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A lesbian was sacked from a firm which calls itself the UK's first gay and lesbian-owned estate agency because she was pregnant, a tribunal has ruled.

First off I'll tell you where there wrong, whoever taught that firm sex ed got their facts slightly wrong

Corinna Slow, 27, lost her job managing the Hove, East Sussex office of 2Let when she was 16 weeks pregnant.

Ms Slow, who lives with her bus driver girlfriend and three-month-old daughter Edith in Brighton, was awarded £13,000.

13 grand, bus driver girlfriend WTF

The Brighton employment tribunal ruled she was a victim of unfair dismissal and sex discrimination.

Tribunal chairman Charles Twiss said it was satisfied 2Let boss Kevin Newman knew Ms Slow was pregnant.

I'm glad the truth has been told

Corinna Slow

"He had to get rid of the claimant...to avoid paying maternity pay.

"We are satisfied beyond any reasonable doubt that the reason for the dismissal was pregnancy."

Mr Newman had claimed he did not know Ms Slow was pregnant and sacked her because of poor performance.

He told the tribunal Ms Slow did not look pregnant "at all" when he dismissed her last August, and he only found out she was carrying a child the day afterwards, when she told him

Yea thats a real good excuse, what was she munching on too much carpet

Mr Twiss said even if Mr Newman had not noticed Ms Slow's pregnancy bump - which he said would be understandable because it was not very large at the time - he had been told she was carrying a child.

After the hearing Ms Slow, who lives with Hilary Noble, 33, in Kemptown, said: "I'm just glad the truth has been told and that he's been made accountable for what he did.

"I think the decision was fair and I'm just looking forward to moving on and enjoying being with Hilary and Edith."

She said having her daughter had been "one of the happiest times of my life and I'm just glad to get rid of this shadow that's been hanging over me".

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