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Court Cases


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In light of the current court cases involving a number of Bristol City players, please can we remind people that, if in any doubt about the information you wish to post, please DO NOT POST IT. Whilst we try hard to keep any libel or slander from this site, your help as a forum member is greatly appreciated.

If we are to find that posts discussing these court cases contain any unwanted information, we will delete the posts. If that doesn't work, we will delete the thread. Anyone who persistantly posts potentially harmful information will have their posting ability suspended. This matter is most serious and requires a little thought from any member wishing to make comment.

We appreciate your help.

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The sooner all this is over the bettter.

It was a contributory factor to last years nine game demise and it could be said that it is having a similar effect this season, judging by results. :(

The legal system seems so interminably protracted. From crime to sentance will take nearly a year, now thats a nonsense.

The players plead guilty, and we await the courts sentances. How long should it take to give community service or other. IMO, a week at most, anything longer and you have to ask how bright are these judges. I am so angry,I am contemplating sending the judge a Gas season ticket, although on reflection he must already have one.

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The legal system seems so interminably protracted. From crime to sentance will take nearly a year, now thats a nonsense.

Indeed, the criminal justice system in this country is now widely regarded as the most corrupt, costly and totally inefficient in Western Europe. :D Not surprising really when you consider that Police Chiefs, Crown Prosecution Service lawyers and judges are mainly toff/snob ex public school boys that, is rumoured, were rather overly familiar with each other in their respective public school dormatories. :D:laugh::shifty:

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