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Mickey Bells left foot

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was that you with the balloons sitting gangway Z row 19ish? (if it was i was sat one row behind you).all i remember was looking to my right and seeing a million balloons appear and all the kiddies getting excited. some old geezer went to hit one but i beat him to it so he thought i'll still go for it and punched me in the side of the head

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was that you with the balloons sitting gangway Z row 19ish? (if it was i was sat one row behind you).all i remember was looking to my right and seeing a million balloons appear and all the kiddies getting excited. some old geezer went to hit one but i beat him to it so he thought i'll still go for it and punched me in the side of the head
TomF was on the Back Row of the Whole Stand, me and my mates were stood in front of him, and for the record the person who blew the most up was MOI. :D
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It was I and Kev G. Kev G works at Stroud & Swindon hence a lot had C&G on them but there were a few with Happy Birthday Mum!!!!

With regards to atmosphere, it was pathetic! Tried to sing but everyone apart from a couple of lads behind, looked at us as if we had landed from another planet hence we sat down and shut up.

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