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Another Great Win...

Barrow Boy

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Superb result for us again today, fantastic to see us fight back after a sucker punch right on half time, something that we would have never been able to do at the start of the season. We played some great stuff too.

What infuriates me though, is the attitude of some of the clowns that sit in the ateyo near me, in e block. :@

It involves our most contriversial player savage of course. To hear them boo savage and give him abuse when he is coming on is one thing, but to start the chant, savage is sh1t and sing it whenever he gets near the ball is nothing short of disgracful.

Whatever your opinion of savage, surely us as SUPPORTERS we have to get behind every player, especially one who at least gives his all despite his lack of ability. He wont be here next year so get behind the fella, as he's helped us get out of one hell of a situation in christmas.

And in case you think i'm having a rant from the comfort of my pc, i had a stand up row with these clowns about it. Obviously i won the arguement, especially as i was rowing against some slaphead who's clearly never played football in his life, and a bloke who wears sunglasses when its cloudy and probably spends most of his weekends eating babies.

Onwards and upwards, we support the undisputed best team in bristol!! :englandsmile4wf:

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went into the atyeo and sat at the back of G block, today for a change instead of the dolman as a mate and his bird were coming down for a change, some of the pure idiotic comments and discraceful and so bloody annoying, the bloke comes on a does a job for the team and for people to boo him before he even comes on is shocking, thankfully though there are alot of other people who are more supportive of him (although maybe sarcasticly!) drowed them out, and didn't ruin the day for my mate who I keep trying to drag down, well apart from some ginger lad who decided to jump up and down every 20secs giving abuse to anyone who would listen! bloody chavs!

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Guest Eamer

It was pretty harsh especially the "OFF, OFF, OFF" chants for when he made the dodgy tackle. I understand where they're coming from, they want him to do bad so he doesn't get offered a new deal.

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I may have been imagining it but I'm pretty sure I heard City being booed off at half time, by an audible section of the crowd. If this is the case then it proves that we really do have some of the worst fans in the country, seriously.

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It was pretty harsh especially the "OFF, OFF, OFF" chants for when he made the dodgy tackle. I understand where they're coming from, they want him to do bad so he doesn't get offered a new deal.

I don't think GJ is going to listen to a few mindless idiots before making that decision. If we keep big mac, we'll let savage go. Good luck to him, but we don't need to slag off his every move.g

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