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The Tokers Thread

Sir Colby-Tit

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Especially when drought mouth is in full flow and your gasping for a drop.

Anyway, on with the thread - legalise it - it does far far less bodily harm than Alcohol, it has never killed anyone - in fact the opposite (it is the tobacco that is harmful), it would be another taxable commodity, and using/ruining George Doubleyah's argument (who beleives he is acting upon God's wishes) why has God placed this plant on the earth only for it to be made illegal? Surely he just wouldn't make it in the first place.

The fact that it's been degraded to c (?) would imply that they are eventually going to legalise it.

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I'm not entirely sure what difference legalising it would make, hardy difficult to pick up a big ol bag of weed now :D

In many ways i think it sould remain illegal, to be frank i can't say i trust the majority of people to not get completely ****** all the time and turn into vegetables.

As with everything the key is moderation, cane it too much and too hard and it will have seriously negative effects on you eventually. Keep it in moderation and you will be fine. A mate of mine when he's taking drugs is a big walking advertisment as to why taking huge amounts of drugs is not good for you, he's just abnormal even when not caned, when he's been clean for a week he's a completely different person, and the fact that he's a bloody genious actually begins to show through.

being the liberal that i am i have no problem with anything that anyone choose to do as long as it has no adverse effect on others, if you wanna screw your own life up be being caned 24/7 then thats your choice.

As for me i restrict my smoking to special occasions only, as i just got tired of feeling as if someone had wrapped my brain in cotton wool, so now have a smoke every now and then and feel fine after. For this same reason i gave up drinking as well and haven't had a drink for 8-9 months now.

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In many ways i think it sould remain illegal, to be frank i can't say i trust the majority of people to not get completely ****** all the time and turn into vegetables.

People said that 24-hour drinking would lead to more alcohol related social problems, but it has not (even WTF still behaves hisself!).

Decriminalising (or legalising) the Mary-Jane, would in my mind be equally reasonable.

Why worry about the effects of drugs when so few care about the reasons behind drug-taking?

I'm fairly clean-living, but I don't judge other's habits too naively.

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People said that 24-hour drinking would lead to more alcohol related social problems, but it has not (even WTF still behaves hisself!).

Decriminalising (or legalising) the Mary-Jane, would in my mind be equally reasonable.

Why worry about the effects of drugs when so few care about the reasons behind drug-taking?

I'm fairly clean-living, but I don't judge other's habits too naively.

I see what you are saying but i don't think that the 24 hour drinking is a comparable analogy. Look at the way many people drink, they get absolutely plastered far too often, far to many people go to excesses with alcohol, now alcohol is in many ways more dangerous than weed, weed hasn't killed anyone and to od on weed you have to smoke 3 times your bodyweight. Look at Amsterdam though, once the haven of stoners who want some time out to chill, now they are considering only allowing residents of amsterdam to smoke because of the **** holes who go there now (sadly largely British) who are turning the dam into a crap hole full of undesirables that most of us would cross the road to avoid in this country. At times it's still really nice to just go and chill for a bit, but it's slowly turning into one of those intolerable parts of spain full of brits who have no respect for the fact that they are in someone elses country.

However with the overuse of alcohol you can get liver desease, well there are ways around that, the problem with weed is that if you go too far the negative effects are irreversable, alcohol does more damage to your body, but the massive chemical imbalance that smoking weed causes in your brain can be devestating. Normal use shouldn't cause a problem as the brain can rebalance it's self, but do it too much and anything can happen, it can cause schizophrenia in certain people, and because it is involved with the brain nobody knows for sure what long term effects overuse of weed can and will have.

In the short term it causes short term memory problems, it does make you far more lethargic if used in hefty amounts (i know i've been there) and it does cause problems, good god going to Uni wile battered was an expirence i never want to repeat, it was terrible i had the fear something dire, trying to work while battered as well was no fun, well it was highly ammusing, but i was even less bothered than i am normally.

