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Piracy Laws...


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Not blackbeard stylee but for those who d/l torrents or use limewire I thought this article might be interesting! Something's not right here wouldn't you say! :Crazy:

THE NEW look Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA) seems to be giving the world an unusual moral code.

Details of the upgraded act, which has the blessing of the music and film industry and the Bush administration, are now coming to light. It appears that the DMCA will have a maximum sentence of ten years inside for the crime of software and music piracy. It will also give the FBI the powers to wiretap suspected pirates.

Although sentencing varies in the US, the new law does send a very strange message as to what the government considers 'bad' in the 21st century.

For example assaulting a police officer will get you five years, downloading child porn will get you seven years, assaulting without a weapon will get you ten years and aggravated assault six years.

So in other words if you copy a Disney CD and sell it you will be in the same league as a paedophile who is distributing pictures of sexual attacks on children.

If you copy Craig David's CD you get ten years, but if you punch him in the face and pummel him into a seven day coma you will only get six. You are more likely to get the respect of the prison population with your six year sentence as well.

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If you copy Craig David's CD you get ten years, but if you punch him in the face and pummel him into a seven day coma you will only get six. You are more likely to get the respect of the prison population with your six year sentence as well

1. Anyone who wants to copy Craig Davids 'music' should definitely do time!

2. I'd like to punch him in the face.

3. Sounds like crazy laws BenSolo. Does it surprise me? No. We live in a crazy world. Mind you surely committing a crime against a vastly wealthy corporation is the most heinous crime, nay sin, of all? :w00t:

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1. Anyone who wants to copy Craig Davids 'music' should definitely do time!

It's a fair comment mozo...

10 years is still a bit excessive though wouldn't you say?

5 years and mandatory cell mate called 'Slasher' (or 'Susan' on cold nights!) I could understand!

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1. Anyone who wants to copy Craig Davids 'music' should definitely do time!

2. I'd like to punch him in the face.

3. Sounds like crazy laws BenSolo. Does it surprise me? No. We live in a crazy world. Mind you surely committing a crime against a vastly wealthy corporation is the most heinous crime, nay sin, of all? :w00t:

3.You have it in One!

Johnnnnnney Deppt (bad actor)........ looks like a right git he should not be allowed to be a pirate...... we hate pirates on here any way don't we........?

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3.You have it in One!

Johnnnnnney Deppt (bad actor)........ looks like a right git he should not be allowed to be a pirate...... we hate pirates on here any way don't we........?

Stupid laws, but

How is he a bad actor ? He's great in Fear and Loathing, Incredible in Blow, very good in edward scisor hands, haven't seena film with him in where i have thought him poor. For me one of the best actors of the last 10 years.

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Stupid laws, but

How is he a bad actor ? He's great in Fear and Loathing, Incredible in Blow, very good in edward scisor hands, haven't seena film with him in where i have thought him poor. For me one of the best actors of the last 10 years.

Agree with you there spud...

I heard a rumour that he's going to be playing Ozzy Osbourne in a movie about his life! Should be interesting!

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It's a fair comment mozo...

10 years is still a bit excessive though wouldn't you say?

5 years and mandatory cell mate called 'Slasher' (or 'Susan' on cold nights!) I could understand!

Surely 10 years is just the maximum sentence though, that would probably only be imposed on large scale distributors?

"Slasher" is one of my nicknames :ph34r:

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This law is very easy to explain.

Victims of assault, paedophilia and police officers have vastly less money to bribe american politicians with.

The law is utterly pointless anyway, the operations will merely move overseas. Any copyright system that's implemented is always easily overcome, and always will be.

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Stupid laws, but

How is he a bad actor ? He's great in Fear and Loathing, Incredible in Blow, very good in edward scisor hands, haven't seena film with him in where i have thought him poor. For me one of the best actors of the last 10 years.

I rate Depp too. Fear and Loathing is amazing, as is Benny and Joon.

Maybe I shouldnt have downloaded Limewire Pro off of my basic Limewire then.

Peer to peer file sharing is always going to happen, its just like the old days when someone would copy a tape for you (be it music or computer games), although maybe slightly easier to trace.

I often use Limewire, but mainly for tunes I know I'm going to struggle to get a copy of. The White Stripes cover of Dolly Partons Jolene has never been released, but they always play it at gigs and it sounds great, so I had to download that because its ace. The Arctic Monkeys early stuff I downloaded off of Lime wire too before they got REALLY famous, and if I and others hadnt done that and spread the word they would have never done as well as they have. Its a double edged sword for a lot of musicians IMHO.

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Guest DrFaustus

we hate pirates on here any way don't we........?

Speak for yourself!

Surely 10 years is just the maximum sentence though, that would probably only be imposed on large scale distributors?

"Slasher" is one of my nicknames :ph34r:

Only as you're unable to get home from the Sange without 'relief'

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Stupid laws, but

How is he a bad actor ? He's great in Fear and Loathing, Incredible in Blow, very good in edward scisor hands, haven't seena film with him in where i have thought him poor. For me one of the best actors of the last 10 years.

For you maybe....... for me I have not seen him in a good film..... or thought him a good actor in any way shape or form..... only my opinion

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If you copy Craig David's CD you get ten years, but if you punch him in the face and pummel him into a seven day coma you will only get six.

Really? Only a 7 day coma? Couldn't we push the boat out a bit here? Really go to town? 7 days is all too familiar with this #### so maybe it shold be a 7 year jobby?

Oh, and which Craig David is it? The one with the chin, or the one with the mask? Or even the one who works for a company in Leeds? I'm not arsed which one it is like, can't stand any of em, just curious.

And when do we begin?

Oh, if you do copy his CD, you deserve a lot more than 10 measily years, that #### is just unexplainable/unfathomable/inhumane.

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