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That depends on whether you support democracy or not. Blair was re-elected after the invasion of Iraq.

Well, as I don't have faith in the state then I can't really care about democracy, especially a sham democracy.

No, but it certainly doesn't mean training to be terrorist and fighting against your own countrymen.


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It should be noted that there's not a single ounce of substantiated fact in that story - it's all uncorroborated quotes from unnamed sources and snippets of old news mixed in - hardly surprising for the Tory toilet rag and another excellent example of shoddy journalism.

However if by some miracle it is true then those from this country, fighting against British forces or encouraging them to do so should be treated as traitors, and tried and punished regardless of their religion.

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It should be noted that there's not a single ounce of substantiated fact in that story - it's all uncorroborated quotes from unnamed sources and snippets of old news mixed in - hardly surprising for the Tory toilet rag and another excellent example of shoddy journalism.

However if by some miracle it is true then those from this country, fighting against British forces or encouraging them to do so should be treated as traitors, and tried and punished regardless of their religion.

If it is true they should have their passports removed and be stripped of Briish nationality and be barred from having the right to enter the UK. It is one thing to demonstrate peacefully against things with which we disagree, it is quite another to commit treasonable acts.

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If it is true they should have their passports removed and be stripped of Briish nationality and be barred from having the right to enter the UK. It is one thing to demonstrate peacefully against things with which we disagree, it is quite another to commit treasonable acts.

Treason was still a capital offence until some point in the 70s I think - I think it's life in prison these days. Real life, not 8 years.

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Well, as I don't have faith in the state then I can't really care about democracy, especially a sham democracy.

Dagest, how WOULD you define democracy then? If this country is a sham democracy, then there is no such beast anyplace in the world.

There is no perfection anywhere. I didnt vote for the current shower of faeces, but I did vote, as I assume you did. If you didnt vote (Even for all of them, as many did :laugh: ), then you cant moan about it, can you?

The majority of votes cast did go to the shower who formed the Government.....those that didnt were either a) happy with said shower :rolleyes: or b) indifferent to the political process.

Ahhhhhhhhh the joys of a multi party democratic system :rolleyes:

It should be noted that there's not a single ounce of substantiated fact in that story - it's all uncorroborated quotes from unnamed sources and snippets of old news mixed in - hardly surprising for the Tory toilet rag and another excellent example of shoddy journalism.

However if by some miracle it is true then those from this country, fighting against British forces or encouraging them to do so should be treated as traitors, and tried and punished regardless of their religion.

Sadly Nibor, SOME British citizens have been killed fighting in Iraq, AND Afghanistan, against our troops. A fact, not just Right wing Tory press stories, designed to whip up anti Muslim feeling

Any captured alive should be stripped of their citizenship, hung, and buried in an unmarked grave. Thats what used to happen to traitors, and I belive, technically, that sentence is still on the statute books, although, I cant say for sure. A legal eagle will no doubt inform me if I'm wrong. :rolleyes:

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Sadly Nibor, SOME British citizens have been killed fighting in Iraq, AND Afghanistan, against our troops. A fact, not just Right wing Tory press stories, designed to whip up anti Muslim feeling

Any captured alive should be stripped of their citizenship, hung, and buried in an unmarked grave. Thats what used to happen to traitors, and I belive, technically, that sentence is still on the statute books, although, I cant say for sure. A legal eagle will no doubt inform me if I'm wrong. :rolleyes:

I'm sure there are a handful that can claim British nationality and I agree with you about how to deal with them.

However I do find that article's claim that Bin Laden is creating a British Legion based on nothing other than an unnamed source they can't corroborate to be bullshit.

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It should be noted that there's not a single ounce of substantiated fact in that story - it's all uncorroborated quotes from unnamed sources and snippets of old news mixed in - hardly surprising for the Tory toilet rag and another excellent example of shoddy journalism.

People obviously haven't learned their lessons from that Iran badge story last week! No way of estimating the numbers involved but we'll report it as 'the British Brigade' anyway!

However if by some miracle it is true then those from this country, fighting against British forces or encouraging them to do so should be treated as traitors, and tried and punished regardless of their religion.

Agreed Nibor.

The question which still isn't being asked though is; "What are we doing to create this kind of anger and hatred?"

Hatred so strong that our own citizens are prepared to travel 6000 miles to blow themselves up!

Interesting that there are NO stories regarding probably the most important question isn't it! You can almost smell the manipulation through the PC screen!

There is no perfection anywhere. I didnt vote for the current shower of faeces, but I did vote, as I assume you did. If you didnt vote (Even for all of them, as many did :laugh: ), then you cant moan about it, can you?

Well that depends on whether you believe that voting for a particular political party will make any difference. Tory & New Labour are the same animal so it doesn't really make a huge amount of difference in my opinion.

They're all controlled by the same money men and interests anyway.

Unless you voted Green Party!?

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The question which still isn't being asked though is; "What are we doing to create this kind of anger and hatred?"

Hatred so strong that our own citizens are prepared to travel 6000 miles to blow themselves up!

Interesting that there are NO stories regarding probably the most important question isn't it! You can almost smell the manipulation through the PC screen!

You could equally say that the terrorists should be asking themselves that question.

That sort of question inevitably involves a "who started it?" argument which is ultimately pointless. No conclusion can be reached because every action can be attributed to being a reaction to something the other side did previously going back millenia.

What we need to do is finish it, get Iraq stabilised, get the troops out and get trade established and working so that people have jobs, security and prosperity. The more of that they have, the less support extremists will get.

