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Matt Haywood

Gerry Gows' Tash

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I know he had an injury problem but for me he was one of the saviours of last season, and was instrumental in the tighter defence which got us from the 9 run losing steak to the point where we had an outside chance of the playoffs. Not only was he commanding at the back, especially in the air, but he chipped in with a few goals from set pieces. I'm not convinced his replacement is as good, and even if he is, by the time the new back 4 beds in we will be chasing the pack again.

I'm not one to moan, especially at this stage of the seaon, but we really seem to be going backwards. I wasn't convinced by our opening day performance, and its gone downhill since, our defence is leaking like an old sieve, one example of many yesterday was where where we win a free kick in the oppositions box, and in less than a minute they had scored, I thought we had put that sort of thing behind us ?? My point is that, in the last third of last season we were hitting the infamous 2 points a game average, which in any league is promotion form, and I was anticipating that form continuing this season, so why have half the team been changed ??

Whats really worrying is that there were no excuses yesterday, a team which hadn't won a point, or scored a goal come to our place and score 4 - Even then we were flattred by the scoreline, that penalty was well dodgy.

Quick wins

Defending is the bedrock of any team, you must build from the back, sort out who is doing what and who is picking up who

Drop Brooker - The court case is understandably praying on his mind, he looks out of form and out of sorts, a rest will do him good

Go back to first principles. 4-4-2 is the only system that consitently works in this league, look at any of the teams promoted in the last few seasons, they all play it

Find each players best position and play them in it consistently - Cole Skuse is not a winger

Get Basso to practice kicking - don't let him go home until he can get it out of our half every time

We need some steel in the midfield which still looks lightweight, Blacjpool walked through at will. Scott Brown may not be the answer long term but he is a conviction player and will run for 90 minutes

Grind out a few results - We need to start playing as a team and getting points on the board, there is a time and a place for pretty football and this is not it

I can see what GJ is trying to do, create a high tempo, passing, counter attacking team, and I am all for it

I just think we are trying to run before we can walk


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Didn't Heywood only play about half of the season last year? I know what you mean about having a lump but didn't our best patch of form come with the currant back 4 we have now when heywood was out injured?

I liked Heywood but until yesterday had been impressed with the Carey and Fontaine partnership. I couldn't see heywood getting much football here especially with Keogh and Mccombe now pressing for places. Not sure if Brentford still play 'kick and whoosh' but if they do Heywood will be more suited to them than what we are trying to play, with the exception of yesterday.

I do agree that the midfield needs a bit of bite though, no nonsense tough tackler. Yes Scott Brown did start the season like that last year but soon faded and himself was injured towards the end wasn't he?

I think sometimes we remember players for being better than they actually were and think having them back will be the answer, sadly it's not always as simple as that.

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