Don't think i'm saying what i'm saying beause i'm against weed, i'm most definatley not, and i don't think it will cause social problems, as lets face it who the hell has got the motivation to fight when battered, you would have to be severly determined to fight to bother to get off your arse and do so.

It's just i've seen what excessive use can do to people, so i'm not sure which way it should go. Mabye a trial period would be good and then go from there.

right i'm ******* hungry, off to get some munch :D

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I am amzed this thread is still live, :blink: but hey ho. Interesting debate, I have mixed feelings on this matter, Its not for me I have to say, I'm happy on Life, :dance: But my mum, who is disabled with a crippleing illness, has been told by her DOCTER to give it a try, :blink: as It would ease her pain. Now that throws a cat amongst the pigeons! :dunno: xxx
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I see what you are saying but i don't think that the 24 hour drinking is a comparable analogy. Look at the way many people drink, they get absolutely plastered far too often, far to many people go to excesses with alcohol, now alcohol is in many ways more dangerous than weed, weed hasn't killed anyone and to od on weed you have to smoke 3 times your bodyweight. :D

The incidents of drug driving are rising at a rate far above any other crime statistic and there are proven cases where someone stoned has killed another road user.

By all means I'm happy for anyone to enjoy any drug of their choice, but as with any aspect of life, you still need to assume some responsibility for your actions.

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I'm not entirely sure what difference legalising it would make, hardy difficult to pick up a big ol bag of weed now :D

In many ways i think it sould remain illegal, to be frank i can't say i trust the majority of people to not get completely ****** all the time and turn into vegetables.

As with everything the key is moderation, cane it too much and too hard and it will have seriously negative effects on you eventually. Keep it in moderation and you will be fine. A mate of mine when he's taking drugs is a big walking advertisment as to why taking huge amounts of drugs is not good for you, he's just abnormal even when not caned, when he's been clean for a week he's a completely different person, and the fact that he's a bloody genious actually begins to show through.

being the liberal that i am i have no problem with anything that anyone choose to do as long as it has no adverse effect on others, if you wanna screw your own life up be being caned 24/7 then thats your choice.

As for me i restrict my smoking to special occasions only, as i just got tired of feeling as if someone had wrapped my brain in cotton wool, so now have a smoke every now and then and feel fine after. For this same reason i gave up drinking as well and haven't had a drink for 8-9 months now.

I have a mutual 'friend' who for the last 3 months smoked about £10's worth a day, waking up to one, doing every day habits in accordance to when the last spliff was (i.e eating sleeping working etc.). You will have to trust my judgement/analysis of him as I know him well. Now, whilst clearly smoking to avoid reality, there is no way he could be described as a vegetable. Yes lethargic and yes prone to sitting on the fence due to ridiculously poor decision making skills but definatly still lively and able to communicate/make jokes (which you where hinting your mate couldnt?). Saying that he's not had any for 2 days and buzzin for it ;p

No offence mate, but I think some people can take higher levels and some cant. If you cant you shold be able to recognise this and adapt accordingly.

I see what you are saying but i don't think that the 24 hour drinking is a comparable analogy. Look at the way many people drink, they get absolutely plastered far too often, far to many people go to excesses with alcohol, now alcohol is in many ways more dangerous than weed, weed hasn't killed anyone and to od on weed you have to smoke 3 times your bodyweight. Look at Amsterdam though, once the haven of stoners who want some time out to chill, now they are considering only allowing residents of amsterdam to smoke because of the **** holes who go there now (sadly largely British) who are turning the dam into a crap hole full of undesirables that most of us would cross the road to avoid in this country. At times it's still really nice to just go and chill for a bit, but it's slowly turning into one of those intolerable parts of spain full of brits who have no respect for the fact that they are in someone elses country. You're saying that the weed/alcohol line isn't comparable but then comparing the Dam with Spain. Britains two back gardens as far as going away for the weekend to get blitzed. That's not weed/alcohol related it just goes to show how scummy our nation is.

