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Bush Is Now Trying To Change The Geneva Convention


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We won't get fooled again.............

There are people like us that don't fall for it Ben?

and I like the 'Good Americans' and know that some of them feel the same as us mate.

Don't underestimate widespread political apathy - who stands up for their rights nowadays? Not the british public, that's for sure (the decriminalise cannabis and anti war protests haven't exactly made an impact on our political leadership, have they?).

There are good Americans for shizzle but what can they do?

Why don't we all just let the US administration do whatever they want, it's going to happen anyway...

...ahem, and to think I just started a thread about staying positive on the City forum :w00t:

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We won't get fooled again.............

There are people like us that don't fall for it Ben?

and I like the 'Good Americans' and know that some of them feel the same as us mate.

I know mate. 49% of them apparently (depending on which election as Bush's first one was fixed!)

Don't underestimate widespread political apathy - who stands up for their rights nowadays? Not the british public, that's for sure (the decriminalise cannabis and anti war protests haven't exactly made an impact on our political leadership, have they?).

There are good Americans for shizzle but what can they do?

Why don't we all just let the US administration do whatever they want, it's going to happen anyway...

...ahem, and to think I just started a thread about staying positive on the City forum :w00t:

We'll have our day Jay! We'll have our day! :pray:

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War Crimes Act

This US administration is just plain out of control. Has this been reported in the UK? Bloody shocking!

Just about sums up that ill disciplined rabble who masquerade as a professional regular armed forces.

You will be pleased to note, British Armed Forces abide by the Geneva Convention despite what the Guardian constantly alleges.

Bush is a ######.

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Just about sums up that ill disciplined rabble who masquerade as a professional regular armed forces.

You will be pleased to note, British Armed Forces abide by the Geneva Convention despite what the Guardian constantly alleges.

Bush is a ######.

Totally agree about the yank military mate... Kids from out in the sticks or deep in the ghetto with heavy artillery! Great idea! :doh:

What about that video of British soldiers beating up an Iraqi kid not so long ago though Bucks?

That's not a rhetorical question and I'm not starting an argument or slating our soldiers... it's a genuine question.

Were people charged in that case?

What about those pictures around the same time as the Abu Ghuraib pics?

Bush is a pyscho, dumbass ****!

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Totally agree about the yank military mate... Kids from out in the sticks or deep in the ghetto with heavy artillery! Great idea! :doh:

What about that video of British soldiers beating up an Iraqi kid not so long ago though Bucks?

That's not a rhetorical question and I'm not starting an argument or slating our soldiers... it's a genuine question.

Were people charged in that case?

What about those pictures around the same time as the Abu Ghuraib pics?

Bush is a pyscho, dumbass ****!

What I did hear, is that there was a guy in the mob (the kids were part of) with a phone, and they did take very accurate mortar fire at about that time (Inside the compound area) They saw the guy and went after him. Obvoiusly in a mob riot it goes Pete Tong. I beleive three guys may be/are charged/investigated. I think the riot was in Al Amara (sp) and Brits have had a torrid time there, gettin sniped, mortared, and ambushed on a regular basis, by Iranian backed guerillas. It doesnt make for an easy environment. I don't doubt that some actions may have taken place which aint big or clever. However they will be investigated, and action will be taken against any guilty men/woen. Unlike the US which stonewalls & whitewashes theitr bloody antics. Not a cop out, all I know there Ben, hope it helps.

Incidentally US Generals didnt agree with the numbers Bushy Baby thinks were nessesary to invade. The Generals wanted doubl, knowing occupation is never as easy as going in after the bad guys. Dumsfeld, told them to cut numbers back...hence the widespread lack of security in large parts of Bagdhad.

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What I did hear, is that there was a guy in the mob (the kids were part of) with a phone, and they did take very accurate mortar fire at about that time (Inside the compound area) They saw the guy and went after him. Obvoiusly in a mob riot it goes Pete Tong. I beleive three guys may be/are charged/investigated. I think the riot was in Al Amara (sp) and Brits have had a torrid time there, gettin sniped, mortared, and ambushed on a regular basis, by Iranian backed guerillas. It doesnt make for an easy environment. I don't doubt that some actions may have taken place which aint big or clever. However they will be investigated, and action will be taken against any guilty men/woen. Unlike the US which stonewalls & whitewashes theitr bloody antics. Not a cop out, all I know there Ben, hope it helps.

