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Adriano Basso


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On saturday afternoon, I was lucky enough to win the shirt Basso wore playing against the division two side Swindle. The shirt was put up as a prize in a raffle amongst the fans who travelled to Southend by cats.

If my information is correct, it was to raise money for a cancer charity as Adrianno has just lost his mum to cancer. I bought a lot of raffle tickets for this as i have just lost my father to cancer.

My intention is to auction the shirt and to send any money raised to Adrianno via the club.

I hope I'm not breaking any forum rules by this auction as i believe it is for a worthy cause.

The shirt was won by me on coach five and with the no 315 ticket.

I will run the auction till 6 pm next sunday evening when i will contact the winning bidder for details of payment and address to send the shirt to.

The shirt is green with the coca cola red emblems on the sleeves and the football league logo on the bottom of the numbers twenty eight. there is no sponsership on the shirt just Adriannos name and number. the shirt is in very good condition except for a couple of bobbles in the material by the chest area.

Anyone who wishes to bid for this shirt please bid by reply to this post.

Many thanks for reading this and good luck to those who bid. And any queries concerning the shirt please post any question and i will reply.

To assure anyone who thinks this is a scam, my personel details are

Mr D Charles

*address removed by moderation team to protect poster*

s/t holder Atyeo Block G Row J Seat 21

Mod Edit: Probably best if people restrict replies for genuine bids so that it is easier to track the current bid

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Guest Digger


I am the very person that organised the raffle on Saturday for the Basso shirt.

I need to correct your understanding of the reason the shirt was raffled.

The purpose of the raffle was to raise extra sponsorship for my 10 year old daughter who this weekend is taking part in the "Race For Life" In aid of cancer research.

She is dedicating her run to the memory of My mum who died from cancer last year.

So I need you to be aware that it has nothing to do with Adriano's mum - I would hate there to be any confusion especially if you were to send him the money stating that it was in memory of his mum.

As far as I am aware his mother is still very much alive and very well.

I did put out leaflets fully explaining the reason for the raffle, but it seems this message has become construed.

I hope this clarifies the situation and I can inform you that the raffle raised £300 every penny of which will be going to Cancer Research by way of the Race For Life.

Can I thank everyone who donated on Saturday - I was amazed and overwhelmed by the response.

Good luck Exeter Red with your auction, I am sure there are other ways to donate the money you raise to Cancer Research.

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No the shirt has not been signed, but i pressume under the circumstances that it was put up for raffle that Adrianno would be pleased to sign in for the winner.

payment would be at the winners convenience.........

I have recieved a PM today from :Zider-ed in deutschland: and he has put in a massive bid for £150.00. At the minute this is the winning bid. :)

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it seems that i did hot fully understand the true circumstances of the raffle.

I did not see a leaflet and the tannoy announcement on the coach was not clear.

I deeply apolagise if any one feels that i may have misled them, that was not ever my intention.

If you have made a bid please feel free to retract yopur bid if you wish. I have sent Digger a PM and under the cirmumstances as i now know them i have offerd toi send him the proceeds to donate with the money raised saturday. sorry to all for the confusion with this, and i do feel a bit of a BERK..........

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it seems that i did hot fully understand the true circumstances of the raffle.

I did not see a leaflet and the tannoy announcement on the coach was not clear.

I deeply apolagise if any one feels that i may have misled them, that was not ever my intention.

If you have made a bid please feel free to retract yopur bid if you wish. I have sent Digger a PM and under the cirmumstances as i now know them i have offerd toi send him the proceeds to donate with the money raised saturday. sorry to all for the confusion with this, and i do feel a bit of a BERK..........

No need to feel a berk mate, you said you were raising money for cancer research, that hasn't changed. Good on you fella and best of luck (unfortunately, I cannot come anywhere near topping that £150 bid :rolleyes: )

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This thread is wrong.

The auction started as a way to raise money to send to our first team Goalkeeper who lost his mother to cancer.

As the thread reads on we find out she is not dead.

Are the moderators hoping that because she is alive and well she, or any menber of her family, might see the funny side of this?

Regardless of any apoligies for misunderstandings etc this thread should be pulled.

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This thread is wrong.

The auction started as a way to raise money to send to our first team Goalkeeper who lost his mother to cancer.

As the thread reads on we find out she is not dead.

Are the moderators hoping that because she is alive and well she, or any menber of her family, might see the funny side of this?

Regardless of any apoligies for misunderstandings etc this thread should be pulled.

The money is still going to a good cause, it was simply a misunderstanding. No problem.

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Many thanks to those people who have bid for the shirt. The shirt has been won by Zider-ed in Deutschland, with a bid of £150. Thanks to the mods and a big apology to people who have been upset by the initial mistake on my part. But please be assured the intention was always good, and a cancer charity will now be £150 better off due to the generosity and good will of the people who follow B.C.F.C. many thanks again Del

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