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Ok am I the only clumsy person on here? Whats the most clumsy thing you have done at work at home and has it resulted in any damage? Was it at work or simply you fell over.

Mine must be dropping a tray full of roast dinner for the managers family in a hotel I worked at in Devon and it being the last lot of meat left and having to scrape it off the floor then back on their plates!!

Anyone got any better stories surely I cant be the only clumsy bird on here :(

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Ok am I the only clumsy person on here? Whats the most clumsy thing you have done at work at home and has it resulted in any damage? Was it at work or simply you fell over.

Mine must be dropping a tray full of roast dinner for the managers family in a hotel I worked at in Devon and it being the last lot of meat left and having to scrape it off the floor then back on their plates!!

Anyone got any better stories surely I cant be the only clumsy bird on here :(

That's a good one, take it you didnt keep the job for long!

I'm a reet clumsy oaf, people grab all their belongings when I come in a room because they know that that one glass that's left will be kicked over by me. I cant think of any significant incidents, it's just a regular occurance, I've broken a lot of bones, from falling about, once I was walking along, randomly fell over, and broke my left wrist and dislocated my shoulder and elbow :dunno: Couldnt do that again if I tried. Also, this girl who's a mate, is as clumsy as me, you should see it when we're together it's lethal :devil:

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That's a good one, take it you didnt keep the job for long!

I'm a reet clumsy oaf, people grab all their belongings when I come in a room because they know that that one glass that's left will be kicked over by me. I cant think of any significant incidents, it's just a regular occurance, I've broken a lot of bones, from falling about, once I was walking along, randomly fell over, and broke my left wrist and dislocated my shoulder and elbow :dunno: Couldnt do that again if I tried. Also, this girl who's a mate, is as clumsy as me, you should see it when we're together it's lethal :devil:

No I didnt but the head chef didnt speak to me for 3 whole weeks! It was a blessing I tell you. :laugh:

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Guest bcfcjake

when i was making a cake at school in d.t , i dropped a pen in the mixture without realising.

i ended up eating plastic and ink :shutup::shutup::shutup::shutup::shutup::shutup:

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I'm not overly clumsy .... my boyfriend trips over just about every curb he steps onto, but I think that's just 'cos he's go big feet!

My sister never really used to be clumsy, but in the past 3 weeks we've been to the hospital 3 times with her .... she fell over playing football and busted her ankle, then she slipped on a pencil in school and dislocated her thumb, now she's hurt her foot (or something :blink: )

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