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*** The Ask The Next Question Game Thread***

Dan C

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The title explains the name really and some may have seen this on other internet forums.A fun game which i'm sure will provide us with plenty of laughter.

Basically for example I ask Why is the sky blue? Then someone answers and then asks the next question etc etc.

Questions can be about anything really, City or Non City.

If two people answer a question at the same time, the next poster can choose which one to answer.

First person to reply can have the first question to start this off.

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Because you need to line your curtains with black out material :)

OK. My question.

Where can you buy Cherry Garcia Ben+Jerry's in Bristol?

Blockbusters. Two tubs of icecream for a fiver, hurrah! :D

Why is the sky blue a murky kind of rubbish grey colour?

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Blockbusters. Two tubs of icecream for a fiver, hurrah! :D

Why is the sky blue a murky kind of rubbish grey colour?

Because it's full of clouds and clouds are grey. These clouds block the blue of the sky which I think is blue because it reflects the sea.. or does the sea reflect the sky?... I can't remember.

There you go then, does the sea reflect the sky or the sky reflect the sea?

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Because it's full of clouds and clouds are grey. These clouds block the blue of the sky which I think is blue because it reflects the sea.. or does the sea reflect the sky?... I can't remember.

There you go then, does the sea reflect the sky or the sky reflect the sea?

Er, both, at exactly the same time?! :blink:

Why, if school insists on starting 15 minutes earlier to give us a longer lunch hour or something, can't it end 15 minutes earlier too? :crying:

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Er, both, at exactly the same time?! :blink:

Why, if school insists on starting 15 minutes earlier to give us a longer lunch hour or something, can't it end 15 minutes earlier too? :crying:

Because then you would lose the extra 15 minutes in the lunch break. So it would be pretty pointless.

Why is wallpaper hung longways instead of sideways?

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Because then you would lose the extra 15 minutes in the lunch break. So it would be pretty pointless.

Why is wallpaper hung longways instead of sideways?

if it's hung longways, if one falls to the floor it might take one others with it, yet longways, it'll fall and will not come into contact with any others. (only thing i can think of)

Does Cillit bang actually work??

(took me ages to think of summot)

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the meaning of life is 42

the letter I is done I because (i think this is right) you are refering to a person, a pro-noun, which should start with a capital letter.

my question

where does the term hat-trick come from??

Well most megicians do tricks frrom hats like pull a rabbit from it so hence the word hat-trick.

My question is,is god gay or stright?

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yea becuase of all the shadows and shizzle

why do women not wear watches

This one does.. :dunno:

No, Karate Kid

Do I really live in a caravan with a giraffe?

Of course you do. I've seen it.

no because there is a clock on the oven

back to mozo's question, i should bloody hope so otherwise i will feel cheated, like a chinese goat

are henry vacuums the best?

No, Dysons are :D

Why does my mp3 player run out of battery at the most stupid times possible?

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positive discrimination :whistle::whistle: (sorry mozo)

citboy99 - oh yeh, very sexy

Could Batman beat Spiderman in a fight??

No he's got a cold at the moment, his mum bought him lemsip today though so don't worry...

Do badgers get paranoid?

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