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Front Row Of Top Tier

Ricky BCFC

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I got into the ground today to find that my seat was on the front row of the top tier. I could not move from here, as the steward in that area was insisting that everyone sit in their correct seat. What I was faced with was, first of all, a giant pillar completely blocking my view of the goal at the other end of the pitch. The only way for me to see it was by continuously leaning over, which I didn't want to do too much as it would have frustrated the people around me.

But there is something more important than that which concerned me much more, I thought it was very dangerous! The front few rows overhang the bottom tier. Att he front of the tier all there was was a small wall, coudn't have been anymore than about 3 ft high. Barely came up to my waist. My worry was that in the event things get a bit heated or exciting and everyone starts charging foward, it would have been quite easy for me to have been forced over the wall and, well, fell down to the bottom. Fortunately the people around me weren't exactly the lively bunch today, so I wasn't forced foward at all. But on another day when the people in that area may be constantly jumping around, I can imagine that there would end up being a very fatal accident in that area, if there hasn't already been one. It could be even worse for people on the 2nd row, if they ended up tripping over the seat in front of them they could also be sent flying. When we thought we'd scored I was more concerned about my safety rather than the fact that we thought we'd gone 1 up, so managed to control myself from jumping around too much (which wasn't too hard to do anyway as the goal ended up being disalowed!). I hope Sheffield Wednesday realise how dangerous the front rows of that tier are and do something about it quickly!

Add to that the fact that no one around me was willing to sing, and the fact that we lost, I wasn't exactly able to enjoy the game much today. :D

My rant over. :D

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We were sat in the the lower teir as we didnt have a ticket and paid on the day.

The view was really good, but as you say no one was willing 2 sing and i thought that was a real downer. I think nobody knew any of the songs as they were not regulars at home, just supporters after 11 game victory. :D

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Are you two having a laugh or what ? No-one singing ? Upper tier was excellent. Great atmosphere. And I got my ticket today, perfect seat. Perhaps if you had got in the ground a bit earlier you would have had good seats !
Agree, the atmosphere in the upper tier was ace - we outsang them big time :D
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I was actually one of the first people into the ground. Which is why it seemed even more silly that I ended up with such a #### seat. Surely the best seats should be first come first serve? Apparently not. Infact I'm amazed that those front row seats are even allowed to be sold at all.

And I agree, the upper tier was very loud. Just that the people around me at the front didn't want to join in, which made me feel like an idiot when I did!

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Guest dez_gimred

same here Ricky...

cats got us there at 1:45..

we also got plonked onto that front row...hard to move as the steward kept telling us to stay....luckily we were behind the goal...

it also felt unsafe as the stand was steep!! or was it just me??


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I was top right of upper and yeah didnt feel particularly safe I'm a big geezer n if i got knocked forward after a goal etc id be taking everyone with me ...gotta say even if Ashton gate is half the size its got a better feel i wasnt impressed by hillsboro ....seeing how ive only been away 2 sheff wed n qpr this season i preffered my day out in london much more than sheff not cos we lost either or that we missed the junction and ended up going 2 leeds and then south :P

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I was top right of upper and yeah didnt feel particularly safe I'm a big geezer n if i got knocked forward after a goal etc id be taking everyone with me ...gotta say even if Ashton gate is half the size its got a better feel i wasnt impressed by hillsboro ....seeing how ive only been away 2 sheff wed n qpr this season  i preffered my day out in london much more than sheff not cos we lost either or that we missed the junction and ended up going 2 leeds and then south  :P
I thought Hillsboro was looking tired inside. Not impressed.
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