Incidentally US Generals didnt agree with the numbers Bushy Baby thinks were nessesary to invade. The Generals wanted doubl, knowing occupation is never as easy as going in after the bad guys. Dumsfeld, told them to cut numbers back...hence the widespread lack of security in large parts of Bagdhad.

Thanks for the info Bucks. Glad to hear that the people on the ground at least are still following the rules and if they aren't they're being charged.

Just the politicians now! :w00t:

Unfortunately I feel that some of that kind of thing must be institutional as no simple squaddie would do that if he thought he couldn't get away with it would he? Or do you think its restricted to the direct chain of command i.e. by the unit commander?

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Does anyone even buy this carp anymore? The guy is a bloody lunatic and a stupid one at that!

Bush Links Hezbollah to UK Terror Plot!

I pity the American people, i really do! :doh:

Where did he link them other than saying they shared ideologies? And don't they?

You do love using misleading link titles... as apparently the bbc do.

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Don't underestimate widespread political apathy - who stands up for their rights nowadays? Not the british public, that's for sure (the decriminalise cannabis and anti war protests haven't exactly made an impact on our political leadership, have they?).

There are good Americans for shizzle but what can they do?

Why don't we all just let the US administration do whatever they want, it's going to happen anyway...

...ahem, and to think I just started a thread about staying positive on the City forum :w00t:

Mozo........... I do not underestimate any form of widespread political apathy...... mind you there are still people around that still do stand up for their rights....... but it is often the political forces that try to dictate what those rights might be and it is accepted that political ignorance maybe the biggest enemy.

The cannabis issue ..... It's not legal and will stay that way.....

Due to ignorance in the general public(?)

Did you know this was largely due to it being listed as a narcotic in the U.S.A during the 40's and 50's?

I think many people understand it is not a narcotic in the sense that say 'Heroin' is but due to the acceptance of the American listing by the UK government at the time it was placed in the same category as smack..... Which is pretty bloody stupid but the propaganda machine kicked in and the Demonization (spl?) of any thing different.... 'Reefer Madness' mate.

Anti-war... that is a personal political stance... and it depends on your outlook?

I get fed up with people making statements that all 'Yanks' are bad... because they are not... many of them maybe blind to the facts but then it is down to the rest of us to point that out?

No different to the good...... ' I'm alright Jacks' of this country?

Point 1) Is the government happy to have fuel prices high to help pay for the war in Iraq?

Point 2) People can be very dumb....... and even dumber collectivley

Point 3) BCFC for the old second division

Point 4) Sometimes we are all that voice in the wilderness?

Pont 4) Hawkwind are great :) .... Liquid Len was a God of light shows man!

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Thanks for the info Bucks. Glad to hear that the people on the ground at least are still following the rules and if they aren't they're being charged.

Just the politicians now! :w00t:

Unfortunately I feel that some of that kind of thing must be institutional as no simple squaddie would do that if he thought he couldn't get away with it would he? Or do you think its restricted to the direct chain of command i.e. by the unit commander?

Its possible. Our NCO's and officers are of very high grade and very experienced these days too, but @ssholes do get through, or lose control. I cant say it hasnt/wont happen, but it is very unlikely, specially seeing as our troops have to be shot/beaten to a pulp virtually before they return fire. after action reports are filed for all incidents, in in the case of events like those, they would be investigated (Wether honestly one way or other-political expedients etc etc is another matter) Action would be taken in circumstances requiring-same as NI- lessons were learnt the hard way there, and elsewhere. I cannot see an Abu Graib, raping Iraqi girls, or murdering villagers, cos they ambushed there happening. discipline is far better, but there again, it can never be ruled out completely. A coupla civvie have probably had a kicking, but there are only so many insults you would take before handing a slap out (Rumours of the al queda/Iranian backed militias having got hold of UK troops home numbers, and phoned them etc etc)

As for Bliar, he'd sell his wife to keep his lousy @ss safe. Bush is to stupid to know better.

Bear in mind Ben our guys are only wearing helmets again in the last year or so, and its widely beleived its because Iranian backed militias are stoking SERIOUS trouble up. Sharia law being enforced, the veil, booze sellers being bombed, and Iraqi police and intepreters regularly wear face masks to prevent identification.

I understand this sharia, and the like didnt happen before, and bearing in mind our guys were welcomed at the start.

