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What?! :doh:

Read my post, you just agreed with me. :blink:

Sorry after re-reading I understood your post, and yes I agree but still it doesn't excuse the provoking of the Steards really does it?

Well I speak as someone who uses the Atyeo, bar the RACKET the damn band makes, theres precious little noise, just constant complaints about swearing, singing etc etc.

Its called ATMOSPHERE, and its sorely lacking at the Library, sorry Ashton Gate.

And this requires standing up because...? :whistle:

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By goading the Stewards, then moaning when they react & enforce the rules set upon them, surely it's not me that needs to think more logically???

Sorry Ron but if they're enforcing it in g block then surely they should be enforcing it all over the stadium, sounds a bit like haressment to me.

I don't sit in g block by the way.

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I think the chorus of "Stand up if you hate the Gas" when the Stewards were approaching would make your story of poor ickle children being ejected slightly less 1-sided. These aren't rules written by the Club, they're by the FA.

Which do not apply to the away end for eight months or the band in the atyeo!

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Sorry Ron but if they're enforcing it in g block then surely they should be enforcing it all over the stadium, sounds a bit like haressment to me.

I don't sit in g block by the way.

I wasn't aware of persistant standing in any part of the stadium other than G-Block today, the away supporters remained seated other than for a short amount of time after their goal.

I know that usually away supporters tend to stand for large parts of the game, and if standing is going to be stopped in G-Block it should also be stopped there, definately. BUT you can't really complain about the stewards enforcing FA Guidelines, especially after being provoked, unconditional of whether it's for the whole stadium or not.

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I wasn't aware of persistant standing in any part of the stadium other than G-Block today, the away supporters remained seated other than for a short amount of time after their goal.

I know that usually away supporters tend to stand for large parts of the game, and if standing is going to be stopped in G-Block it should also be stopped there, definately. BUT you can't really complain about the stewards enforcing FA Guidelines, especially after being provoked, unconditional of whether it's for the whole stadium or not.

Standing in the atyeo is the norm Ron but what i would like to know quite simply why these fa rules do not apply to the entire stadium.This looks like the club are actively trying to discourage support of our team, it is bordering on intimidation.Here we have segregation that requires 25% of the ground to be shut down while at Cardiff and the Gas supporters sit metres away from each other.What really is going on here? Are City fans really so bad?

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I wasn't aware of persistant standing in any part of the stadium other than G-Block today, the away supporters remained seated other than for a short amount of time after their goal.

I know that usually away supporters tend to stand for large parts of the game, and if standing is going to be stopped in G-Block it should also be stopped there, definately. BUT you can't really complain about the stewards enforcing FA Guidelines, especially after being provoked, unconditional of whether it's for the whole stadium or not.

Just doing some psychometric testing... Do you agree with speed cameras?

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Standing in the atyeo is the norm Ron but what i would like to know quite simply why these fa rules do not apply to the entire stadium.

Perhaps then that it's the stewards in the Atyeo not doing their jobs rather than those in the Dolman... Throughout all these arguements I've still yet to see anyone explain why you can't chant and sing and clap when on yer arse!!!

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Just doing some psychometric testing... Do you agree with speed cameras?

If they do their job of saving lives, which they do, then yes, why not.

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has anyone explained the reason why the authoreties are so anti standing?

Throughout all these arguements I've still yet to see anyone explain why you can't chant and sing and clap when on yer arse!!!

Oh you can, but it is not as easy or as natural for scientific reason's that I have yet to put my finger on, I know in schools and Churches it is the norm to stand whilst you sing though, can anybody now answer my quoted question?

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Thanks for your honest answer Ron.

Good point raised by Figo about in Schools they teach you to stand when singing and in drama lessons you have to stand and open your body in order to project your voice.

its all about posture and standing up is the best posture especially for primarily volume singing that takes place at football grounds.

It speaks volumes when you hear fans of City for so many years saying the atmosphere isnt like it used to be in the old east end. They were all standing.

Yes its up to the Stewards to enforce the rules, but if society was as jobsworthy as these Stewards have been then we would have a very different world, one without much spice. I value common sense in dishing out the rules from Stewards and Police and by using common sense they can actually get through to more people rather than alienating alot of us normal people.

I consider myself a normal everyday fan and my opinion of The Police and Stewards is fairly poor as I'm sure alot of other fans out there wil agree.

