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Live Emails...


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Whats all this?

Pressed a button and it said I'd got windows live mail??? Where from!

Normally have banter with mates on email througout the day, so you send one out and get 4 or 5 replies, but on this its takin like 2 hours to come through. And it wont let me get rid of it. The replies come all at once instead of one at a time like normal.

What the hell is going on?

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Whats all this?

Pressed a button and it said I'd got windows live mail??? Where from!

Normally have banter with mates on email througout the day, so you send one out and get 4 or 5 replies, but on this its takin like 2 hours to come through. And it wont let me get rid of it. The replies come all at once instead of one at a time like normal.

What the hell is going on?

It's new and "improved" hotmail, ta Microsoft.

You probably have to click to get this one to check for mail.

Doesn't appear to be very good at getting rid of spam either.

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