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Stadium Sponsorship ?

andy g

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One of the local football conference clubs up here is close to agreeing a stadium sponsorship deal worth hundreds of thousands of pounds...

And it got me thinking...

We could get a lot more money that an little conference club, so why don't WE get a stadium sponsor like other clubs have done ?

Would anyone be against the idea of going to the Ginsters Pasty stadium ?

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Guest TB Mutiny

Of course in America selling the rights to name a stadium is the norm. Just as long as it doesn't end up like Enron Stadium or something. Money is money.

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Andy- I brought this up the other day. Can't remember what the concensus was though. But personally I would not want Ashton Gate called anything but Ashton Gate. It's a step too far and like selling your soul. The next step would be to sponsor the club's name and change the colour of the shirts for sponsorship reasons. (like TNS or Total Network Solutions in Wales).

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Maybe they wouldnt go so far to ask to change the colour of the shirts percy but I know where your coming from. No city fan (in my eyes) can accept that Ashton Gate would be called anything other than Ashton Gate but money is money as someone pointed out! Personally I don't want to think we would be that desperate to 'sell our soul' but who knows?!

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I'm a big believer in the importance of history and tradition too (see my posts on the Severnside section) And I've got doubts myself, but if its done carefully then we can still carry on calling the stadium Ashton Gate !

No-one seems to mind sitting in the Carling Atyeo stand and lets face it no-one calls it that anyway. And whats the name of Bradford Citys stadium ? No-one calls it the Bradford and Bingley stadium - to football fans its still Valley Parade.

I'd be against calling ourselves Total Network Solutions or even the Bristol Shoguns (thats an awful name) but maybe stadium sponsorship is worth considering... :Party12:

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Guest Huddersfield Red

TNS play in the Welsh league so their situation is different. I'm not sure when the last time a club tried to get sponsorship in its name was. The last one I remember was Coventry City wanting to change to Coventry Talbot (after the car). They were prevented by league rules, so I assume the rules still apply otherwise a team would have done this.

As far as adding some sponsor's words before Ashton Gate then If the price is right - then great. As has been said above the stands are sponsored so I don't really see the difference.

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Knowing our luck some company called "lower league construction" would sponsor ours and we'd end up with a stadium called "The lower league Stadium" :(

I'd rather we didnt have one to be honest... unless its the sevenside stadium if we have that.

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I recently went to see Paul McCartney at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. ###### name, but an awe-inspiring 20K+ arena that hosts ice hockey & basketball as well as music and other events. The contrast between this impressive complex and the facilities in the UK (most specifically Bristol) couldn't have been greater. Presumably Staples, the stationery company, pay a lot of money for the privilege of sponsoring this venue - it may be that they contributed to its construction costs in the first place.

If it produced a venue anywhere near as good as the one in LA, I would be happy enough to watch home games at the 'Staples Ashton Gate Stadium' or some such. It would always be Ashton Gate to us anyway.

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I'm a big believer in the importance of history and tradition too (see my posts on the Severnside section)  And I've got doubts myself, but if its done carefully then we can still carry on calling the stadium Ashton Gate !

No-one seems to mind sitting in the Carling Atyeo stand and lets face it no-one calls it that anyway.  And whats the name of Bradford Citys stadium ?  No-one calls it the Bradford and Bingley stadium - to football fans its still Valley Parade.

yeah but in all the official literature it's still the Bradford and Bingely Stadium. In fact the joint names such as the BT Cellnet Riverside Stadium have caused problems. I believe (along with the fact that Cellnet no-longer exists under that name) that the sponsorship deal was ended as people continued to call it the Riverside and not use the sponsor pre-fix.

But as you said- if I company is waving money at you it's hard to say no. But I would just suggest other sponsorship opportunities at the gate and keep our stadium name. Knowing City we'd just waste the money anyway!!!!

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Guest TB Mutiny

Companies pay the money not only to have their name used at the stadium but also any ticket purchased will have the company name printed as well as any advertisemnet wether print or radio will use the name as well. The company gets their name repeated over and over.

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At least here in Seattle and elsewhere the money to sponcer stadiums seems to have dried up or at least we aren't seeing the crazy money thrown around we once did (our new Football/Soccer stadium hasn't found a sponcer yet). I'd suggest if we are thinking about getting a corporate name for the stadium that we do it post haste while the idea is still new. Otherwise forget it.

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