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Is This The Turning Point Of Our Season?


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Little rant time, I realize this wont be of much interest to many of you but I'm just going to go on a little typing spree where I write without really thinking. I tend to piss people off when I write a rant so in advance I am sorry but this is straight from the heart. :blush:

Anyone else glad that they arnt a Bristol City fan tonight?

Hell I don't blame you (Unless like Fudger you support the gayers) as what I saw tonight really had me questioning if I could really be bothered to watch football anymore.

I am City till I die, but when you hear some of the roumers I have heard this week about your clubs manager apparently kicking a loanee defender in the stomach the season before after a game and the ongoing court case off the pitch things things were already low for me off the pitch.

Add that to the way we had started the season up until tonights game I was already having doubts about where we were going this season. It really does test you.

So sat down tonight, watching the game, hell I wish I was there, don't know how sky fans can do it, this is not a pop at you but god I missed the smell of cheap burgers and the feeling in your feat as the cold slowly got a grip on you.

Then after a decent start we go one-nil down, OK not time to hit panic buttons just yet as I felt we had been on top, and I was rewarded for my Patience as Jevons slotted home a penalty.

We were pretty much on top in the first half but to wards the end Northampton started looking like they were getting a grip on the game, then Basso pulled off a great save if he didn't maybe what happened next wouldn't have happened, but would that have been for the better or for worst.

I think had that goal gone in and we went 2-1 down everyone would once more of looked at everyone else and to be honest we would have been flattened.

As it was however Orr got in a scrape with Carey over well... No one is really sure. I think the passion just got upon Orr and he lost it.

So we go in at half time and I am seriously considering not watching the second half after that disgraceful scene, however I pull myself to do it and what I saw has really uplifted me.

It reminded me of the Chesterfield game last season when we lost 4-2, everyone knew we had to pull together again and boy didn't they do it.

Everyone from Brooker to the kit man gave one hundred percent and the lads really pulled together and at last we looked like something we had not looked like all season. Not just 11 individuals a unit.

I cant help but think that this is the turning point for our season, things have to get worse before they get better and you don't get much worse than when one of your favorite players trys to batter your clubs vice captain.

There is still a lot of work that needs to be done and a lot of issues that need to be readdressed, but hopefully this is the start of something bright.

We need to get Russell back in the team as well and Gary definitely needs a new left winger either that or go as I keep saying to 3-5-2.

On the issue of Orr.

To be honest you only have to look at the difference between the reaction of Orr and Carey compared to a certain 2 Newcastle players of a couple years back.

Orr is clearly upset at what he did, he knows he was in the wrong and he you could see he just wanted to cry right there and then, fair play to the kid you cant ask for more than that, he loves the club just as much as everyone of us fans do and I really hope he can come back from this a stronger man.

He almost bought me to tears as well the little ****.

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