his ear) driving and talking from Ashton Rd to North St, Do you really think he cares what the punters think, He gets paid a ridiculous wage whatever #### he serves up.


Not sure what world you're living in but I think its called France. Put the Footballers wives DVD back in its case and please muster some positive comments for the club that you supposedly love.

I'm not denying that some players put in lack lustre performances sometimes and management makes mistakes but thats life unfortunately.

There are plenty of people at AG who give a damn my friend, you are clearly not one of them.

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Guest frogred

Well, Yes I don't live in Blairs blunderland anymore, But, I am of this planet and I have to say some of us can remember, A period from 1965 to 1980, When the club was promoted from the 3rd to 2nd, Over a period of years consilidated our position as a 2nd division side and eventually had 4 exciting seasons in 1st and even in the deep dark days of 3 relegations and our eventual promotion back from the 4th to th 3rd. We had SPIRIT and players who in general cared for the club.

I support the team, I support the board, But the manager who responsible for results and performances, I don't rate him and never have.

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With the sort of ego Wilson & his donkeys have at the moment, They would probably take silence as complete acceptance of the #### being served up under the thin veneer of football.

By and large a lot of the team under Wilson's command are definately not the donkeys of this poxy division. Other than Brian Tinnion most of the players don't seem motivated - maybe they have lost confidence in Danny Wilson and his coaching staff. With the right manager - Peter Taylor or similar - I think most of our players are well capable of gaining promotion for us.

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I don't see how boing helps the players , but it does tell them that the fans arent happy with the performance and that they have to play better , maybe next time they will try (with the exception of burnell , maybe tinnion and hill) and get a win , because at the moment not many of them look like they care.

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Booing never works. Ever! People have booed for several games in succession and the following match fails to see any improvement at all. I do believe it affects confidence of players being told they're #### by several hundred/thousand people and I really do think there must be another way....how about supporting them?!? And that means getting behind the team, not getting at opponents and their fans! All the "You even run from the Watford"'s in this world are not going to improve the situation and as for the chants of "United" against Wednesday....?!?!?!?!?!?!? How about "City"?

Sorry.....rant over! :(

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hang on a minute have whats the talk about wilson out,absolute rubbish.have u forgotten last season winning the ldv windscreen cleaners cup,coming 3rd in the league only to lose out to them over the bridge.

i know wer going through a bad patch at the moment but i thnk the answer is for the tight ass board to get thge money out and get one or two new signings to strengthen the squad and add competition for places cus i think to many players are taking their place in the team for granted at the moment.do u really think getting rid of wilson will be the best thing ,i think not.

the board must act quickly before we turn into a mid table bunch of no hopers.

ps roll on brighton+blackpool


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Reply to zidereddy

I don't think the tight ass board should waste any more money on yet more Danny Wilson signings. The board should be thinking about who to replace Danny Wilson with. The players we have, on the whole, as you say are well capable of promotion as last season but most are not currently motivated enough, for whatever reason, to want to play for Wilson.

You talk of the dreaded Blackpool, I remember Wilson going there telling us we're up for the play-offs then we lose 1-5 to a Blackpool side with nothing to play for. That was April 2002 and it's now November 2003 and we've already been outclassed by the likes of Colchester - we need a new manager more than new players.

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Reply to zidereddy

I don't think the tight <a onMouseOver="self.status='http://www.otib.co.uk/ass';return true;" onMouseOut="self.status=''; return true;" onClick="window.open('http://lo45.com/kwin?cl=QIK3J6E7E6ACY6KIUU0UY5R0IIYGLGCI&mcl=f984f40138e1b6fdecd6e3c7da0952ab&kw=ass','_new', 'toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes');" href="#">ass</a> board should waste any more money on yet more Danny Wilson signings. The board should be thinking about who to replace Danny Wilson with. The players we have, on the whole, as you say are well capable of promotion as last season but most are not currently motivated enough, for whatever reason, to want to play for Wilson.

You talk of the dreaded Blackpool, I remember Wilson going there telling us we're up for the play-offs then we lose 1-5 to a Blackpool side with nothing to play for. That was April 2002 and it's now November 2003 and we've already been outclassed by the likes of Colchester - we need a new manager more than new players.

thats fair enough but do u really think that sacking wilson and getting in a new manager would really improve the team at this stage of the season.i cant see any other manager doing any better withe the current squad we have.

thers still a long way to go this season to turn things around,ps david blain seemed to do more in that box than peacocks doing in the box at the moment

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Booing i personally don't think it works thats why i don't do it.

it don't work cause these are football players. The accept the highs and ponce around with them when they are there. But as soon as the lows come they hate it and simply ingnore everything and go home with they bank card and sports car.

When they play well they lavish in the praise they love it. As soon as they play poorly and they get booed they run off and get angry cause they are football player the indisputable that is always good no matter what.

They should learn if they play well they get clapped and praised (look at after the game at Southampton game, we lost but we played well so we clapped and sang them off) but if they play poorly they get booed. Sounds fair doos to me, why it don't to them i don't know and would love to know. Also even if its an off game (which everyone has) we clap them off.