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The question which still isn't being asked though is; "What are we doing to create this kind of anger and hatred?"

who cares what some islamic terrorist nutter thinks?

lets hunt them down and dispatch them.

as for Iraq, free Saddam. we could have rehabilitated him like we did with gaddafii duck.

He never did us any harm.

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People obviously haven't learned their lessons from that Iran badge story last week! No way of estimating the numbers involved but we'll report it as 'the British Brigade' anyway!

Agreed Nibor.

The question which still isn't being asked though is; "What are we doing to create this kind of anger and hatred?"

Hatred so strong that our own citizens are prepared to travel 6000 miles to blow themselves up!

Interesting that there are NO stories regarding probably the most important question isn't it! You can almost smell the manipulation through the PC screen!

Well that depends on whether you believe that voting for a particular political party will make any difference. Tory & New Labour are the same animal so it doesn't really make a huge amount of difference in my opinion.

They're all controlled by the same money men and interests anyway.

Unless you voted Green Party!?

Our own citizens! They are citizens of the ummah but it might be they see a glimer of hope.

mohammed didn't need this


mohammed would't want this

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What a mess we have caused in Iraq

we have encouraged all these weirdo's to come out of the woodwork.

Life under saddam was never as bad as this (apart from the collective punishments for the odd kurdish vilage). How many people have died since we replaced saddam? too many. The Iraq people were safer under saddam. He knew how to deal with islamists.

Free Saddam and the Ba'ath party, arm them

and pull out.

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What a mess we have caused in Iraq

we have encouraged all these weirdo's to come out of the woodwork.

Life under saddam was never as bad as this (apart from the collective punishments for the odd kurdish vilage). How many people have died since we replaced saddam? too many. The Iraq people were safer under saddam. He knew how to deal with islamists.

Free Saddam and the Ba'ath party, arm them

and pull out.

I wonder if Bush has considered this?

If John Major was PM he'd have included it under his "Back To Basics" plans, and it's not exactly unprecedented. Plenty of former terrorists ended up running their countries: Menachem Begin in Israel, Yasser Arafat in Palestine, Martin McGuinness as a member of the Northen Irish Assembly, plus other Northern Irish political figures.

Give them political credibility and they'll turn into pussycats.

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Well, as I don't have faith in the state then I can't really care about democracy, especially a sham democracy.

If you're refering to the UK as a 'sham' democracy then you're quite right. An unelected Queen as head of state, even by the toff/snob criteria for an English Queen - i.e. descended from King Alfred - she's an imposter. The second chamber House of Lords is also there by birthright. The others that make up the UK Parliament you can vote in or out once in every 5 years.

This country is hardly more democratic than Saddam Hussein's Iraq used to be. :whistle:

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If you're refering to the UK as a 'sham' democracy then you're quite right. An unelected Queen as head of state, even by the toff/snob criteria for an English Queen - i.e. descended from King Alfred - she's an imposter. The second chamber House of Lords is also there by birthright. The others that make up the UK Parliament you can vote in or out once in every 5 years.

This country is hardly more democratic than Saddam Hussein's Iraq used to be. :whistle:

Goblin, just for the record, what kind of British democracy would you like?

(Other than having a reincarnated warty faced Cromwell as Head of State, of course)

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Goblin, just for the record, what kind of British democracy would you like?

(Other than having a reincarnated warty faced Cromwell as Head of State, of course)

For starters, an elected head of state elected by the people and not a candidate picked by the Labour, Liberal or Tories. :whistle: Head of state to serve not more than two terms of office as in the USA. House of Lords to be fully democratised with properly elected members and the House of Commons monopoly of Labour, Liberals and Tories to be broken up. Plus a democratic vote on the re-introduction of terracing at Ashton Gate. :w00t:

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For starters, an elected head of state elected by the people and not a candidate picked by the Labour, Liberal or Tories. :whistle: Head of state to serve not more than two terms of office as in the USA. House of Lords to be fully democratised with properly elected members and the House of Commons monopoly of Labour, Liberals and Tories to be broken up. Plus a democratic vote on the re-introduction of terracing at Ashton Gate. :w00t:

Even in the USA the head of state is nominated by members of a political party.

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For starters, an elected head of state elected by the people and not a candidate picked by the Labour, Liberal or Tories. :whistle: Head of state to serve not more than two terms of office as in the USA. House of Lords to be fully democratised with properly elected members and the House of Commons monopoly of Labour, Liberals and Tories to be broken up. Plus a democratic vote on the re-introduction of terracing at Ashton Gate. :w00t:

So you want the US system then? I can see why - they have such a wise and charismatic leader and a corruption free government!

You're more than a bit naive if you think that the Lords and monarch truly have any power. They may on paper but in practise if they exercised it it would evaporate.

Bottom line is, the media controls the government and money controls the media. If you want to have a proper say, get rich.

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Even in the USA the head of state is nominated by members of a political party.

Why do we need to copy the USA? Why should important constitutional decisions in this country be left to the self serving royalist plutocrats of the Labour, Liberal and Tory parties? The members of those afore mentioned parties have sworn allegiance to their unelected Queen and so they can never be trusted not to give us more of the same. Have a head of state voted in by true popular mandate free from the meddling of Royalists.

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In a nutshell.

Media controls government or does government control media? George Orwell argued that government controlled the media in his 1984 novel. Worth thinking about because if a media is anti government it can be censored via counter propaganda/subtle intervention - e.g. if a newspaper/Tv station writes/broadcasts the wrong sentiments - that may be anti government - it can be censored via subtle governmental intervention so that that newspaper/TV station loses sales/viewers and thus advertising revenue. :whistle:

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