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Arranging Photos On To Cd

Percy Parrot

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I have all my holiday snaps on my computer. I have named them all and arranged them in their file by what time they were taken on- so they are all in order.

HOWEVER- I am now trying to make a few CD's of them to send to my brother, one for backup etc.

When I am doing this I am selecting all, clicking 'Copy to CD' and the files come up 'waiting to be written to CD' screen. This is the problem- at this point they are all in a stupid order again and for some reason at this point there is no 'arrange icons by picture taken on' option. So they are all in stoopid order! :@

Any ideas? It seems silly that I can't make a CD with my pics in order!!!

Many many thanks for anyone who can help.


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Ok now bear with me because I know jack about computers, but I know when I copy cds the tracks don't always come up in the order I want them to so I have to put the cursor over the track I want to move and hold it down while I drag it to the place where I want it. Would that work?

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