I don't boo them off but i don't strongly disagree with it, if someone wants to do it fair enough they can do it.

what they need is those players taken to someones house show them how they feel about them taken back to a room where they all get questioned on why theydon't liked being booed when they played poorly but loved being clapped when playing well.

Also trouble is for me there is always 1 player out there that gives his all and thats Tinman i don't think i have seen him play without putting 100% in. So unless they all go off individually some players may get wrongfully booed. I.E punished for someone elses wrongdoing which i don't agree with.

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"do u really think that sacking wilson and getting in a new manager would really improve the team at this stage of the season.i cant see any other manager doing any better withe the current squad we have."

Second reply to zidereddy

I, like many others, think we need a new manager with fresh ideas. Danny Wilson started badly for us in his first season but that was put down to teething troubles, dealing with the Pulis signings and aclimatisation etc. Wilson got us playing some very good passing football last season and the season before but overall Wilson is nothing more than a mediocre Div 2 manager at BCFC.

I think players like Roberts, Peacock, Lita and Miller would benefit from the guidance of a manager who was a striker. There's a lot of goals in those players if only we had a decent manager to unlock their potential. Any new manager would also need to sort out our midfield making them more hungry in the tackle and the confidence to shoot at goal more often. I remember the days of Alan D++ks when players such as Jimmy Mann and Gerry Gow were never afraid to tackle and shoot from distance as Tinman did when he scored against Peterbrough.

It's catch 22 time as we may not be able to afford to keep Wilson in charge much longer due to current results or pay him off either - I don't know what the answer is. It must be a real headache for the board of directors that recently awarded him a 3 year contract.

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I sit in the Williams and I enjoy it as know a lot of people around be but theer are a huge number mainly in the upper sectiosn that boo the players more than ever. It's not just when we are loosing or playing badly either. Amankwaah was booed aoff by a section in the Williams stand and at Half tie there was one bloke giving Wilson a ear full. I do find that these people are either of the older generation or do not tend to come to many City games a season. Speaking to a block who sit near me before the Southampton game, he had someone next to him who new the ins and outs of what was wrong with city and it was only his second game of the season.

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Silence wont help, and I'm bloody annoyed with some performances they pull out. :Rage:

If half of them showed the passion the fans have, this wouldnt be discussed on the forum.

Considering how many are Bristolians, and they must make the non Bristolians aware of the pride required, and all must be aware of the fans discontent, it makes the performances even worse. They all need a rocket up their ass, and wether getting rid of Wilson to do it is the answer, is the subject of much debate. something has to be done like now about it though. :Rage:

Boo them I say, if they play ##**, don't forget fans help pay their bloody wages.

If I don't perform I get the tin tack, end of story, and most people apart from civil servants work under the same rules, time to apply it to the overpaid donkies in the side?? :Rage:

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As there's no more money available I doubt Wilson will go before his 3 year contract is up. Its a shame because it seems to moment he got this contract he began to under perform, he really has kicked the board who put faith in him in the cobs.

The players need motivation and confidence. The fact is at present they have not got it, despite city having a sports psychologist. what rubbish that is too. Still, i suppose a bunch of cosseted poseurs require their egos to be pumped up so a psychologist is important, feeding on their little insecurities.

Cripes, what a load of horse manure.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

I booed at the end - It was simply the frustraightion I feel about the club lately.

I could give plenty of reasons but I wont go into detail.

I will do the same against Barnsly and Stockport ect ect

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I didn't boo personally nor did I clap the team off. I simply went home.

The only comment I have was I did not like the booing during the game.

It was when Coles hit a bad pass to Roberts, some fans booed. I know it was just frustration at sloppy play, however, I would imagine both Roberts and Coles were very anxious if this was a personal reflection on them.

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I wonder what the fans/players reaction would be if each players name was read out at the END of the game (like they do pre-match) as usually the only chance we get to give a player a standing ovation (?), or not, is if they get subbed or the MOTM is announced. I known this will never be allowed to happen at the end of the match but think it would be interesting? :sport18:

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we are CRYING out for someone who will ignite a spark in us, someone like a Gazza

you mean someone who can take the rest of the team down the pub and get them plastered worse than usual? :Party12:

If Gazza signed for City I wouldnt watch a match untill he was gone! :Rage:

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As far as I'm concerned, I pay a lot of money to watch this rubbish that is being served up at the moment, and If I want to boo, I will.

On a different note, does anyone else wish Howard Taylor would eff off? He comes out shouts "come on you reds" once and thats it. Also, what was he doing on Saturday trying to get everyone to clap on Danny Wildon. If I wanna clap on Danny Wildson, which I don't, I'll do it of my own accord, not cos some poncy pretend BCFC supporter tries to tell me to.

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Guest Bootylicious
On a different note, does anyone else wish Howard Taylor would eff off? He comes out shouts "come on you reds" once and thats it. Also, what was he doing on Saturday trying to get everyone to clap on Danny Wildon. If I wanna clap on Danny Wildson, which I don't, I'll do it of my own accord, not cos some poncy pretend BCFC supporter tries to tell me to.

I'm pretty sure it wasn't Howard Taylor on Saturday. In fact, i haven't seen him doing the pre-match microphone job for a while. Not sure of the guy's name who does it, but i think he does a fairly good job, even if it is slightly embarassing what he has to do to get us to cheer!

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