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Happy Birthday Ratface


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Many happy returns mate, didn't realise it was your bday till I looked in your profile! So, congrats for making it through another year (we're all so proud of you), here's to all the jubilation you shall have finding rodents in your bev-er-ages tonight. Have a goodun mate

Also sharing we have Danakin, happy birthday mate, but being covered in another thread, also born 1912 Alan Turing (scientist/mathematician) and, born 1972 Selam Blair (actress). Crap day to be born to be fair, there's noone famous (unlike Sadam Hussein) to share with. JEALOUS?

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Thankyou very much Baz of the Manky variety, muchos kind of you.

I'm very proud of myself too for making it through another year.

I shall probably shave a few years of my lifespan and kill a few braincells tonight my getting totally steamed out of my trolley.

Edit: with reference to your dig at this special day - apparently it is the happiest day

of the year today according to the news this morning. Have some of that!

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Thankyou very much Baz of the Manky variety, muchos kind of you.

I'm very proud of myself too for making it through another year.

I shall probably shave a few years of my lifespan and kill a few braincells tonight my getting totally steamed out of my trolley.

Edit: with reference to your dig at this special day - apparently it is the happiest day

of the year today according to the news this morning. Have some of that!

Yeh I noticed that but knew it would go to your head, it's not jsut cos it's your birthday you know, its also the whole YEEEHHHH ITS FRRRIIIDADADAYYYYY type malarki. Although I'll admit a lot of it is you.

Get wasted mate, your only 28 once! Ha, not long till the big 3 0. Have you got your list ready?

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Yeh I noticed that but knew it would go to your head, it's not jsut cos it's your birthday you know, its also the whole YEEEHHHH ITS FRRRIIIDADADAYYYYY type malarki. Although I'll admit a lot of it is you.

Get wasted mate, your only 28 once! Ha, not long till the big 3 0. Have you got your list ready?

Correct, a lot of it is me. I know cos my Mum said.

Don't mention the big 3 0 please, it's making me depressed. List? Do you mean the list of people

I want to kill before I'm 30?

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Correct, a lot of it is me. I know cos my Mum said.

Don't mention the big 3 0 please, it's making me depressed. List? Do you mean the list of people

I want to kill before I'm 30?

No no, the faithful list of things to do before your death new life.

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Ahh, that list. Yes, started it but only have one thing on it so far.....

1. Kill barry_manc for showing blatant ageism.

I feel that this would be a little harsh, after all, he is just commenting on your old age. ;)

Still, he;s only got 2 years to get it sorted and what with the list being huge (potentially), there's a lot more to do, so I think I'm ok.

I've decided to help you so compromised some more 'to do's':

2. Walk along Hagans wall.

3. Go fishing wearing nowt but your wellington boots.

4. Walk into Tesco's in the am wearing nowt but your boxers pulled up to your chest and a satchel hanging out of each side.

5. Successfully sharpen your first pencil.

6. Finsih off a pizza hutt buffet

7. Become David Beckham.


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