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Tom Cruise

Richy P

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What does everybody think of this guy now?

Hes made some decent movies with mission impossible and collateral being among my favourite movies, where he was really good in both. Hes made some shockers where in War of the worlds i didn't think he was that good and he was pretty poor in eyes wide shut.

Do you think he has taken the whole Scientology lark too far? I mean i respect the mans belief but do u think its just a publicity stunt to promote his movies?

Interested in your views.......

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He'll allways be Maverick imo.

War of the World was THE worst film i have ever seen,even worse than Tank Girl and that was CRAP!

i watched it last week and i very nearly called Sky up for a refund, what a joke the Americans are, Hollywood really churns out 5h1t films these days, all about the money you see none of them are really interested in telling stories or making classic films, and even when they try they are tinged with political statments so transparent it makes me sick.

Far & Away was a good film, and Risky business with wassaface bird was also a classic, dam i loved that 928 he had.

Rebeca Demornay, thats it.

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The man's an attention seeking idiot ( I said <word deleted>, thank you Mr. Auto edit Mod edit: You may well have done but the swear filter is there for a reason). I hope the placenta made him very sick.

I'd like to beat him with a heavy and blunt object.

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The guy has gone bonkers, And this cult thing or what ever it is is crazy, I read that the mother of the baby isn't allowed to have contact with the baby for the first few days or something so the baby doesn't bond therefor meaning the baby wont rely on the mother in later life. To me that is just stupid and tight on the baby, I swear I also read that the baby wasn't allowed to eat for the first 24 hours or something but don't quote me on that.

When I can be bothard i'm going to read up about the whole Scientology. I'm just intriged why some people do follow it and stick to the beliefs of it.

I also read that she had a silent birth, WHich I thought would be impossible after watching the birth of my child, But then I read down more and she had a epidural. I'm no expert on epidurals but I do now that it relives pain and any feeling beneath your waste, So there for she wouldn't have felt much pain, This meaning she wouldn't make much noise.

So much for the natural birth he said he wanted. My misses had a natural birth with just gas and air, Now thats natural and the best way I feel to watch your child be born.

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the blokes a poisen midget, i respect his beliefs but what a freak, eatin placenta ewwww keep that in the circus

also on the point that he made his bird have a silent birth, would he make any noise if someone smacked him in the ********

its all publicity, sad really

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Can I help you

I'm not prone to advocating violence but in TC's case I'll make an exception. That's three of us with a baseball bat then.

the blokes a poisen midget, i respect his beliefs but what a freak, eatin placenta ewwww keep that in the circus

also on the point that he made his bird have a silent birth, would he make any noise if someone smacked him in the ********

its all publicity, sad really

When my wife had our baby, there was a young, very earnest Christian couple in the next cubicle. She was in agony, and all he could prattle on about was how it was "the Lord's will, due to Eve's sin...." I had my clerical collar on at the time, so poked my head around the curtain and told him what an idiot he was, and that she should get some painkillers asap.

I also wanted to show him how in my opinion it was God's will that he should be kicked up and down the ward by every woman in the building, just to show him the relationship between pleasure and pain (their pleasure, him in pain).

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The man's an attention seeking idiot ( I said ****, thank you Mr. Auto edit). I hope the placenta made him very sick.

I'd like to beat him with a heavy and blunt object.

Spot on there Dag, my thoughts exactly.

Made me laugh though with the "You're a jerk, has anyone ever told you that? You're a jerk. You jerk."

Over spilt water.

the blokes a poisen midget, i respect his beliefs but what a freak, eatin placenta ewwww keep that in the circus

also on the point that he made his bird have a silent birth, would he make any noise if someone smacked him in the ********

its all publicity, sad really

What beleifs? Scientology is some bizarre new craze like Pokimon that I just can't understand.

The Chef/Isaac Hayes quit South Park cos they were taking the pish about Scientology and he follows it.

It's all been taken from some book written in the 60's. Scienctology evolved from that which I find odd. I mean what kind of freak religion takes all its ideologies and opinions from a book!?!

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Now there's an idea! Can't we push there plan along a bit? Speed is of the essence. Although who would get the payout if they were both gone?

Nicole Kidman might get his.... but they again he might have left it to the Scientology loons.

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Nicole Kidman might get his.... but they again he might have left it to the Scientology loons.

Do they have to keep quiet at all times when being beaten to a pulp with a baseball bat the same as they do when giving birth?

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Very Christian attitude you have there.

I can see it now...RevKev, Jesus Christ and Moses all with their bally's on, thrashing the poor midget with bats and boots. Afterwards, JC turns to his pals and shrugs "God knows he had it coming, eh boys?"

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I can see it now...RevKev, Jesus Christ and Moses all with their bally's on, thrashing the poor midget with bats and boots. Afterwards, JC turns to his pals and shrugs "God knows he had it coming, eh boys?"

Unfair criticism of me I think..... I wouldn't risk getting my boots dirty. One must have standards, dear boy.

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