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Goalkeeping Situation

The Casual Connoisseur

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Question: What type of manager buys an injured goalkeeper who will not play until Novemeber? Answer: the type of manager who has adequate back up in the form of his current keeper. This is not us, not by a long shot.

Basso is a clown an absolute joke, what is more laughable however is the farce that seems to be Basso's back up.............it seems to be someone different every week! Who will it be against Northampton. GJ has made a mistake and he really should have brought in a quality keeper as first choice, someone who could adequately challenge Weale for his position come November.

Basso is low on confidence, which hardly fills the defence with confidence, how can they confidently perform with someone who they KNOW will make at least one mistake per game? What happens if Weale has a setback in his comeback or relapses and his debut is put back for another few games? GJ talked of creating cover & competition for places, yet we have no proper goalkeeping cover and absolutely no competition for Basso, ask yourself; which other team in our division would Basso walk into every week, without fail? NONE............The situation is a joke! GJ sort your priorities out NOW before you break Tinmans record of consecutive defeats.

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Totally agree. There's no reason why we can't go out and get an experienced keeper from a Premiership club. Think PhatWill mentioned Jimmy Walker rotting in West Ham's reserves so they are out there.

As for Basso, I've been saying this all along. His form is why no other league team touched him and why he only played 13 games for Woking. Was only a matter of time before his ineptitude was exposed IMO

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Question: What type of manager buys an injured goalkeeper who will not play until Novemeber? Answer: the type of manager who has adequate back up in the form of his current keeper. This is not us, not by a long shot.

Basso is a clown an absolute joke, what is more laughable however is the farce that seems to be Basso's back up.............it seems to be someone different every week! Who will it be against Northampton. GJ has made a mistake and he really should have brought in a quality keeper as first choice, someone who could adequately challenge Weale for his position come November.

Basso is low on confidence, which hardly fills the defence with confidence, how can they confidently perform with someone who they KNOW will make at least one mistake per game? What happens if Weale has a setback in his comeback or relapses and his debut is put back for another few games? GJ talked of creating cover & competition for places, yet we have no proper goalkeeping cover and absolutely no competition for Basso, ask yourself; which other team in our division would Basso walk into every week, without fail? NONE............The situation is a joke! GJ sort your priorities out NOW before you break Tinmans record of consecutive defeats.

Comments are spot apart from GJ may broke his own record of consecutive defeats (not Tinmans)

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I think you'll find that Johnson has the record for consecutive defeats.

The goalkeeping situation is a fiasco. Phillips needed to leave, but not at the expense of the team - if he were still here, he should be in the team for the Northampton game as basso's confidence is shot.

Very poor management by Johnson to get rid of him at that time with no signed up backup, and that isn't hindsight as numerous people stated that on here at the time.

With regard to confidence and loss of form - why is it that the team appear to be demotivated and devoid of confidence ? 4 league games into the season and we appear to be in crisis.

Something is wrong within the set up.

He did have back up but he disslocated his shoulder :blink:

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In answer to your last question I would say, we need a new keeper that will challenge Weale for a first team place and more importantly for the short term, employ confidence to what is now looking like a very shaky back 4.

I don't think Weale should walk straight into the team unchallenged, I want GJ to earn his corn and bring in an adequate GK who is capable of playing first team football!

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Clearly what happened with Phillips is over and Basso is the only one we have got now. I have noticed he has like flashes of brilliance but then moments of madness and that is something that can defiently be unassuring for us. The point I am making is that he has been good once so he has got it in him to be good again - wasn't it many of you before who were rating him above Phillips - what have you got to say now?

As far back as Port Vale away i felt that Basso was at best erratic & that there were already real signs that the defence had little confidence in him.I have seen nothing to change that view. Basso's inclusion in City's team was/is to do with BCFC politics not ability.

He's played 33[?] games, four or five may have been good!

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