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Thai Brides


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Glorious weather int it.

Anyway, was at a bar last night and saw this stunning Thai bird with some 50 + haggard old biddy. He was having the time of his life. She was just strutting her tight ass around. It was great. I started laughing my head off, my mates start laughing, even the surrounding tables started laughing and talking about it saying how unsubtle it was. It was the best one I've seen, so I'm thinking, is there anyway we can get some photos going of the best Thai Bride couples all of y'all have seen? There's bound to be some brilliant ones in the likes of Sadley Broke. And I'm sure they don't mind having a camera phone shoved in their faces. Insert photo here and all that.

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Seen an old geezer with a young Thai lady at the Mall the other day.

I tried so hard not to laugh. But then i just did anyway.

Well whats the good in that if you're not gettin a photo! I want photo evidence these Thai brides are so unsubtle its hilarious

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Not sure I would want one after reading this:

Thai bride 'killed and barbecued British husband'



A BRITISH man was murdered and then barbecued on charcoal in a national park, after divorcing his Thai wife because of her gambling debts.

I wonder what was for desert? :dunno:

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I used to work with a bloke who ran a Thai Bride company in Basingstoke!!.

Used to have holidays off of the profits, and took 2 tours a year to Bangkok, where men met their prospective new wives.

Then he ended up marrying one, and her case was one of those on that BBC Programme a few years back where they showed what the Foreign Office Civil Servants get up to on Tax Payers money!!.

They refused her a visa for the UK, as she had visited her sister in Japan for 6 months and they think she might of lived off immoral earnings as a Geisha Girl!!.

Access denied, he got an automatic divorce after 2 years, and whilst on yet another Bride Buying tour, a few months later, remarried her!!

Only for her application to be yet again refused!!.

2 more years later, another automatic divorce!!.

Must say Thai women are stunning when young, but don't age very well.

If i were looking for a mail order bride, I'd head North to the Baltic's!!

or East to the former Soviet Union!!.


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I wonder what was for desert? :dunno:

Heh, they fed him to tigers but the town was called Bet-Cha-Bury


Must say Thai women are stunning when young, but don't age very well.

Why is it you never see a 30 year old asian bird? you see em 20 - 25, see em 35 and upwards, but what happens between 26 and 35??? Do they just age 10 years over night? What the funk is going on?

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Two of my mates have Thai brides but I don't think they would appreciate me posting their pics on here! Plus one is an ex pro boxer so probably not a good idea.

I hasten to add that they are both young, fit blokes and not dirty old pervs.

OK, but did they just order the girls off the net or summat or did they meet them properly?

Surely thai brides in the catalogue sense are pretty much long-term hookers (just like any kind of marriage, but where the sex continues after the wedding day :whistle: ).

Surely the blokes don't have much in common with these long-time lovergirls?



Just out of interest...how much is a cheap one? :ph34r:

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No disrespect but could you keep one in the garage or shed or something to poke when your bored or is that against human rights and all that tosh?

You could have one for each room. Like with midgets. One for when the tellys broke. One for rainy days. One to get crumbs in your linen, the list is endless. I don't think they have real feelings so you'd be fine

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