The biggest problem is the wrecked infrastructure. These fanatics know, that if it is repaired the Iraqis will be happy, and get on with their lives. so they target said, and give rise to rising irritation with the "Occupying Forces"........so boom boom out goes the power, water, sewage etc etc. Iraq, was I understand a very sophisicated society proir to Saddams excesses, and subsequent events.

Don't underestimate widespread political apathy - who stands up for their rights nowadays? Not the british public, that's for sure (the decriminalise cannabis and anti war protests haven't exactly made an impact on our political leadership, have they?).

There are good Americans for shizzle but what can they do?

Why don't we all just let the US administration do whatever they want, it's going to happen anyway...

...ahem, and to think I just started a thread about staying positive on the City forum :w00t:

Mozo, if people are troubled, they will stand up for their rights. right now most Brits, Yanks, Europeans, Japanese, and Aussies are happy. they demonstrate when they are pyssed off.

As Daaaarset says Anti War Demos are a matter of your political persuasion. I wouldnt tounch an anti war Demo, and I didnt agree with the invasion of Iraq, or agree with the Israeli onslaught on Lebanon. We were right to go after the Taleban & Al Queda.

Ditto cannabis legalisation, i've had a toke or two in my day, but, its not a big issue.

Education, Housing, Jobs.THEY are important to the masses. and the sags gettin relegated. don't mean your wrong. don't mean youre right. its life

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As Daaaarset says Anti War Demos are a matter of your political persuasion. I wouldnt tounch an anti war Demo, and I didnt agree with the invasion of Iraq, or agree with the Israeli onslaught on Lebanon. We were right to go after the Taleban & Al Queda.

How else are you supposed to oppose wars exactly? If there were a way that British people could have stopped a British invasion of Iraq, perhaps they would have. But we didn't have a choice - what a bloody rubbish democracy.

I don't go to demos, nor have particularly strong political views, but if protests and opinion polls don't get a message across to our loving government then what does?

Blair and Bush seemingly have an agenda and the countries that they supposedly represent rarely get a fair representation of the facts (WMDs etc), let alone a say in matters.

Bush can do as he pleases pretty much, in the long run the US govenments inevitably will.

Not sure how you come to conclude that Brits don't oppose the government because they are happy - what's your evidence. I reckon the fall in numbers that vote is due to apathy and disallusionment, not contentness.

Depends if you believe the news stories about increases in crime, stress, debt, binge-drinking and violence. I guess we're all dandy and getting dandier if they're wrong.

I'm not saying it's all doom and gloom everywhere I go, but politicians are shits and I don't trust a single one. Nor should you ;)

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Does anyone even buy this carp anymore? The guy is a bloody lunatic and a stupid one at that!

Bush Links Hezbollah to UK Terror Plot!

I pity the American people, i really do! :doh:

I really have to take the stance that 'Bush' is not stupid...........................

Shoot me down but he ain't as stupid as many would like to believe?

We seriously might disagree with his politics but he like Blair is not as stupid as we might like to believe.

Dangerous yes....... stupid no.

It would seem to be accepted that many are just not going to fall for all the bullshit from the pair of them and their political machines?

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I really have to take the stance that 'Bush' is not stupid...........................

Shoot me down but he ain't as stupid as many would like to believe?

We seriously might disagree with his politics but he like Blair is not as stupid as we might like to believe.

It would seem to be accepted that many are just not going to fall for all the bullshit from the pair of them and their political machines?

When they're wicked and deceitful it doesn't matter what they're IQs are :whistle:

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Where did he link them other than saying they shared ideologies? And don't they?

In the same way he linked Iraq with 9/11! By repeating the same meaningless nonsense over & over again. Evil doers, Freedom haters, Islamo-Fascists etc. etc.

Any don't they? Well, Hezbollah haven't been linked with a 'terrorist' act in over 10 years & despite what Bristolborn etc. may say do NOT want an Islamic republic in Lebanon, the destruction of Israel (at least not if Israel comply with the UN re Palestine) or even Sharia law? :dunno:

What really get's my goat about the way they (and Bliar) do this is the way the spew these utterly illogical crap and the only ones who'll pull them up on it is Jon Stewart on bloody Comedy Central!

When asked "Why do you think America was attacked on 9/11?" do you know what Booosh answered?

"Because they hate our freedoms!"

What kind of answer is that? What are we like, 6 years old?! :doh:

You do love using misleading link titles... as apparently the bbc do.