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Throughout all these arguements I've still yet to see anyone explain why you can't chant and sing and clap when on yer arse!!!

Good point but for many sitting takes away from what should be an interactive experience.Of course those thousands of Who fans in July in the Dolman will be made to sit bolted to their seats by BCFC stewards won't they?

Perhaps then that it's the stewards in the Atyeo not doing their jobs rather than those in the Dolman...

Or a case of constant double standards ! Where are the letters? Where are the police with their hand held cameras? Where are the stewards hectoring the children stood round the band to sit in the Atyeo? Every game the club turns a blind eye to something which is not tolerated elsewhere.

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I don't understand why the supporters in that block don't buy the right tickets in the first place?

When B Block was all the rage me and my mates would buy the tickets for B Block so we couldn't be moved on for being in wrong seats (which incidentaly has now moved on to a ST for the last 8 seasons or so)

Yes it's nice to roll up about 10 minutes before kick off and buy a ticket and then sit wherever you like....and to some extent you still can but you chaps want to sit in a specific block of the stand.

At the end of the day if you can't be bothered to put a little effort in to secure the correct tickets ahead of the match then expect to be asked to move - simple as

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I sit in G block and i thought that the stewards were a little bit harsh- however, whatever the reason was, it would have been directed from the club or from the FA. The stewards would not have acted like that on Saturday off of their own back.

The Stewards do get a lot of stick, but you have to remember, if we had no stewards then we would not be allowed to use the stadium.

The simple answer is : IF YOU WANT TO SIT IN G BLOCK THEN BUY A TICKET FOR G BLOCK. We had the same problems in the East End last year and they were forced to close it. So, if you all want to stay in G block and keep the atmosphere, then play by the rules.


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But why all of a sudden enforce people sitting where their ticket says? There was more space than ever in g block so why does it matter where anyone sits?

Surely aslong as people move if someone does want to sit in their exact seat then that's fine?

What problem is being caused if a lad buys a ticket and it says d block and he sits in g block?

When we bought my little 'un a ticket we weren't even asked where we wanted to sit, even though it was obvious that she was with two season ticket holders. I'm sure the ticket seller guy didn't want to go through all the hassle of getting all the remaining g block tickets out to work out how close we could get her seat to us, and i'm sure the queue behind us wouldn't of been too chuffed either!

I'm pretty sure the club would prefer some common sense in the stands between the fans rather than the trouble of checking every single persons ticket before they go anywhere in the ground! Why were we not told by the club that the club was going to enforce these rules? Would of been nice to have been told, because my 8 year old should of been sat two blocks away from us by herself!!

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The simple answer is : IF YOU WANT TO SIT IN G BLOCK THEN BUY A TICKET FOR G BLOCK. We had the same problems in the East End last year and they were forced to close it. So, if you all want to stay in G block and keep the atmosphere, then play by the rules.

Agreed. I sat in G block yesterday with my ST for G block. These kids that complained cant be the brightest, if you want to sit in a certain block atleast have the sense to buy a ticket for that block. Quite a clever move by the club actually, they realised that the majoirty didnt have tickets for that block and so enforced the rules, no one can complain about that. Prime example was some little chubby kid who was told that he should be sat in the front few rows of G block, he had a bit of a strop with the steward and stormed of sulking saying how he would 'knock him out' :laugh:

I felt sorry for a couple of people who had tickets for G block and just sat in a different seat and got ejected for arguing their point. I have sat in near enough the same seat for 21 games before yesterday and i have never had anyone ask me to move, yesterday the block was empty and i was told to move 2 ROWS back into my proper seat. Thankfully the steward was quite reasonable and when i pointed how pathetic his idea was he let me sit back down and enjoy a great game.

I would prefer to sit down, sing and watch the whole game than stand up, sing and then get ejected after 30 minutes. I dread to think what it will be like against Swindon but if you want to sit in G block BUY A TICKET!! It isnt the stewards fault they are just doing their jobs for the club after being told of the rules by the FA. The worst thing someone can do is wind them up. For example, they finally get everyone to sit down and then someone starts singing 'Stand up if you hate the gas'.

For the Swindon game block N will probably be closed off and the subbers may have to come back into G block. So we will have better atmosphere, more varied songs and hopefully we can try to finish the season on a high by having a game where we sit down, sing and enjoy sending Swindon down. :englandsmile4wf:

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I don't understand why the supporters in that block don't buy the right tickets in the first place?

