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Some Observations


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I went to my first game since the Bournemouth home game on Saturday and a couple of things struck me which I'll share here:

First off, the football we played in the first 20/25 minutes was superb. Great movement, quick thinking, good skill and intelligent play all round. To a man, we were superb at the start of the game and if we keep that form up we'll win this league at a canter.

Secondly, what the hell has happened to Tommy Doherty? He was superb. I've never been a fan of his (and I still have my reservations about his fitness and hot-headedness) but he was brilliant all game. Strong in the tackle as ever but most impressive was his use of the ball - far from conceding possession regularly as he used to do he was spreading the ball around with some nice passes. Keep it up Tommy!

Next, it was the first time I've seen Goodfellow and two things struck me about him. He's obviosuly quite left-sided and struggled to do a job on the right. More worryingly though, he's bloody tiny! Obviously he had a great start to his career with us but the small physical size of the bloke worried me. He made little impact against Wrexham in the time he was on (including that monster no. 6 bloke - God he was ######e!). I appeciate that he didn't have long and we were on the defensive but I think he'll need to be something really special on the ball if he doesn't beef up a bit.

Wilson is obviously getting it right at the moment with 11 on the bounce but surely Roberts is worthy of a place on the bench somewhere? With Bell AND Woodman there on Saturday there seemed to be some doubling up to me.

Finally, the East End looked great and although it takes something away from the Dolman in terms of atmosphere I think it's good for the team so all power to it! (I'm going to stick with my good view though.....!!)

Bring on Sheffield Wednesday, 5,000 City fans and win number 12! (I'll be there :cool: )

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