Some blame the BBC - I just copied the article title.

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I really have to take the stance that 'Bush' is not stupid...........................

Shoot me down but he ain't as stupid as many would like to believe?

We seriously might disagree with his politics but he like Blair is not as stupid as we might like to believe.

Dangerous yes....... stupid no.

It would seem to be accepted that many are just not going to fall for all the bullshit from the pair of them and their political machines?

I'd disagree with that dude. Bush is a mouthpiece for Cheny, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz etc. Anyone who can't string a sentance together and doesn't know where another country on a map is stupid in my books!

Bliar isn't stupid though - he's just a ****!

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How else are you supposed to oppose wars exactly? If there were a way that British people could have stopped a British invasion of Iraq, perhaps they would have. But we didn't have a choice - what a bloody rubbish democracy.

I don't go to demos, nor have particularly strong political views, but if protests and opinion polls don't get a message across to our loving government then what does?

Blair and Bush seemingly have an agenda and the countries that they supposedly represent rarely get a fair representation of the facts (WMDs etc), let alone a say in matters.

Bush can do as he pleases pretty much, in the long run the US govenments inevitably will.

Not sure how you come to conclude that Brits don't oppose the government because they are happy - what's your evidence. I reckon the fall in numbers that vote is due to apathy and disallusionment, not contentness.

Depends if you believe the news stories about increases in crime, stress, debt, binge-drinking and violence. I guess we're all dandy and getting dandier if they're wrong.

I'm not saying it's all doom and gloom everywhere I go, but politicians are shits and I don't trust a single one. Nor should you ;)

What I meant is that few Brits etc are that bothered enough to demonstrate, as it don't affect them (In their eys-not mine of yours). At least 1million Brits wont demo gainst the war in Iraq-the servicemen, their families and ex servicemen- thats the way it is. When something bugs them ie Poll Tax, then they are out in force. You don't have to demonstrate to be opposed to something.

I only go on what I SEE is happening to make my choices. Things are getting worse these days, and we can all see politicians cant/wont do summat about it...............

And I am an ex serviceman, I NEVER beleive politicians mate, They always put OUR @sses on the line not THEIRS. I beleive what I get told (We are a happy and large breed, and get everywhere)/see for myself.

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I wont get drawn into the politics, but I am privvy from time to time to some good USA military intel. A good friend of mine was a Pentagon staff officer, now retired, but still recieving intel due to his security clearance.

March 2005 I was copied in on a Marine Colonels report from Iraq. The title was " The General Malaise of the USA Army in Iraq.

It was a long report, but the general thrust was the inadequate standards of the basic Army soldiers arriving for duty. Mostly reservists and volunteers from the unemployed and unemployable. Further comment related to "civilian security personnal" hired by civilian agencies in the USA.

When ad's were placed in city's like Dallas, there were 2000+ men waiting in line to apply for these jobs. Mostly ex Gulf war and Vietnam veterans. Not necessarily combat troops, because in war only one in eight men actually see combat. So the word mercenary comes to mind, riding shotgun on trucks protecting warehouses commercial and lower end military installations.

I will not delve into the outcome of a military " General Malaise ", I leave it to your basic intelligence, not have the media reactionaries be your thought police.

If the USA wishes to protect a border, Mexico and Canada would be a start, stopping 1-2 million illegal immigrants a year would save them more than enough to pay for the troops involved in that project.Perhaps Blair could offer some British troops to help.

Who knows, introduce pork pies and we could get America into the Commonwealth


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I wont get drawn into the politics, but I am privvy from time to time to some good USA military intel. A good friend of mine was a Pentagon staff officer, now retired, but still recieving intel due to his security clearance.

March 2005 I was copied in on a Marine Colonels report from Iraq. The title was " The General Malaise of the USA Army in Iraq.

It was a long report, but the general thrust was the inadequate standards of the basic Army soldiers arriving for duty. Mostly reservists and volunteers from the unemployed and unemployable. Further comment related to "civilian security personnal" hired by civilian agencies in the USA.

When ad's were placed in city's like Dallas, there were 2000+ men waiting in line to apply for these jobs. Mostly ex Gulf war and Vietnam veterans. Not necessarily combat troops, because in war only one in eight men actually see combat. So the word mercenary comes to mind, riding shotgun on trucks protecting warehouses commercial and lower end military installations.

