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My Match Report.


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Wrote it for Footiethreads but thought I would share.

Bristol City V S****horpe

Well after a hectic morning for me I was glad to get away from it all at the Gate today, arrived down the football at 2-30 waited for a phone call from Electric but she never came through. Don't know what happened there but trudged onto the ground.

We lined up

G.K - Basso

D.R - Orr

D.C - Carey

D.C - Fontaine

D.L - Woodman

M.R - Cotts

M.C - Skuse

M.C - Noble

M.L - Murray

FW - Brooker (capt)

FW - Jevons

Looking around I would say there were 13 thousand there, not as many as last year but then we had the Bridges and Stewart mania so to be expected. Scunny also bought down allot less than I had expected, Donny took plenty last season on first day so to see Scunny bring so few was a bit of a surprise.

The game itself was quite patchy, they probably started the better team I remember one move in particular down there right hand side that took the breath out of me, beautiful crisp passing but we cut it out before they could advance any further.

Early on when James Godwin who had already been putting himself about ran straight into Liam Fontaine, both players clashed heads and both needed treatment Godwin for a cut head and he was later withdraw en after the interval.

Then came the real first chance of the game and trust me to miss it, went to get a coke as I was thirsty and apparently Wooders crossed the ball to Brooker who headed against the post and two players missed follow ups.

We were starting to get into it and I was not to sure what Scunny's game plan was they looked a little lost at times playing long ball then trying to pass it through us as we started to get on top of the game. The keeper was also wasting time.

Orr should have finished from 12 yards a few moments later as Brooker linked nicely with Cotts (I think) to set him up but he skied from the right hand side of the box, he should have laced it but went to curl it for some reason.

By now we were all over them, was a bit unhappy with Nobles performance though as he was a bit quite but again we found ourselves being so close to scoring, this time Skuse picked up the ball 40 yards from goal, ran, and kept running, everyone is urging him to shoot and he lets one fly just outside of the box it was a great shot but unfortunately smacked back off the bar for the second time, Cotts then missed a sitter.

Keogh found a chance to get a shot away but Scunny really were not offering allot from the wing. Cotts managed to get booked after kicking the ball away but Scunny failed to make the free-kick worthwhile as we cleared it after 10 minutes of head tennis.

Jevons got his first shot and tested Murphy who saved well just before the break. I was happy and could see us scoring in the second half.

We came out in the second half and at first were flying, Brooker put in a decent cross and Fontaine should have done better with the header, it was Fontaine I think.

Scunny were coming back into it and after 55 mintues, Keogh had a great chance but Basso saved well. Then Basso had to be alert again as Mulligan went close from a free kick.

Enoch came on for Murray who was to be fair poor and Jevons switched to left wing.

I was unsure about old Enoch, but he looked like that something different and he couldn't be worse than Bas could he? Although I was now wondering if we were going to get that goal and so were others in the crowd as the atmosphere dropped.

Then it came the one and only Enoch, there is a dispute as to weather or not he was offside I don't know, but I do know this he took it well, as he ran on to the through ball, Murphy came running from his goal and Enoch Cooley rounded the keeper before slotting it home, I was a bit scared he would miss the open goal but fortunately he did not and it was 1-0 cue madness between me and my three mates that reopened a burn on his face and spent the rest of the half bleeding on me.

Thorpey came back on for Scunny, I had not even realized to be honest so was shocked to see him being sent back off again 10 minutes later after elbowing one of our lads. Well come back Thorps. ;)

Nothing much really happened at this apart from McCombe going on a mad run from center back.

Scunny could have got back into it at the dieing moments but Basso saved well from a Baraclough effort.

Team Ratings -

G.K - Basso - 7 - Was there when we needed him but this will be one of his quieter afternoons, Kicking was good as well.

D.R - Orr - 8 - High work rate and thought he played very well, OK distribution still needs sorting but good start to the season.

D.C - Carey - 7 - Good performance to keep Sharp and Keogh quiet very solid and has a good partnership with Liam.

D.C - Fontaine - 8 - Was outstanding and not surprised he got man of match, only thing he dint do was score!

D.L - Woodman - 7 - Some said he played well, some say he could have been better, I did not think much of him in the first half to be honest but he never put a foot wrong, so a 7 it is.

M.R - Cotts - 6 - Quiet game for his own standards.

M.C - Skuse - 8 - I thought he was out sanding in the first half and was hard working through out.

M.C - Noble - 6 - Like him allot but he was not that great today, thought we should have changed for Russell.

M.L - Murray - 5 - Not very good at all on the wrong wing, has lost his pace to.

FW - Brooker (capt) - 6 - Like Jevons suffered from lack of service. Came into it in the second half.

FW - Jevons - 6 - As above.

Enoch - 7 - Took his goal well and looks a decent signing.

Bring on Bradford.

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Noble was indeed class. Him and Skuse look very good together in the central positions and that will only get better over the course of the season.

What made me think that Nobes had a good game was not only what he did on the ball but what he did off of it. That is a very vital thing to remember when giving someone a match rating.

Many people just like to watch the ball really, There is nothing wrong with that, You have paid for your ticket watch it how you want, Me however I prefer to watch abit of both. It's interesting to see what positions players are getting into and more importantly positions they are not getting into and where they should be marking certain players etc etc.

You say Cotts had a quiet game? In the first half most of our attacks came from him down that right side and he should have got himself on the score sheet in the process. I was very impressed with the way him and Orr linked up together.

Whilst I'm on the subject of Orr I thought his Distribution was excellent compared to previous seasons. Before he just used to whack it up field and clear the danger. Today he held the ball up thought about it and either dribbled it or passed it. I don't think there was anything bad about his game today.

The two forwards had good enough service, They failed to convert that service though IMO. Today Brooks and Jevo didn't play very well together and I would not be surprised if one of them is dropped in favour of Enoch.

Jevo and Brooks just seemed like they were strangers to each other. Jevo should be getting into positions to get the knock downs from Brooks but they were playing to far apart from each other really.

Brooks just doesn't seem his normal self on that pitch at the moment. He was like it In the last few games of the season as well IIRC. He has got something on his mind for sure, Possibly the court case?

All in all I am very happy with the win and it was a good performance to go with it. I said from the day the fixtures were announced S****horpe will be no pushovers as there a good team and it would be a very tight game with the odd goal settling it.

So if anyone is disappointed by the scoreline then you should have listened to me as I did try and warn some of the people that were saying 3,4,5 nil etc that it wouldn't be easy.

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noble was involved alot today, notably helping out murray and woodman on the left many times where, for me, we played some of our best football down the left hand side in the first half
I disagree, I thought are play in the first half was better on the right with Cotts having alot of the ball in the final third. However Cotts needs to stop drifting inside when off of the ball. I lost count how many times I saw him make runs into the centre and leave that wing open and then only for a player to look up see all that space but no one to pass t to.

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i personally thought that noble ran the show 2day when we were on the ball.. every attack was started with or involved him.. i thought he had a v good game and i said 2 my mate that i thought he was worthy for man of the match although i didn't argue with fontaine getting it as he was solid

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