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So, Tonight's Glos Cup Match

Ian M

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I've found out from other posts that we scored 6 and that Clayton got one of them but in the absence of an Official match report, could someone who went let us all know who got the other goals and confirm whether our 6 goals were without reply or not?

Cheers :cool:

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They scored first in the first half. We waited until the second half to wake up (I think that Shaun Taylor gave them a decent rollicking).

Who scored each goal.... argh... I was too cold to really take note. Lita got a few, and one of the young 'uns did (really specific, I know). Marvin pulled up with what looked like cramp. We took him straight off, but he seemed OK because he walked back to the tunnel on his own about 10 minutes later.

Our keeper made a few brave saves. Otherwise, I think the only thing to note from the game is that when we were good we were good, and when we were bad we were bad... one of those games were not much happened for a while.

Clayton's goal was decent though... using his size to barge his way through the defence and nip it in the net. Caught me half napping because I thought he was going to lose it... :cool:

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Can't remember the order but the first goal was a shot by Mickey which definitely took a deflection; Marvin seemed to be taking the credit; call it 0.5 goals each!

Marvin definitely scored another as well.

Lita got two. Mickey got another and Clayton making the 6.

Overall, a good game. Nobody shone particularly. Our young keeper (as said) above got his body in the way of most things.

Seemed to try and toss everything in the box the first half aiming for Lita; very noticeable it was all to feet in the much improved second half.

Although he scored 2, he didn't look as impressive as he has done in recent weeks.

Mickey walked through the game, however, good simple passing and at least 1 good goal.

Roberts set up 2 goals with 2 good crosses and look more interested. Probably not a good enough match report for Danny today to warrant his inclusion (although there was service and delivery from the right which we are sadly lacking).

I personally thought Woodman looked terrible; his passing was so wayward.

Marvin was probably our best player; great movement; working some nice one-two's, however, I think it was a bit more than cramp. He did walk back to the dressing room, however, gingerly; be surprised if he is available for selection this Saturday.

Burnell showed some nice touches and did his breaking up job well. Spotted some good long range passes early, however, delivery was often below par and intercepted.

Of the younger players; they all looked efficient. Nathan Best stood out as a good little player.

Cotterill (sp?) came on for Marvin and moved well and showed his confidence in one piece of play that stood out. Had the ball just outside area, several potential passes, however, just one touch the the right and hit a lovely dipping shot which keeper just palmed over.

Sorry can't give more detail, however, it was cold to de bone and more a night for watching than studying (if that makes sense!?).

And for those interested; no sign of Danny!

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