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I watched about half of the 1st series, but it never really captured my imagination.

My 2 housemates have got series 2 and constantly bang on about it, but I still cant be bothered to watch it, although I may do at some point if I get bored of FM2006 or my PS2, which I prefer if theres nothing good on TV.

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I watched about half of the 1st series, but it never really captured my imagination.

My 2 housemates have got series 2 and constantly bang on about it, but I still cant be bothered to watch it, although I may do at some point if I get bored of FM2006 or my PS2, which I prefer if theres nothing good on TV.

I'm glad i'm not the only one :rolleyes:

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Got totally hooked on series 1. A mate downloaded the first episode of series 2 for me but the quality was crap so I am waiting for it start on the telly - anyone know when it starts?

That Kate bird is a bit of alright.

Not sure when it's on, reckon the autum time.

There's loads of crap copys available over the internet, you just need to know where to look for the HD-TV ones :whistle:

I'm glad i'm not the only one :rolleyes:

10 mins is not long enough to make a sound judgment c'mon now. :disapointed2se:

You must give it a chance, but your prolly one of those people who don't watch much TV, or maybe have a short attention span? :o

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Not sure when it's on, reckon the autum time.

There's loads of crap copys available over the internet, you just need to know where to look for the HD-TV ones :whistle:

10 mins is not long enough to make a sound judgment c'mon now. :disapointed2se:

You must give it a chance, but your prolly one of those people who don't watch much TV, or maybe have a short attention span? :o

I do have a very short attention span. Get bored very easily. Watch alot of TV? Yeh i watch a fair bit i guess. I'm a bit of a soap queen though :blush:

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I've just watched upto Episode 18 of series 2.... and Oh my god, any Lost fans are in for a treat when it's on in the UK. :D

I loved series 1 so much i decided not to wait and 'aquired' it, anyone else seen series 2 yet?

Maybe we can start a 'Lost' thread but with a warning that it contains spoilers for those that have yet to see season 2?

By the way - the second series is way better. So very strange things going on...! Bring on Episode 19!

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Maybe we can start a 'Lost' thread but with a warning that it contains spoilers for those that have yet to see season 2?

By the way - the second series is way better. So very strange things going on...! Bring on Episode 19!

I love lost, cant wiat for it to return! :dance: Please don't spoil too much for those o us who have yet to watch it! :blush: xxx

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I'm still undecided on the second series, there have been some excellent episodes near the beginning, '42 days' being one of them. But it seems to be one exciting episode for every five shown.

don't get me wrong i love watching the show but after an excellent episode Ep.17 they decide to wander of and talk about Hurley. Just downloading Ep.19 as we speak, i have heard its a Rose flashback episode.

P.S. We really should have a thread for people who have seen season 2 because writing that withoutn spoilers was really difficult.

P.P.S Prison Break is better ;)

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I'm still undecided on the second series, there have been some excellent episodes near the beginning, '42 days' being one of them. But it seems to be one exciting episode for every five shown.

don't get me wrong i love watching the show but after an excellent episode Ep.17 they decide to wander of and talk about Hurley. Just downloading Ep.19 as we speak, i have heard its a Rose flashback episode.

P.S. We really should have a thread for people who have seen season 2 because writing that withoutn spoilers was really difficult.

P.P.S Prison Break is better ;)

Official 'I've seen series 2 of Lost' thread is HERE!

Oh, and Prison Break rocks!

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