However with the overuse of alcohol you can get liver desease, well there are ways around that, the problem with weed is that if you go too far the negative effects are irreversable, alcohol does more damage to your body, but the massive chemical imbalance that smoking weed causes in your brain can be devestating. Normal use shouldn't cause a problem as the brain can rebalance it's self, but do it too much and anything can happen, it can cause schizophrenia in certain people, and because it is involved with the brain nobody knows for sure what long term effects overuse of weed can and will have. But you can't become a weedaholic. Alcohol not only ruins peoples lives it tears through families. The reason for 24 hour boozing is tax money. The only reason I can see that they would legalise would be again for tax. And scientists do know the long term effects of weed - it's been smoked for hundreds if not thousands of years now.

In the short term it causes short term memory problems, it does make you far more lethargic if used in hefty amounts (i know i've been there) and it does cause problems, good god going to Uni wile battered was an expirence i never want to repeat, it was terrible i had the fear something dire, trying to work while battered as well was no fun, well it was highly ammusing, but i was even less bothered than i am normally.

I think the main problem lies with Skunk which has man made chemicals added. Resin and weed weed do not have these psychological mind benders

Don't think i'm saying what i'm saying beause i'm against weed, i'm most definatley not, and i don't think it will cause social problems, as lets face it who the hell has got the motivation to fight when battered, you would have to be severly determined to fight to bother to get off your arse and do so.

It's just i've seen what excessive use can do to people, so i'm not sure which way it should go. Mabye a trial period would be good and then go from there.

right i'm ******* hungry, off to get some munch :D

I respect your argument mate, but I think each individual has different effects to the various chemicals being used across the country. If that makes sense? And yes they need more testing/experimenting with it.

I am amzed this thread is still live, :blink: but hey ho. Interesting debate, I have mixed feelings on this matter, Its not for me I have to say, I'm happy on Life, :dance: But my mum, who is disabled with a crippleing illness, has been told by her DOCTER to give it a try, :blink: as It would ease her pain. Now that throws a cat amongst the pigeons! :dunno: xxx

That does add some flavour to the argument. If doctors want it to be prescribed, don't they know better than the MP's?

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Some little known cannabis facts:

1. Smoking cannabis regularly results in the brain being coated in a protective layer of THC (the active ingredient), which has been proven to protect the user against strokes.

2. THC is one of the most powerful anti-oxidants known and regular cannabis use keeps your skin looking good.

3. Sir Colby-Tit has been using on a daily basis for 20 years and suffers no ill-effects apart from short term memory loss.

4. Sir Colby-Tit has been using on a daily basis for 20 years and suffers no ill-effects apart from short term memory loss.

5. Sir Colby-Tit has been using on a daily basis for 20 years and suffers no ill-effects apart from short term memory loss.

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Some little known cannabis facts:

1. Smoking cannabis regularly results in the brain being coated in a protective layer of THC (the active ingredient), which has been proven to protect the user against strokes.

2. THC is one of the most powerful anti-oxidants known and regular cannabis use keeps your skin looking good.

3. Sir Colby-Tit has been using on a daily basis for 20 years and suffers no ill-effects apart from short term memory loss.

4. Sir Colby-Tit has been using on a daily basis for 20 years and suffers no ill-effects apart from short term memory loss.

5. Sir Colby-Tit has been using on a daily basis for 20 years and suffers no ill-effects apart from short term memory loss.

I've forgotten what I was going to post

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I have a mutual 'friend' who for the last 3 months smoked about £10's worth a day, waking up to one, doing every day habits in accordance to when the last spliff was (i.e eating sleeping working etc.). You will have to trust my judgement/analysis of him as I know him well. Now, whilst clearly smoking to avoid reality, there is no way he could be described as a vegetable. Yes lethargic and yes prone to sitting on the fence due to ridiculously poor decision making skills but definatly still lively and able to communicate/make jokes (which you where hinting your mate couldnt?). Saying that he's not had any for 2 days and buzzin for it ;p

No offence mate, but I think some people can take higher levels and some cant. If you cant you shold be able to recognise this and adapt accordingly.