When B Block was all the rage me and my mates would buy the tickets for B Block so we couldn't be moved on for being in wrong seats (which incidentaly has now moved on to a ST for the last 8 seasons or so)

Yes it's nice to roll up about 10 minutes before kick off and buy a ticket and then sit wherever you like....and to some extent you still can but you chaps want to sit in a specific block of the stand.

At the end of the day if you can't be bothered to put a little effort in to secure the correct tickets ahead of the match then expect to be asked to move - simple as

Couldnt agree more.

A friend and I sat in some empty seats in the Dolman F block, after discovering that our seats had been taken. The people whose seats we were in eventually showed up and asked us to move, so we asked the lads in our seats to move also. All very cival with NO NEED for stewards intervention.

However, none of this would have had to have happened if everyone just sat in their own seats.

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And this requires standing up because...? :whistle:

RTFQ in its entirelity. You cant forkin stand cos someone always bitches. Ergo. Atmosphere destroyed. Its bloody disillusioning singing on yer own while the rest sit in a vegetitive state, as opposed to Block G (Largely the singers AWAY from the Library, where there is a much better atmosphere, cos we all stand-or do you sit away? If you do youre the one that does.) Simple enough for ya? Or do you need it in simple language.

That band is blody awful, and is an assist in destruction of atmosphere, although if they do sing it DOES wake those of us who sing to join in, to the evident disapproval of the prawn brigade.

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I sit in C Block of the Dullmoan & normally enter via the Wintertstoke Road entrance. Yesterday the stewards wouldn't even let me walk up the steps past G Block before the game kicked off. When I asked why he refused to answer.

Looks to me like victimisation of G Block yet again by the club.

Bang out of order.

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It's quite simple......Ashton Gate is a allocated seat ground for Home Fans, sit in the seat for which your ticket is allocated and you don't get any problems, if you don't........the you are fully expected to get problems, if you want to sit in certain area by a ticket for that area.........it's hardly rocket science!!!

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It's quite simple......Ashton Gate is a allocated seat ground for Home Fans, sit in the seat for which your ticket is allocated and you don't get any problems, if you don't........the you are fully expected to get problems, if you want to sit in certain area by a ticket for that area.........it's hardly rocket science!!!

Spot on!

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It's quite simple......Ashton Gate is a allocated seat ground for Home Fans, sit in the seat for which your ticket is allocated and you don't get any problems, if you don't........the you are fully expected to get problems, if you want to sit in certain area by a ticket for that area.........it's hardly rocket science!!!

I agree it is an allocated seat ground, but why was this not enforced across the whole of the ground? why pick on the g block YET AGAIN! A steward went right into the middle of the block to ask a guy what his ticket said, this was in the second half, how come he was fine to sit their in the first half? And how petty to chase after him, just let the lad sit where he wants he is doing NO harm whatsoever.

And any case what is the problem with people sitting in other seats?

Surely this needs to be passed onto the people selling tickets and them told not to say 'you can sit where you like'!

Does it say on the ticket you have to sit in your seat?

What do i suggest i do next time i want to take my little 'un to the game, there are seats free either side of me, i need to go and buy her ticket and get the ticket seller to go routing about to find the exact ticket for one of those seats yeah?! how ridiculous. All we ask is a bit of common sense from the stewards, they seem to lack that - FACT!

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I think the point is, that the issue is just left open, no one really knows if you are free to sit where you wish, or if it is allocated seating. This is not pushed at either at point of purchase of your ticket, or upon entry to the ground. I think people wouldnt mind the stewards sorting these issues out if the facts were made clear from the start. I have seen many people argue this point with the stewards, if this was made clear from the start they would have no excuse.xxx
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I agree it is an allocated seat ground, but why was this not enforced across the whole of the ground? why pick on the g block YET AGAIN!

And any case what is the problem with people sitting in other seats?

Surely this needs to be passed onto the people selling tickets and them told not to say 'you can sit where you like'!

it is enforced across the whole ground, but in most areas of the ground the issue isn't a problem, people sit where they are supposed to, again alot of the problems in G block are brought on by themselves, there are rules within the football ground, if the club feel they are not being followed in certain areas then it is looked into, this is probably why stewards are looking at people in the dolman.

