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Match Report


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Professional Performance - Those are the words imo best to describe our game tonight, the players who maybe won't be starters next season bar Jevons, Heywood and McCombe showed that they are hungry for a shirt in the starting 11.

We showed good passing ability, good stamina and good TEAM play, although there were a few young players in the squad which would be a weakner, they all stepped up and game a good performance to show they are not to far away. Another positive is that of Nuno Santos, he had a EXCELLENT game and put some great balls into the box 2 of which were nearly scored from with missed free-headers from the dominant pairing of Heywood and McCombe.

Goals from Jevons, a penalty which he won himself when he was chopped down in the box, Scott Brown a rebounded tap-in after a first excellent effort which the keeper was unlucky with the save dropping at Browns feet for a easy goal. Also goals from Nuno Santos, A excellent 25 yard free-kick which no keeper could save right into the top corner and Will Gardener with a header from the impressive Grant Smith's corner.

Good interplay through Santos, Jevons and Brown meant we were very good on the left hand side (Santos must be signed imo). Keogh was excellent in the centeral midfield role where he mopped up, played some excellent through balls and won every tackle and ball in the air, could be usefull with 20mins to play in a tight game.

As I say a very good performance with youngsters impressing, Danny Wring making a good impression, beating his man numerous times just lacking that final ball there.

Samba was the man I was watching closly and although he has good pace and holding up play, he dosent look 100% yet but I do think there is good potential, if he gets more of the ball running at players he can be a threat and I think if we can get him on the ball more in the next game then he is someone who will do well.

Player Ratings:

Vantrier - 6/10- Nothing to do, made one excellent save in the second half and gave the ball to our full backs quickly but looks like he is going so that sums him up.

James Wilson-7/10 Very quick and mobile, good in the air and linked well with fellow youngster Danny Wring, Good attacking and defensive play, good for the future and one who I think will make the grade.

Heywood-7/10 Very good in the air, showed a bit of mobility, looks fitter and stronger, good passing out of defense and someone who I think should be good next season (first half captain)

McCombe- 7/10 Again strong in the air and very mobile, not slow and someone who is a good organiser next to Heywood, good pairing and had a golden oppourtunity to score from a Santos corner when he miss-timed a free header.

Lamb- 6/10- Did well attacking and defending but lacks that final delivery or link up play, one for the future but I think he can make the grade also.

Wring- 7/10 Very good at attacking the full-back just the final delivery needs to be worked on, showed fantastic pace and is always wanting the ball which shows confidence, will make the grade I think.

Keogh- 8/10 Fantastic talent, hungrey for the ball which is always good and played some great forward passes, made some great tackles and showed agression and will to win the ball in the air- Must be considered as a starter this season.

Brown- 8/10 Played the typical Scott Brown way and looked very dangerous in the final third with his darting runs forward at pace, scored a tap-in and made some great tackles and passed it well.

Santos- 9/10 I give him this because he worked his socks off, showed great pace, tackled back well and has a great attitude towards the team, must be signed up I think, great crosses and final balls which we lack on the left hand side. Could be the problem solver?

Jevons- 7/10 Showed good pace and skill, and after scoring the penalty he nearly scored a wonder goal when the ball came down from high, he chested it down, flicked it over a players head and lobbed it just over the top of the net, would have been a great goal. Showed hunger and good hold up skills.

Samba- 6/10 This player gives me the feeling that there is more to come, hes a player that will frighten defenders with pace when he gets the chance to run at them, limited oppourtunitys tonight, give him another chance, theres more to come. Good hold up skills also.

(Pick of the second half bunch)

Smith (my second half MOTM)- 8/10 Was willing and tried 100%, put some fantastic crosses and free-kicks into the box and I think he is a player we should keep because although he looked a bit big to say the least he is a player that has a great free-kick delivery in him, keep him here and work with him GJ.

Stewart- 6/10 Looks willing and I think he wants to stay at the club, well thats what I have heard from a very reliable source anyway. Worked hard, showed some nice touches and looks ALOT fitter than before.

Williams- 7/10 Showed great pace but needs that little bit more, maybe a few skills like stepovers or somthing to have that bit extra. Always wanted the ball and showed that he isent frightened to have a go at the other professionals, Was the second half captain which was great as that shows massive confidence in his own ability, always shouting for the ball and wanting it.

Overall a good performance with City looking confident in there own ability with the GJ mentality looking good as City players are FIGHTING for there place in that starting 11.

(note- I am in the picture on the main site with Stewart signing autographs, the one with the City shirt holidng the Autograph book :dance: )

Hope this is good enough, Alex

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