I respect your argument mate, but I think each individual has different effects to the various chemicals being used across the country. If that makes sense? And yes they need more testing/experimenting with it.

That does add some flavour to the argument. If doctors want it to be prescribed, don't they know better than the MP's?

I agree completely, i've seen both sides of the coin, i know people who smoke it a huge amount and lead perfectly normal lives, same as i know people who blow vast amounts on coke and lead perfectly normal lives. I've also seen people seriously damaged by weed from heavy usage.

I know in myself i am fine, i can smoke one hell of a lot and have no adverse effects apart from being more lazy than normal, it's just i can't say i trust the same people who go and do serious damage to their bodies by getting completely trollied on alcohol all too often, we all do it for a period of our lives, it's part of growing up learning what we can and can't put our bodies through, but so many people don't seem capable of learning their limits anymore.

I knew my limits for drinking when i was about 14, i could tell the point where i was ****** enough to have fun but not being so bladdered that i am completley inebriated and can't function as a human being, of course at times i went over this limit as well it seemed like a good idea at the time, everyone does now and ten, but the sheer amount of people i know and see who don't just break this limit they absolutely smash their bodies limit 2-3 times a week is obscene, and i can't say i trust the same people with something that does less damage to their bodies but does interesting things to their brain.

There needs to be a lot more research into the effects of THC on the brain before it can be legalised, with alcohol it's easy to tell what it does because it leaves evidence, if you destroy your liver through drinking it's obvious when you look at it after they are gone, but with THC as it deals almost exclusively with the brain it's harder to tell, as a we still aren't even close to fully understanding the human brain, and it changes the chemicals in the brain which are very hard to examine, well unless you find someone so battered they are willing to have their brain dicected while alive :)

I don't get how people can have serious car accidents while on weed, i've been in cars with people driving while battered and the car is not going fast enough to do anyone or anyting any damage, jesus if there is another car within 50 feet of them they are terrified and half of the time pull over, the roads would be much safer if everyone was caned as cars would never go above 10 mph :)

IN seriousness anyone who drives under the influence of weed is being stupid, it's not worth it, even if some nutter is at fault for an accident if you are caned you are ######

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I have a mutual 'friend' who for the last 3 months smoked about £10's worth a day, waking up to one, doing every day habits in accordance to when the last spliff was (i.e eating sleeping working etc.). You will have to trust my judgement/analysis of him as I know him well. Now, whilst clearly smoking to avoid reality, there is no way he could be described as a vegetable. Yes lethargic and yes prone to sitting on the fence due to ridiculously poor decision making skills but definatly still lively and able to communicate/make jokes (which you where hinting your mate couldnt?). Saying that he's not had any for 2 days and buzzin for it ;p

No offence mate, but I think some people can take higher levels and some cant. If you cant you shold be able to recognise this and adapt accordingly.

I respect your argument mate, but I think each individual has different effects to the various chemicals being used across the country. If that makes sense? And yes they need more testing/experimenting with it.

That does add some flavour to the argument. If doctors want it to be prescribed, don't they know better than the MP's?

Totally agree Bazza - as I have admitted elsewhere in this thread, I have been a daily smoker for 20 years, yet I continue to function perfectly well. I have a demanding management job for a commercial law firm, I have an active social life, I'm happily married etc. Short term memory loss is a small problem as is laziness, but not to the extent that it detrimental to my life.

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The smoking debate rages on on the City Forum, but what do y'all think about the 'erb? Legalise it or keep it illegal as it is evil?

Have smoked enough of the green stuff, and the solid stuff for that matter in the past to kill 4 small giraffe's. Did me no long term favour's although did do a job at the time.

In a big rush so won't blabber but it is in tune with WTFism that if somebody want's to smoke pot then who is anyone else to stop them? We are not children after all.

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