The problem with people sitting where they like is that why should someone who has the foresight to purchase a certain seat, then get there 5mins before or 5mins after kick off to find someone else in their seat??? I'm a season ticket holder and if I found someone in my seat as I have before I would rightly throw them out, if people know where they have to sit that's where they go, at least then we don't have the farce situations of few years back when people would sit where they like the people would then be still wondering around the standing 10mins into the match looking for 2/3 seats together!

Well it is common knowledge that the ground is allocated seating, the tickets have a seat number them as well, that is your seat, if the dolman ticket office are telling you otherwise perhaps you should tell the club this.

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And any case what is the problem with people sitting in other seats?

Surely this needs to be passed onto the people selling tickets and them told not to say 'you can sit where you like'!

Does it say on the ticket you have to sit in your seat?

What do i suggest i do next time i want to take my little 'un to the game, there are seats free either side of me, i need to go and buy her ticket and get the ticket seller to go routing about to find the exact ticket for one of those seats yeah?! how ridiculous. All we ask is a bit of common sense from the stewards, they seem to lack that - FACT!

Ive not been told by the Dolman ticket office that I can sit where I like for atleast 4-5 years. The tickets themselves have a block, row, and seat number, so this should tell ticket holders that their seat is an allocated one.

It shouldnt be too difficult to get the ticket you want for your young'un either. Just tell them which seat you want when you are paying. It may save you some hassle from the stewards once inside the ground if you sort it out whilst paying. All it takes is a bit of common sense - FACT!

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it is enforced across the whole ground, but in most areas of the ground the issue isn't a problem, people sit where they are supposed to, again alot of the problems in G block are brought on by themselves, there are rules within the football ground, if the club feel they are not being followed in certain areas then it is looked into, this is probably why stewards are looking at people in the dolman.

The problem with people sitting where they like is that why should someone who has the foresight to purchase a certain seat, then get there 5mins before or 5mins after kick off to find someone else in their seat??? I'm a season ticket holder and if I found someone in my seat as I have before I would rightly throw them out, if people know where they have to sit that's where they go, at least then we don't have the farce situations of few years back when people would sit where they like the people would then be still wondering around the standing 10mins into the match looking for 2/3 seats together!

Well it is common knowledge that the ground is allocated seating, the tickets have a seat number them as well, that is your seat, if the dolman ticket office are telling you otherwise perhaps you should tell the club this.

How is it a problem in the g block? Everyone sits in the back half of the g block so that all the singers are together that is the point of g block and that is common knowledge. I've never seen any problem in the g block with people sitting in the wrong seats and there being agro caused.

Do the subbers buy all their tickets together in that front block they sit in? no i doubt it very much, that's just a very nearby issue which is dealt with differently to g block.

It seems as soon as some people try and get together to get behind the boys it gets pulled apart by the club, g block was half empty on monday due to people being moved around, which i think killed the atmosphere in that area of the ground. What a waste of time, i don't know why we bother trying to get an atmosphere going, it is clear that the people at the top don't want that to happen. Surely common sense depicts that if a lad is sat in a seat for a whole half then no-one else has bought a ticket for that seat? So leave him be?

Ive not been told by the Dolman ticket office that I can sit where I like for atleast 4-5 years. The tickets themselves have a block, row, and seat number, so this should tell ticket holders that their seat is an allocated one.

It shouldnt be too difficult to get the ticket you want for your young'un either. Just tell them which seat you want when you are paying. It may save you some hassle from the stewards once inside the ground if you sort it out whilst paying. All it takes is a bit of common sense - FACT!

haha you're making the mistake of thinking there is consistently running through the club on a matchday. We purchased a ticket and said it's not by us and he said don't worry she can sit with you. Just because there is a seat number on it doesn't mean it is enforced, and in fact i have not seen it enforced once since the big operation on monday. So why would you bother making sure you had the specific seat you want if for the last 20 odd games you have been able to sit in any free seat you can find?

well as i've said in my previous posts i was told she could sit anywhere. So common sense would say take that ticket you have been given into the ground and have her sit next to us, because we'd just been told it was ok!

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don't know what the subbers do at the front at the stand??? did they get problems yesterday or any other week??? if not then maybe they are season tickets holders and the stewards know that?

there always seems to be problems steming from Block G as it is commented on each week? funny how in the Atyeo area where the band is? they don't seem to have any problems, there is plenty of noise? and they don't get any hassle?........maybe because they are sat in their seats and are sat down?

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