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New Blood And Changes


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still in need of a creative midfielder, either outwide or centrel, i just seen the thread about mark bonner from bardiff, well if he creates we will take him, hows about the fat blerk(gazza) at wolves on a week to week, play him until he gets bladdered then get rid, anyway if no new blood then its got to be changes.







still don't see that many goals in this lot

lets face it murrey might have done me head in sometimes but he was good at getting goals and generaly being a thorn in the opposistions side.

theres got to be another murray type looking for a job, surely

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There is no money left guys, please realise that what we have now is what we'll have at the end of the season. Then its a massive bring and buy / clearance sale at Ashton Gate as over 10 players' contracts are up.

If we remain in div 2 (a likely outcome at present) then I think we'll have a lot of hard renegotiations on th etable, as there won't be any more money to pay them than at present, and i think one or two of the higher paid players (eg Bell for one) will be off.

If by some miracle we go up, then it'll be more off as they won't be wanted and we'll need space on the salary table for new blood necessary to keep us up.

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