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Seen The Goals V Huddersfield...


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... and i must say, i wasnt overly impressed with the defending.

i think we have a very strong defence on paper this season, but both goals came because beckett and abbot had far to much space in the area.

the first, our defence was all over the place. not good to watch.

the second, why did no one follow abbot out? its not as though there were not enough men back.

anyone else agree, or is it being slightly harsh on the lads?

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IMO Basso, and GJ, will not be best pleased with Hudds 2nd, I think at close range a keeper should be making himself big and narrowing down the angle. It takes time to get down when you dive at such close range and as Basso found out saturday sometimes you can' t get down quick enough.

It may sound a bit harsh but i think he could of done better with at least 2, maybe 3, of the goals we've concided and I bet the sooner Weale is fit the happier GJ will be.

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Woodman made a major mistake imo. Why stand BEHIND the line?

I was at the game and the Huddersfield goals were scored at the other end of the ground to where I was sat - so I didn't see the finer detail. I was shocked to see that second Huddersfield goal on TV with Mr Woodman kicking the ball out from behind the goal line - a real school boy error if ever I saw one. :(

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Woodman made a major mistake imo. Why stand BEHIND the line?

I was at the game and the Huddersfield goals were scored at the other end of the ground to where I was sat - so I didn't see the finer detail. I was shocked to see that second Huddersfield goal on TV with Mr Woodman kicking the ball out from behind the goal line - a real school boy error if ever I saw one. :(

He wasn't that close to it and he was wrong footed, he tries to get his right foot to the ball but he's off balance.

I think if you watch the goals a few times you can't help but question the goalkeeping.

The first goal looks like a decent shot, but I think Basso could have reached it if he'd not tried to do a "TV" dive.

The second goal is pathetic goalkeeping, to get beaten from an angle like that when you have such a tiny fraction of the goal to cover is inexcusable in my view.

I hope Hennessey is being given a genuine chance of playing instead of being just cover, because we may well need him soon and not just through injury.

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He wasn't that close to it and he was wrong footed, he tries to get his right foot to the ball but he's off balance.

I think if you watch the goals a few times you can't help but question the goalkeeping.

The first goal looks like a decent shot, but I think Basso could have reached it if he'd not tried to do a "TV" dive.

The second goal is pathetic goalkeeping, to get beaten from an angle like that when you have such a tiny fraction of the goal to cover is inexcusable in my view.

I hope Hennessey is being given a genuine chance of playing instead of being just cover, because we may well need him soon and not just through injury.

Agreed - Basso is as Ok as Phillips was but not a promotion side keeper - too flashy IMO !

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Is every goal we let in going to be Basso's fault??

Give the guy a break

I agree that long term he is not the answer

but until weale is fit get behind him

No, only the ones he should have saved. He's had plenty of breaks, now his mistakes are costing us points.

Where in my post did I say that I didn't get behind him at a game? :blink:

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No, only the ones he should have saved. He's had plenty of breaks, now his mistakes are costing us points.

Where in my post did I say that I didn't get behind him at a game? :blink:

Sorry but where do i mention your post :dunno:

During the bradford game basso was getting slated

for major howlers even before fans had seen the goals

If some one makes a mistake then yes criticise

but he is getting slated even if it not his fault

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Sorry but where do i mention your post :dunno:

During the bradford game basso was getting slated

for major howlers even before fans had seen the goals

If some one makes a mistake then yes criticise

but he is getting slated even if it not his fault

I was the one who criticised Basso's goalkeeping - you responded to that saying get behind him...? If I'm mistaken - what were you replying to?

Noone on this thread is criticising his performance in the Bradford game so I can't understand what that has to do with anything?

Do you think that he was not at fault for either of Hudderfield's goals?

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They shouldn't have got as far as having a free shot in the area and Basso can't be blamed for that.

I agree they shouldn't have got that far but the fact is that teams always have chances and chances more often than not result from errors - if the defence never made an error the keeper would have little to do. It's a keeper's job to clean up when the defence cocks up just as it is the defence's job to clean up when the midfield cock up. As it was, the first shot was savable and the second definitely should have been saved, so he does have some blame in my eyes (never meant all the blame).

Yes ok may be basso could have done better

all i am saying is that at present basso seems

to be the scape goat on this forum

To some perhaps and to others a hero. In general I think he's erratic and he makes too many errors but I try and praise him when he's done well and criticise the mistakes.

As for Hennessey what have you seen of him

to say he would do a better job

Nothing, what I'm saying is that I hope he is here for genuine competition and not just to warm a bench. If Basso makes more errors we need an option.

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when i started this post it was by no means to have another go at basso (even though he is a pile of tripe!).

my biggest concern was the lack of defence in front of him. the first one was shocking defending, everyone out of position after one through ball, extreme lack of discapline.

and if that was bad, the second was worse! to be that slack when defending from a corner was terrible.

just hope they put this right on the training ground and then in to matches!

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