I will not delve into the outcome of a military " General Malaise ", I leave it to your basic intelligence, not have the media reactionaries be your thought police.

If the USA wishes to protect a border, Mexico and Canada would be a start, stopping 1-2 million illegal immigrants a year would save them more than enough to pay for the troops involved in that project.Perhaps Blair could offer some British troops to help.

Who knows, introduce pork pies and we could get America into the Commonwealth


I think the standards of education of the average Yank soldier leaves summat to be desired too, if my experience of working with the USAF (Supposedly better) is anything to go by. They have also just raised the upper age of enlistment to 40 too.......REALLY going to get high grade troops that way.

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I think the standards of education of the average Yank soldier leaves summat to be desired too, if my experience of working with the USAF (Supposedly better) is anything to go by. They have also just raised the upper age of enlistment to 40 too.......REALLY going to get high grade troops that way.

There's an old overseas commutor saying about Americans. Their world stops at their coastline. Having lived there off and on for 15 years, I was often appalled by their lack of knowledge relating to any other country. LA to NY and there's your world.

On the military equation, I think I may be the only poster who served with the American Airborne, and the British trained Australian Infantry. Airborne in the USA is considered as elite troops, however the basic footsoldier in the Australian Infantry was and is far more professional in the field. The end result in an operation may have been the same, but the casualty ratio was far less for the Aussies. Using of course British field tactics.

Harry Whiteside the current SAS secretary for NSW Australia, told me recently that educationial standards for recruitment was higher than our days in the 60's.

This is not to rubbish Americans as a race, outside of the big cities, they are warm friendly people, and are getting increasingly world wise with their 24/7 cable news. Although if you watch CNN and Fox news, you could believe they live on different planets, but thats politics............

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There's an old overseas commutor saying about Americans. Their world stops at their coastline. Having lived there off and on for 15 years, I was often appalled by their lack of knowledge relating to any other country. LA to NY and there's your world.

On the military equation, I think I may be the only poster who served with the American Airborne, and the British trained Australian Infantry. Airborne in the USA is considered as elite troops, however the basic footsoldier in the Australian Infantry was and is far more professional in the field. The end result in an operation may have been the same, but the casualty ratio was far less for the Aussies. Using of course British field tactics.

Harry Whiteside the current SAS secretary for NSW Australia, told me recently that educationial standards for recruitment was higher than our days in the 60's.

This is not to rubbish Americans as a race, outside of the big cities, they are warm friendly people, and are getting increasingly world wise with their 24/7 cable news. Although if you watch CNN and Fox news, you could believe they live on different planets, but thats politics............

Which Airborne: 82, 101, or 187 RCT? Also I thought the Aussies pretty much had their own system these days? The Aussie volenteers for the Rhodesian Army, didnt seem to have the same training as our (British Trained) troops....probably much better than ours at most things bar tracking, markmanship, and (obviously) bushcraft.and they caught up with all three VERY quickly. Damn fine troops the Aussies, damned fine.

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Which Airborne: 82, 101, or 187 RCT? Also I thought the Aussies pretty much had their own system these days? The Aussie volenteers for the Rhodesian Army, didnt seem to have the same training as our (British Trained) troops....probably much better than ours at most things bar tracking, markmanship, and (obviously) bushcraft.and they caught up with all three VERY quickly. Damn fine troops the Aussies, damned fine.

173rd Airborne, known as the Herd.I am in the Time/Warner 173rd Airborne biography section.

Aussies had been in Malaya with the Brits for 10 years in their anti communist jungle campaign. Tactics had to be the same due to joint field operations. This changed after Vietnam.

Bucks, just for you. We had a Rhodesian staff officer who moved to Australia. John Essex-Clark, known as The Big E. The common foot soldiers loved him, and he still helps them through the Royal Australian Regiment Association as an active patron.

Now living in Canberra writing another book on military history. I saw him last year at a military reunion at Penrith Australia. No change, still rattling the sabre !

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Which Airborne: 82, 101, or 187 RCT? Also I thought the Aussies pretty much had their own system these days? The Aussie volenteers for the Rhodesian Army, didnt seem to have the same training as our (British Trained) troops....probably much better than ours at most things bar tracking, markmanship, and (obviously) bushcraft.and they caught up with all three VERY quickly. Damn fine troops the Aussies, damned fine.

did you fight in the bush war against the terrs like Bruce grobbelaar?

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